Friday, March 27, 2020

cheap covid-19 test strips

the most important question people should be asking about or working on regarding covid-19 is TESTING - how long will it take to ramp up production or if home test strips are possible and if yes what is the time frame for it to be available to everyone and how much will it cost?

this covid-19 pandemic can be solved overnight if anyone can get a cheap self test kit or test strips in the pharmacy similar to a pregnancy test. of course a vaccine is better but experts already say it will take years to develop it. also scientists never came close to finding a cure for the common cold or flu  even if it's been around for centuries so i won't rest my hopes on a cure for covid-19.

4 years ago, bill gates (whom chomsky called a parasite - search "Noam Chomsky on Internet and Bill Gates 1997" on the web) gave a speech warning the world we are not prepared for the next outbreak (search the video in yt). now, bill gates and me are the only few who are realizing the importance of covid-19 test strips.  he thinks it will be available in 6 months. search in yt "bill gates talk how we must respond to the COVID-19 pandemic".

this means don't be afraid to buy the dips in the market. even if test strips or self test kits are not feasible, ramping up production of test equipment is like a walk in the park compared to the mass production of guns and killing machines in world war 2. it will even be good for the economy if testing centers pop up all over the world like mcdonalds franchises. we simply have to get used to the new normal, just like in the airports after the 9/11 terrorist attacks. i think it's much harder to prevent a terrorist from getting on a flight than quickly testing everyone and isolating all those infected as soon as the first case of covid-19 is reported. and the next time we see a novel virus or pathogen, the infrastructure would already be in place to produce billions of tests in just 2-3 weeks, and a platform would already be in place to produce an RNA vaccine in 6 months.

(for more of my knowledge bombs, click the "ian's knowledge bombs" banner at the top of this article and choose any article in the table of contents that piques your interest)

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