Thursday, July 14, 2011

ugly truths

there is strong evidence of crime by republicans to convince congress to approve the iraq war. do you ever wonder why obama is not doing anything about it? that's because on issues that really matter for the country oligarchs are the true power.

look, 5 thousand of our best men and women died in iraq. if the war on iraq was really useless and purely corporate greed of bush cronies, then bush should be hanged. i mean if you smack a soldier in the face for no reason you could go to jail. but bush indirectly murdered 5 thousand soldiers just for corporate profit and is still being honored and respected. maybe there's more to the iraq war than we know.

morality is what the world wants to be. economy is what the world really is.

we should all take a side on all issues but my point is most people are unrealistic about their reason for their choice. normally a person would say we should kill bin laden because he is evil. i say we should kill bin laden because he is a threat to our way of life so even if he is good and we are evil we should still kill him.

morality is just a luxury we can afford. for example if your family is starving to death you normally won't hesitate to steal food if that's your only option. that is why i believe liberalism is a mental disorder  because most liberals would rather starve to death than steal food. having said that if the world was made up of all liberals earth would be like heaven. i actually love liberals - i trust them, i like them to marry my sister, they are great educators and professors, they usually are talented entertainers and musicians and they are usually great healers and doctors, etc ... but they cannot be leaders in an atmosphere of "survival of the fittest".

america should have a liberal leader when there is budget surplus and our country is strong. but not right now. a liberal leader gives america a good image which promotes american products which in turn helps the american economy.

there are many types of leaders and different situations calls for different leadership types. that is why winston churchil lost the UK election in 1945 right after leading them to victory in world war 2. his leadership style was not needed anymore. the english did not use their emotions to dictate their vote. that is amazing. no wonder why UK has dominated the world for the last thousand years.

another example is if ghandi or nelson mandela was the president of america in WWII would they have chosen to go to war? most likely not meaning hitler could have succeeded.

rich countries like america tends to be or at least seems to be the moral leaders promoting democracy and other values. but why can america afford this? by profiting from the biggest evil in the history of mankind - slavery. if you own a factory with free labor you become very rich and powerful. america did this for 300 years. enslaving just one human his whole life is already an unimaginable evil - imagine doing this to millions of people for 300 years.

also  america got free land by massacering the indians to near extinction. of course there never was a grand evil plan it happened like a natural osmosis. also the indians where already whacking each other before the white people came - the whites were just better at it. but still it was land grabbing.

the free land and labor generated gigantic capital for america which they were able to pour into the industrial age. as we know capital is king in an industrial economy. so we were able to afford a very big and untouchable military so naturally business interests would take advantage to control and obtain very cheap raw materials all over the world - oil, rubber, cotton, copper, etc ... this is just human nature.

so what happened to the smaller industrial nations like germany and japan? they got squeezed out. the businessmen in america had no direct intention of screwing japan or germany. they were just taking advantage of what was legal and possible - exercising the human spirit. and since japan's economy was already dependent for these resources, it got to a point where their only option was to do a surprise attack on pearl harbor or the whole nation starves.

do you really think a great nation such as japan would be too stupid to bomb pearl harbor? it was only their best option to even have a glimmer of hope for the survival of their country. japan or america is neither bad nor good, we are all humans trying our best to survive. do you ever wonder why after the war the 2 countries immediately became best friends? the answer is the leaders of america japan and germany read this blog. contrast this to the never ending chaos in the middle east where the leaders in the middle east have not read my blog yet.

similarly, the german people supported hitler out of desperation from poverty and suffering from the economic squeeze from the much powerful america and it's allies. and of course the germans did not know hitler was going to gas the jews.

why are my writings not in the school text books? because it's in the best interest of our country to shield our children from the ugly truth so that the children can grow up believing we are the guardians of good so they will enlist in the military, etc ... anyone who includes my writings in school textbooks should be jailed for treason. we should teach our children that the civil war was to free the slaves even if that was not the real reason.

