Saturday, August 4, 2018

secret friendship of dinesh and obama

i'm sure obama and dinesh are secret friends because obama basically gave dinesh a very big gift.  i didn't know who dinesh was until obama's administration sued him for a very measly campaign finance violation. the controversy made dinesh more well known. in fact i got to know dinesh when he was interviewed at CNN about this controversy. when i googled his name and watched his youtube videos i was blown away by his brilliance and became a fan.

any normal person with common sense would actually be impressed by dinesh at his campaign finance violation because it was a beautiful display of friendship. dinesh clearly did not have any criminal or corrupt intent. his long time friend had no chance of winning and he just wanted to show support to his friend. it's not like dinesh is some real estate magnate who needs favors from politicians. any normal person would think dinesh was being victimized by the president. you can't say obama was just strictly following the law because we all know democrats protect illegal immigrants from prosecution. and we all know many democrats committed the same level of campaign contribution violation but was never prosecuted by obama.

this blunder is similar to UC berkeley students rioting to protest milo yiannopoulos. the students basically helped milo become famous. if i was dinesh i would have been the happiest man in the world when i knew president obama's administration was suing me. it proved that dinesh is a serious threat to obama's ideology or policies. as yanis said, "if i was a crazy left-wing lunatic, they wouldn't have been afraid of me". obama gave dinesh more relevance or legitimacy and a bigger platform. if cenk uygur will be prosecuted by trump for jay walking, cenk would also be the happiest person in the world. unfortunately for cenk, trump is not as dumb as obama. i even think trump is a good person because he keeps jousting with cnn reporter jim acosta. my stupid friends think trump is bullying jim acosta. i tell them you morons trump is making jim acosta the happiest man in the world. if trump truly hates jim acosta he would simply ignore him.

my batchmate in high school posted in facebook commending meryl streep for her braveness in speaking up to president trump during the oscars. THAT'S NOT BRAVE !!! nothing bad will ever happen to meryl streep because she criticized trump !!! we are not living in some rogue nation in africa !!! in fact SO MANY GOOD THINGS WILL ACTUALLY HAPPEN TO MERYL STREEP because she criticized tump. her colleagues and everyone in hollywood will love her even more.

i don't remember bush or trump ever using government resources to harass their critics. trump only uses twitter but does not actually prosecute them. it's not like trump only goes after little guys. he even fired the top dog in the oil industry rex tillerson and berated him on twitter.

all ideologies have their pros and cons. the big weapon in the leftist and liberal arsenal is that they are suppose to be kind or humane.  by prosecuting dinesh, obama destroyed the most important weapon in the liberal arsenal. not only that obama was basically saying that if you criticize him you better be afraid. isn't free speech a liberal or leftist thingy?

the icing on the cake is that dinesh' sentence was only 8 months of community confinement. i mean he is a writer so community confinement is really not a big deal. it's not like dinesh is an avid scuba diver or mountain hiker. but if i was dinesh, even if i had to spend 5 years in jail, it would still have been all worth it.

i also saw a debate between cenk and dinesh in politicon where cenk repeatedly highlights that dinesh is a convicted felon. cenk was basically telling the world to google for the details of the case so more and more people will be impressed at dinesh. this is another proof that the more left you are in the political spectrum, the more clueless you are about human nature. although at least leftists are more knowledgeable about human nature compared to libertarians like me because at least leftists know that infants don't want to die of malnutrition.

i guess human intelligence is like human athleticism. there are athletes who can lift insanely heavy objects but easily gets out run by a 12 year old girl in a 100m dash. i have a golfing buddy who is a neuro surgeon but is bizarrely anti gay. i'm sure obama is more intelligent than me in many ways because he went to harvard and even became the president of the harvard law review. i can never get in to harvard to save my life. so maybe me criticizing obama is like a 12 year old girl out sprinting a olympic gold medalist in weightlifting.

i understand we all make mistakes. but this is not like locking you keys in the car or forgetting to turn the lights off. obama and eric holder had months to think about it. don't the white house have hundreds of brilliant staffs that could have called their attention on this blunder? maybe it's true that if you are knowledgeable and smart then you work for the private sector and get rich but if you are knowledgeable but dumb then you work for the government.

CNN is even stupider. instead of sweeping this dirt under the rug, they thought it was a good idea to defend obama by exposing dinesh as a racist. BAD CHESS MOVE !!! even if they succeeded in exposing dinesh as a racist, they basically gave up their king in exchange for a pawn - Pardoned commentator and anchor spar over Obama attacks. what blows my mind is that cnn has not taken down this video. they probably think the video is good for obama and bad for dinesh.

(for more of my knowledge bombs, click the "ian's knowledge bombs" banner at the top of this article and choose any article in the table of contents that piques your interest)

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