Friday, July 24, 2020

how to untie a rice sack

this is it !!! the biggest item in my bucket list has finally been checked off. after 4 months of analyzing 8 hours a day, i finally figured out how the native market vendors gracefully unties a rice sack. my uncle gerald in hayward california tried to teach me this cool trick 25 years ago but i never figured it out. the market vendor also tried to teach me but he gave up. i tried searching the internet but can't find it. when the pandemic struck, i took the opportunity to use the downtime to self study. i gotta admit there were times i wanted to give up, luckily my perseverance eventually paid off. i want to share with you the fruits of my efforts, so you can also enjoy this very therapeutic chore. NAMASTE !!!

let me define the side with the simple looking stitch as the "simple stitch side" and the side with a more complicated stitch as the "loop stitch side".

both stitch lines uses exactly the same stitching style, they just have different string colors. the reason why i call one side the loop stitch side is because it's where the loop comes out. in the photo below, i removed one of the strings so you can clearly see the loop:

each stitch line has 2 strings. so this rice sack has a total of 4 strings. 

here are the steps:

1) position the sack in front of you such that the simple stitch side is facing you 

2) start at the right side. 

3) pick ANY of the 2 string ends and undo that chosen string until there is a LOOP WITHIN A LOOP. when undoing the chosen string, make sure you don't undo the other string or you will be back to square one.

4) pull both strings and enjoy the therapeutic feeling and sound. 

(for more of my knowledge bombs, click the "ian's knowledge bombs" banner at the top of this article and choose any article in the table of contents that piques your interest)

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