so as long as you are living in america you are benefiting from a great evil so get off your moral high horse. after reading history i realized in the known world there really is no such thing as good and evil - just winners and losers. of course if there is a god who punishes evil doers then there really is such a thing as good and evil. but we don't know that. if you are religious it does make sense to base your political views on good and evil but what amazes me is that a lot of left wing liberals who are so concerned with good and evil do not even believe in god. left wing liberals are probably just selfless people who just wants to do what is good. i bow to them and say i'm not worthy.

gengis khan, roman empire, etc ... they commited the most henious evil but are now honored as great people of history because they were really just the winners in the world were everyone was trying to do what they were doing - they were just the most competent.

hitler did not lose because he was evil but because united states was simply more powerful and lucky enough that hitler did not get his hands on the jet and atom bomb technology earlier than us.

don't get me wrong i'm not saying we should all stop helping people and start robbing banks. what i'm saying is don't hide from the ugly truth,  use your best judgement and avoid emotional decisions - going against your emotions can be short term pain but long term benefits.

israel is just doing their best to protect themselves. of course if you have family in palestine you should support israel's destruction but if your stake in the conflict is simply belief of good and evil then you are just wasting your efforts because the palestinians would do exactly what israel is doing if they get a chance so in the end they are all the same and israel just happens to be more competent. so in the final analysis supporting the arabs is really just supporting incompetence.

america is not evil. everyone is trying to do or would like to do what america is doing. america is just better at it. but of course if your daughter just got obliterated by a stray american missile then by all means dedicate your whole life to america's destruction. that makes sense. what does not make sense is people who hate america even if they are not victims or collateral damage from america's natural acts. what makes me laugh are those people who hate america while benefiting and enjoying from america's imperialistic nature.

another reason not to get too riled up with politics is that sometimes bad things can lead to great things. for example slavery made america powerful enough to beat hitler so it's possible that without slavery humans right now would all be white people speaking germans. so just do your best and hope for the best but think twice before making sacrifices for others.

before wasting your life supporting a moral politician, you have to know that moral people usually don't have the guts to do the necessary evils. the problem is that humans are imperfect and the most important thing for society is stability.

for example in the philippines, even if you come from a family living in poverty if you go to the free public schools and study hard you will get a good education and give your family a decent standard of living. this is a fact. there is no problem with availability of education, just most kids not wanting to go to school.

so the most important responsibility for a government really is just stability. but humans are imperfect and in any society there are always elements that can easily screw up the stability or peace and order. if the moral politician can only do good things and don't have the guts to do the necessary evil, then society could easily implode and fall apart.

you have to realize that what really improves society is economic progress. corruption is not really a big of an issue most people would like to believe.  for example all of erap's corruption did not even make a dent to our nation's gdp. the problem with erap was lack of confidence and instability he brought to the markets.

what contributes to economic progress? the answer is investments. most people want to believe that morality and good and simply eliminating corruption is the answer bad sadly it's not. the key to a thriving society is it's ability to create and honor CONTRACTS. if you look at messed up countries you will notice their people's inability to create and honor contracts - which hinders investments, economic progress and standard of living. even during the wild wild west days of california if you discover oil and obtain a contract for ownership even if you are a weakling no one, not even a gang of thugs will take that from you because everyone is aware contracts are the lifeblood of society.

let me give you an example from personal experience. i go home to philippines planning to invest. i realized planting coffee is the best option for me. coffee shops are like legal crack dens and nestle assures they will buy my harvest at market price. unlike other crops,  you only need to plant coffee once and just harvest it twice a year for the next 50 years. maintenance is very easy and cheap. for each hectar i can easily rake in around $1.5 thousand dollars a year. i could use 5 hectares that my family owns so i should be able to rake in around $7.5k a year.

