Thursday, May 2, 2019

apple falling far from the tree

i can't think of a way to convince my imaginary readers that i'm not trying to offend anyone. maybe if i criticize the people i love the most, it will convince the reader i'm just trying to help.

my dad has some similarity to the admirable and highly respected intellectuals. he is an eisenhower fellow. he has  a double masters degree from the university of wisconsin on economics and urban management. he was an honest, well loved and respected high ranking philippine government official in economic development. billions of dollars flowed through his hands yet today he just asked me for money to buy cigarettes and load for his cellphone. he is literally penniless. his honesty was his downfall because the powerful elites got angry when the UN would only release the billions of funds for the water dam projects directly to him or else corruption will eat away the funds as it dwindles down the hierarchy before it reaches him. thank god his vision was realized because now our province is not experiencing water shortages unlike the rest of the country.

my dad relied on australian consultants for expertise. sometimes the consultants became like family. years later one of the consultants got divorced and came back to the philippines. i remember him crying in front of my dad.

my dad also proposed a light rail system for cebu city 30 years ago similar to singapore. but my dad had to retire shortly after that and the city government never implemented his plans. nowadays, you keep hearing people bitching about traffic and the government's lack of foresight and foreskin to anticipate the economic growth. i wonder if the auto/oil/tire multinationals and IMF austerity demands blocked his plans similar to the LA conspiracy ---

my dad also helped the farmers in our region climb out of poverty by teaching them techniques to farm steep terrain. the new found economic prosperity of the farmers eliminated their need to join the communist insurgency. so the communist guerrillas massacred the employees of my dad (nefarious bloodbath). thank god my dad wasn't present during the massacre. i remember for many weeks my dad was on the evening news being interviewed. i was living in constant fear and sleepless nights. the security provided for my dad was abysmal. 3 years before the massacres my classmates had a field trip to that same place to learn about farming techniques. i remember running up and down the hill with my classmate monique lhuiller who is now a famous fashion designer rubbing elbows with hollywood celebrities. i wish marcos was as brutal as suharto and wiped out the communists. chomsky would have been happy because the communists wiped out the libertarian socialist in 1936 catalonia. i became an apostate like whittaker chambers. the maoist guerillas were no different than the libertarian socialists (libsoc) who burned churches and executed priests in 1936 catalonia spain.

of all his spectacular achievements, my dad can't even succeed in a small cafeteria business where many uneducated people easily prosper. when i came home to visit and first saw my parent's cafeteria, i was horrified at the inefficiencies that i immediately noticed.

we have a family corporation and it just baffles me how negligent ALL my elders are on supposedly trivial but vital matters such as documentation, organization of important documents and diversifying assets. they are suppose to be highly educated yet i am astounded by their ineptness. they are now quarreling like immature children. our family's apartment complex worth P20 million ($400k) got sequestered by the government because they can't get their acts together and pay the P1.2 million in back taxes. when i even say a word to try to help them they will explode in anger as if i am a cruel person trying to disrespect them. but now i realize that even if they give me a chance to speak, they won't have an ounce of a clue what i'm trying to say because they are just, i hate to say it - stupid. i love my elders so it's not like i was thrilled to realize this. by no stretch of the imagination was that the case. but this is what happens when the majority takes over and the opulent minority becomes the meddlesome spectator or bewildered herd. 

(update 8/22/21: luckily for the majority, i (the minority) took over with an iron fist, using my cash horde to become a dictator (court appointed administrator). at first there was anger and resentment towards me. but now everyone is happy i literally saved hundreds of millions worth of properties and now they are all multi millionaires. my biggest accomplishment in life is to convince a man dying of thirst to drink water.  that's how pathetic i am. i have very negative charisma that i have to climb mount everest just to convince a man dying of thirst to drink water. my elders are suppose to be very smart, educated, and highly respected members of the community. but why is it they suddenly become like dumb cats and dogs fighting each other when they have to work together? i will explain later. but first, here's how i managed to tame the majority. i used a very simple collaboration tool. a wiki page -

my elder's behavior made me realize maybe it's a good thing that america is not a true democracy. my elders are still smarter than most people i meet in america. in hayward california, my nickname in Weekes park basketball court was "college kid".  when someone asked about the jersey i was wearing, i told them it's my college jersey. they were so amazed that i went to college. they even announced it to all the people who were having a picnic in the park that day. every since then, they called me "college kid".

a true democracy is more of a flat structure. it seems my elders can only function in a hierarchical environment. they can work well with their superiors and people they manage. maybe we are just like a colony of ants. i watched a high school basketball game near my house between a rich private school (springdale) and a poor public school (lahug) and they were so respectful and courteous to each other. as if the the rich kids subconsciously sensed the poor kids will one day be their valuable employees and the poor kids subconsciously sensed the rich kids will one day be their benevolent bosses. but when springdale played against another rich private school (ateneo), a brawl almost ensued. the hostilities continued outside a bar in a place called crossroads. they were throwing bottles at each other. although a soccer brawl also broke out between ateneo and a middle class team alcoy. but alcoy was a far away road team so it could be a case of tribal mentality overwhelming the hierarchical harmony (

this is probably why stalin easily hijacked the flatter power structure of worker's councils. true democracy is more unstable because people tend to not cooperate with each other if they are given equal status. this explains why there had to be a 2nd international then 3rd then a 4th international. the communist leaders can't get their acts together because they had a flat power structure ( contrast this to the psychopath international in davos. it's more hierarchical (i.e. billionaires bow down to trump putin and xi) so hopefully mankind does not end in a nuclear conflagration.

update 12/11/19:

destroying democracy saved my family. the family properties were endangered of being auctioned and confiscated by the government because my elders cannot get their acts together to pay the many years of taxes and penalties. i felt sorry for them so i paid the back taxes of one of the most lucrative properties. so now i gained some credibility which allowed me to call the shots and be like a dictator. it wasn't anymore a democracy. so now i got them to cooperate and we are now in the process of selling 1 property to pay the debts and taxes so the other properties can be sold and divided equally among the heirs of my grandparents. note my elders are all good people. they are successful in their personal lives and career because they function well in a structure of hierarchy where there is clear distinction who is below them and who is above them. but in a family there is no hierarchy or everyone is equal so all hell breaks lose. here's the wikis and meeting minutes if you want proof - (

(for more of my knowledge bombs, click the "ian's knowledge bombs" banner at the top of this article and choose any article in the table of contents that piques your interest)

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