Tuesday, December 26, 2017

new year whistle knowledge bombs

12/26/17 facebook post:

we all heard new year celebration horror stories. so we play it safe and just let our kids play with roman candles or never let them hold a firecracker. not so fast ...

1) the son of my father's classmate in ateneo lost his arm when the supposedly harmless roman candle exploded. it's not hard to imagine - during the manufacturing a disgruntled or mischievous employee hopped up on meth or shabu could stuff the roman candle with an explosive powder instead of sparklers.

2) my childhood friend in gemsville, his alias was hapon, became bulhog or lost vision in one eye when we were playing with whistle bombs. the whistle bomb did not explode in his hands he was about 10 feet away which is suppose to be a safe distance. i remember him saying something got in his eye and we all thought it was nothing and we even continued to play with more whistle bombs but the next day he was already blind in one eye. he was one of my favorite friends unfortunately like most of my childhood friends he died years ago in a drug related violence.

3) don't be fooled by sparklers. they are supposed to be safe because they are made for kids. but they can backfire and burn your fingers. watch the following video:

if you are a brain dead ideologue like far left democrats and far right republicans, then you should hate fire crackers and never play with any of them. but if you are a pragmatic like donald trump then you will still enjoy fire crackers but you will NEVER HOLD THEM with your hands. donald trump will just lay it down and light it using a long bbq grill lighter to be safe and he will WEAR GOGGLES to protect his eyes. unless if it's something really small like a watusi, small sparklers for kids or even those small elibentadors. trump is very concerned with safety that's why he never drinks or smokes. he values human life that is why he withdrew from the paris climate accord so that we can all safely be wiped out from the face of this earth.

when i was just a kid (10 years ago), i hated watusi because it was so lame and cheap but it was all that i can afford so i still played with them. ironically nowadays, i can afford the biggest and coolest firecrackers but now my favorite is the watusi. maybe it's because as you grow older and wiser you are able to see the hidden beauty in the more simple and mundane things in life. and the wonderful smell of the watusi smoke gives me an uber nostalgic feeling. it brings back awesome childhood memories (i repeat, that was 10 years ago). i'm still a 50 year old butthead without his beavis. unfortunately watusi is harder to find because the smoke is very toxic.

one last knowledge bomb about new year's celebration. if you really want to celebrate by firing your gun in the air, make sure you shoot at a vertical or 90 degree angle with respect to the ground so it takes longer for the bullet to return to the ground and give more time for air resistance to slow down the bullet so by the time the bullet reaches the ground it already lost 99% of it's energy and velocity so it's not that dangerous anymore. however, celebratory aerial firing is still very very dangerous and illegal and you should report anyone who does this because they usually are too drunk to fire at a perfect vertical. even if they are not drunk if they make a mistake and fire a bullet at a 45 degree angle, the bullet could potentially kill anyone when it returns to the ground. especially those high powered automatics like ak-47 which can be difficult to control and hold steady.

btw, the long and grueling countdown begins again. 354 days. actually just 330 days because on dec 1 we are already in the zone. although not as grueling as this countdown - https://www.tickcounter.com/countdown/1611151200000/america-new_york/yodhms/FFFFFF3B5998000000FF0000/Time_Until_Trump_Leaves_Office. the trump countdown timer clock was the biggest selling gift item in amazon this year.

actually, christmas may be over for most of you but for me i have another christmas to celebrate on january 7 (knowledge bomb here is that half of the christians around the world celebrate christmas on jan 7).

to my idols in the NSA who will be reading this facebook post because it contains the words "bomb" and "trump", HAPPY NEW YEAR !!!

(for more of my knowledge bombs, click the "ian's knowledge bombs" banner at the top of this article and choose any article in the table of contents that piques your interest)

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