everything sounds great right? so my aunt hires one of the local farmers to help us get started with the project. at the end of the meeting the farmer asks for some guns and ammunitions because he says our farm will never be successful unless we kill certain people living in the area because they will try to steal the harvest or terrorize the workers. holy cow it's not worth it so we cancelled the whole plan. i'm lucky i don't need the money. what if i had kids to support on their way to expensive colleges? i probably  would have blood in my hands right now.

now if you are an elected leader, what will you do to solve the problem? when i was in school i was taught that warlordism was just pure evil. now i realize that maybe warlords are a necessary solution to a society with too many fucked up individuals. as society matures and improves warlords will naturally fade without anyone getting hurt or even knowing change is happening. i see this in many towns in my province cebu.

the problem is most progressive liberals think that most people are like them - good, educated, does the right thing, etc ... but sadly that's not the case. so they end up sacrificing their lives helping people who are literally screw ups. on the other hand the problem with ulra right wing conservatives is that they are too paranoid to the point that they stifle progress, happiness and freedom. so there has to be a balance.

also don't blame the politician, blame the voters. erap won in a fair election. people who make fun at erap are just cowards because they should be making fun at those who voted for him but they can't because they don't have the guts. i mean do you think any person who is handed the presidency will refuse it because he has no college degree? again another case of blaming the shark for biting a person.

many of my silicon valley friends are top graduates from top universities of the world. they laughed at me when we went out to lunch and they found out one of my radio preset buttons in my car was set to the o reilly show. they said o'reilly is an evil jerk and i should not be listening to him. i told them what they thought of the actor sean penn? they said sean penn was a cool guy and good person. i then asked if you only had 2 choices of who will raise your child, o'reilly or sean penn who will you choose? at first they were speechless and later admitted it was ok to listen to o'reilly.

right wing shows say what the world actually is. the problem with the left is they make decisions assuming the world already is what they want it to be. on the other hand the problem with the right is they make decisions assuming changing the world to what they want it to be is too risky. the left and the right both agree on what they want the world to be, that is why in the end, the soviets and the west ended in peace.

another thing most people fail to realize is that in life there is no such thing as a free lunch. labor unions are great for protecting the rights of workers but very bad for attracting business and investments. in the past labor unions were great but now that we have stiff competition from china, maybe we should tone them down a little at least temporarily.

when we look at a problem it would help if we are willing to look at the ugly truths underlying the problem. for example the drug war in mexico where the drug lords are overpowering the government. i've read many articles about it and no one has attempted to analyze the root of the problem. the root of the problem has nothing to do with mexicans and their incompetence. in fact it's another example of the strength and resolve of the human spirit for economic security. nature always allocates a certain percentage of the population to have mental disorder or be predisposed to drug abuse. america is not exempt from nature's forces and americans have lots of money. the result is $40 billion in illegal drug trade. mexico just happens to be in the best position to tap into that $40 billion.

9/4/14 facebook post

i support obama's handling of ISIS crisis. if i was the father of the beheaded journalist, i would just say my son was swimming in shark infested waters and he got eaten by a shark. it was his choice. however, if any american gets harmed in places that are not suppose to be "shark infested", then it's time for "shark annihilation and extinction".

ISIS is actually helping america neutralize a bigger and more dangerous enemy - iran and the shiites (who could develop nukes if they become powerful enough). the journalists who go to the middle east are usually leftwing liberals who hate america and want to help the arabs and muslims from their false fantasy of "american tyranny". but then again, ISIS could get out of hand and another 9/11 could happen. but there is no clear cut solution . it's too complicated.

2/26/14 facebook post

keep in mind that if this becomes worse, china invading the philippines IS THE RIGHT THING TO DO for china. being hated by world is always a better choice if the other only alternative is famine. your history teachers did not teach you this is the same situation with japan and germany in world war 2.

(for more of my knowledge bombs, click the "ian's knowledge bombs" banner at the top of this article and choose any article in the table of contents that piques your interest)

1 comment:

  1. you're right ian. when middle east uses up all it's reserves. dubai has no more. USA might be the only country left in the world with fuel.
