Sunday, June 30, 2019

leftists mock tiger woods

i wish everyone listens to chomsky so that everyone will be truly informed and be aware not to elect any leftist. i point out numerous examples all over my blog. but just to give an analogy - if life is a golf competition, chomsky would be like a walking encyclopedia who knows all the rules of golf. we want chomsky to be the golf rules chairman but we want tiger woods to be the player who will lead us to victory. donald trump will be like john daly (the only leftist who will understand this joke is kyle kulinski). obama would be like tiger (not because of the color of their skin). we want our kids to get golf rules lessons from chomsky but we also want them to learn from a someone who can actually play golf. knowing the rules is the easy part. playing the game and winning is the real challenge.

leftists have such photogenic memory so they memorize all the rules of golf. that's why they are always fond of displaying their knowledge about history and quoting prominent figures even if they are not so important and sometimes irrelevant. example chomsky keeps quoting abraham lincoln's - "wage labor is different from slavery only that it's temporary", even if nowadays it does not really apply anymore because factory workers are not required to work 16 hours a day 6 days a week.

the panel in this video mocks michael dell because an MIT professor knows more than him about history - MIT Professor Destroys Entire DAVOS Panel, Silences Confused Panel Host. that would be like mocking tiger woods because the golf rules chairman knows more about the rules or history of golf.

the leftists should be mocking the MIT professor because a low intellect like me is about to destroy him - i think the reason why the 70% tax rate may have worked in the 1950's is because at that time the US had global economic dominance or hegemony thanks to the might of the US military so all businesses owed their sales and markets to the US government. if everyone in the world is buying your soaps and toothpaste with zero competition, it doesn't really matter what your tax rate is you will still be making boatloads of money. but nowadays, everything is so competitive. the auto companies in detroit even had to move overseas just to stay competitive. but in the 1950's, where else will you go at that time if the US corporate tax was too much for you? nowadays, there are so many options. if the US increases tax rates willy nilly it could be disastrous. businesses and talents might leave. high taxes hurt many countries in the EU because the businesses moved to ireland who enticed businesses to move to their country by offering low tax incentives. maybe the reason why detroit is a disaster is because of leftist policies? i may be erroneously conflating corporate tax and individual tax here. but i think even if the corporate tax is low but the income tax is too high, the executives will still move their business elsewhere. right now ireland and the US has about the same income tax rates.

leftists are people who go to a masters tournament and get an autograph from the rules committee chairman and ridicule tiger woods the champion for not knowing all the rules of golf. the only problem is the left want to change the rules of golf so there will be no winners and losers. there are people who do not want a game where there are winners and losers like the zapatistas in the chiapas but they are not normal. most societies have natural psychopath tiger killer instinct deeply embedded in their genes. what's the point of even playing or waking up in the morning to go to school if the outcome will be the same no matter what? this is like most popular quote in game of thrones - "what's the point of fighting if you don't have a cock?".

i understand leftists want to change the rules of the game because they don't want infants to die of malnutrition. the only problem is, if nobody wins then we start losing our competitive spirit, we stop striving in school, we stop working hard and we stop innovating and pretty soon all our infants will die of malnutrition. equal opportunity is what matters, not equal outcome.

i was so impressed at the leftist in the video who called michael dell a moron. that means he is smarter than michael dell and he can start a business so he can become a billionaire and help the poor. or even just a co-op. how many co-ops has he started? calling michael dell a moron is like calling michael jordan a bad basketball player for missing a free throw. dell did not even invent anything. dell dominated amidst brutal competition. his company did not have the luxury of a patent moat or protection. the leftist who is smarter than michael dell should be able to make computers and make billions so he can help the poor. how about coffee? the stupidest person i know can make coffee. nothing is preventing smart leftists from creating a coffee chain like starbucks so they can help the poor.

(for more of my knowledge bombs, click the "ian's knowledge bombs" banner at the top of this article and choose any article in the table of contents that piques your interest)

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