Monday, September 10, 2018

a woman is not a property

"a woman is not a property" - this is not exactly a knowledge bomb for me but it seems to me as if it's a knowledge bomb to most people.

when orlando bloom punched justin beiber for flirting with his girlfriend, everyone in facebook was condemning beiber. i told them they should be condemning orlando bloom instead for treating his girlfriend like a brain dead property who can't decide for herself. orlando bloom should have talked to his girlfriend first saying something like:

"honey, i love you but i don't like it when another guy flirts with you. so may i request the next time someone flirts with you to tell him to stop? (unless it's a hot chic flirting with you then please don't ask her to stop and call me because i wanna watch)."

then if the guy continues to flirt even if your girlfriend told him to stop, that's the time you punch the guy. women are not like cars where if you borrow someone's car without permission you have the right to get mad. women have a mind of their own and can speak for themselves. so your first reaction should be to be upset with your girlfriend for allowing the guy to flirt with her (if that is the case).

however, if your girlfriend continues to allow the guy to flirt with her, then you punch your girlfriend. just kidding !!! actually the appropriate way to handle this is to talk to your girlfriend and say something like this:

"honey, unless the guy hypnotized you or threatened to harm you if you won't allow him to flirt with you, i'm sorry but we can't be together. i am not angry at you. i respect your freedom to think for yourself and make your own choices. i hope you will not be mad at me because i'm also just exercising my freedom to make my own choices. maybe there are guys who would be ok with you flirting, but not me. i hope we can continue to be good friends. i will always be your friend and will always be available to help you as a friend".

what if the woman is your wife? if you don't have kids, do the same thing and get a divorce. it's always a case by case basis just keep in mind you have the right to be happy. you only live once.

however, if you have kids, then you should be angry at the guy and your wife. even if your wife is in love with the guy. they may have the right to profess their love for each other, but no one has the right to ruin the life of a child. let the guy know that he basically just hurt and ruined your child's life. it's your duty to protect your child. you now have the moral license to take appropriate actions. it's up to you. it's always a case by case basis.

(for more of my knowledge bombs, click the "ian's knowledge bombs" banner at the top of this article and choose any article in the table of contents that piques your interest)

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