Friday, August 18, 2017

why i don't have thousands of foster kids

it TORTURES me whenever i have to REFUSE people or animals who need my help. i even spend lots of time and effort neutering and spaying every stray dog and cat i see because i can't stand seeing them starve due to overpopulation. but don't get me wrong. i don't mind killing someone who is a traitor or evil person.

i've never really refused a kid who needs parenting. everyone knows i never refuse a kid who needs parenting. so why is it there were no THOUSANDS of kids lining up to be my foster kid?

first of all, the NEGLIGENT parent EPIDEMIC was only a symptom of the drug epidemic. after duterte killed the drug lords, most drug addict parents became more functional parents. 

in 2014, i went out to buy balut (duck eggs) at midnight. i was shocked to see a very beautiful 16 year old girl walking the dangerous streets that late. she smiled at me and i gave her some balut. she told me she hasn't eaten for 2 days because she is running away from her uncle who tried to rape her. she has no mother and her dad is in jail. her grandmother is taking care of her but is already 85 years old. her grandmother was well known in the barrio so her request to make me the legal GUARDIAN of her granddaughter jovelyn was granted.

jovelyn was a POPULAR kid so her facebook postings of her living with me reached lots of other kids. i became known as the old fart who helps kids. my biggest fear was having to refuse kids who need help because there's too many of them. i had nightmares of thousands of kids lining up outside my house asking for help. it's been 10 years and there were only very few kids who came to me asking for help. i thought i just got very lucky. but actually it wasn't luck.

there really NEVER was a SHORTAGE of relatives and neighbors who would be happy to take in kids with drug addict parents. public schools have free tuition so the only expense is just food and clothes (which you can buy super cheap at second hand stalls called ukay-ukay). most kids enjoy doing chores around the house so a foster kid is actually more of an asset than an expense. 

i noticed it's only the beautiful kids who choose the destructive paths. i think it's because they were SPOILED and treated like a princess all their life due to their exceptionally good looks. they can easily get what they want when they were younger because their wants were not expensive such as CHEAP toys and junk food. 

as they become teenagers, their wants become more and more EXPENSIVE such as latest smartphones and brand name clothes. so they live with a drug dealer who can give them everything they want. these drug dealers are just as young as them and also good looking. why in the world would they live with a disgusting old fart like me who won't let them have junk foods and softdrinks and who will only buy them ukay-ukay clothes and obsolete gadgets from ebay?

however, there are the RARE few who can't stand to be near anything related to drugs because they know it's what destroyed their parents. they hate the drug dealers even if all the girls have a crush on these drug dealers. most of these rare few girls are scared of me and DISGUSTED at me so they would rather live with a strict relative or live in charity and government homes for kids. at first they hate the food and lack of freedom but it doesn't take long for them to become adjusted and bond with their relative or social workers.

sometimes they would cut school and visit my house because they are friends with my foster kids. they actually ADORE ME. they will just scream and freak out if i go near them. one time one of the kids wanted to tell me a funny story. i teased her by saying i need to go near her to hear her story because i have bad hearing. she told me that she would rather not tell the story. these situations really crack me up because i'm such a bully.

the very rare few who begged me to live in my house are not disgusted at me. ironically, most of them are lesbians and have girlfriends. those who are not lesbians told me they are a little bit attracted to me. they keep scolding me for not dressing and grooming well. at first i did not believe them but then i remember when i was a kid i was attracted to lots of old adults. i know boys are different than girls but then i realized there are always overlaps and STATISTICAL OUTLIERS. example, humans normally are attracted to the opposite sex but there are outliers who are attracted to the same sex. men are normally physically stronger than women but there are lots of women who are stronger than men.

when i was a kid, my fantasies were usually teachers. in elementary school it was miss tan and miss luzon. in high school it was miss alino. i can only imagine. if i had no parents and i was suffering poverty and my teacher crush adopted me, it would have been like winning the LOTTERY.

however, i was shocked when one of my foster kids told me to wear slippers when we were going to the mall because she finds my feet attractive. i have a feeling she will become a MASS MURDERER because she already has a foot fetish at a very young age and she is not even ashamed of it.

ironically, it's the kids who find me disgusting who become my GIRLFRIENDS when they turn 18. so now i have lots of very beautiful girlfriends. my foster kids naturally move on to have good jobs, get married, and have kids. 

keep in mind all these kids had very TRAUMATIC childhoods due to their drug addict parents. you need exceptional competence to parents these kids to have a decent future. you can't expect social workers to have exceptional competence and troubleshooting skills or else they would be corporate executives.

if i reject them, then they will just find another old fart who will probably abuse them and hurt them. with me, i will treat them like family for life. if i just give them money with nothing in return, they will SQUANDER the money and they will come back the next week. if they have sex with me, it brainwashes them into thinking money is hard to come by so they become more responsible and they will actually allow me to mentor them so they can reform and find a stable job, find a good husband, and have kids.

my foster kids are better survivors because i teach them to READ. i let them choose their favorite topic whether it's fashion or fairy tale. they start with just 1 sentence a day. they use google translate for the words they don't understand. they have to translate the sentence to me in our dialect. later on, they can do a paragraph, then a page. next thing you know they can read an entire book.

i also encourage them to learn more about a word whose translation they can't grasp. example if they come across the word "jupiter", they will have to spend a WEEK learning about planets, solar system, galaxy, and the universe. there really is just one subject in elementary and high school, and that's reading. all other subjects such as science, math and art are just grasping the meaning or concept of more complicated words.

if i become the secretary of education it will be very catastrophic to the establishment and power elites because the country will become like norway or sweden were most people have the ability to be well INFORMED and vote for good leaders.

i also teach them WORK ETHIC. i brainwash them into thinking fame and status is just an illusion that's why many of their idols are suffering from drug addiction. i brainwash them to idolize hardworking folks such at the security guard in the mall and construction laborers. however, i teach them to never work full time. just work part time because their childhood trauma weakened their emotional stamina to persevere. full time work can easily burn them out and give them a negative attitude towards work. always leave work still wanting to work some more.

i also teach them that it's better to marry a bad husband with a GOOD FAMILY than a good husband with a bad family. a good family means the elders are very caring and economically stable. even if their bad husband dumps them, if they have a child with that bad husband then they are set for life if the family is good. that's because the elders of a good family will love their child to death. and they know that for the child to be happy, the mother also has to be happy and not suffer poverty. so all they have to do is help around the house and make themselves invaluable. when their kid is grown up, most likely the kid has a good education and can take care of them when they are old. 

i even tell them that they are luckier than me because they have kids who will take care of them when they are TOO OLD to work. then they tell me they will be the ones to take care of me. then i tell them they really don't have to. all i want is for them to take good care of themselves.

as for the lesbians, i find them a high paying job abroad and teach them to treat their NEPHEWS and NEICES like their own children so they have someone to take care of them when they are old. if they really want kids, i offered to artificially inseminate them with lawyer/doctor/engineer donors from the sperm bank when they are 30+ years old.

the good news is that if establishment candidates keep winning elections, there's a good chance for a NUCLEAR WAR and there is no more need to worry about the future :-)

(for more of my knowledge bombs, click the "ian's knowledge bombs" title at the top of this article and choose any article in the table of contents that piques your interest. for more on this issue, click the black-adam article.)

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