Tuesday, November 3, 2020

my opinion on 2020 election result

12/6/20 fb post:

i've been saying this in my blog for the past 10 years - the true powers of democrats and republicans (oligarchs) belong to just 1 united party. the democrats vs republican rivalry is just to distract the people so the oligarchs can hold on to power and continuous flow of wealth. it's like divide and conquer. we are like cocks in a cockfight. elections are nothing but sporting events. the results won't have any impact on your life. president george w comitted the biggest crime on america - wasted $5 trillion, 5 thousand soldiers died, and all it did was make iran our enemy more powerful in the region. obama and clintons didn't say a word about it. in fact they are currently best of friends with the bush family, united against trump. trump was too proud and stupid to step out of bounds and condemn the iraq occupation even if there is a youtube video where he said he supported the war during an interview at the howard stern show. then trump threatened to pull out the troops from iraq and afghanistan. imagine how many billions worth of contract will be gone like air conditioning the military tents in the desert. these contracts assure that the grandkids of the grandkids of the oligarchs will never have to work. they are called trust fund babies. the US has the most sophisticated intelligence system. the owner of the flight school warned them that arab students were learning to fly a plane but didn't bother learning to land the plane. it's obvious they let 9/11 happen to give them a reason to invade iraq and afghanistan. 

to inflame the rivalry and keep the citizens distracted, they try to provoke both sides by blowing up issues such as abortion, immigration, gun control and religious freedom that doesn't really affect their pockets. democrats are suppose to be pro immigrants, and they demonize republicans for being racist anti immigrants for not voting to give amnesty to good illegal immigrants. in 2008, i was very happy because democrats won the white house, senate and congress majority. which means my filipino basketball buddies who were illegal immigrants will finally be granted amnesty. but the democrats never granted them amnesty even if nothing was stopping them. in most issues, such as universal healthcare, there are usually legit pros and cons on both sides. you can always make excuses for not delivering on your promise by saying it's too costly or it will cause your taxes to increase or the deficit or national debt to spin out of control. but giving amnesty to illegal immigrants cost nothing. why didn't the democrats not do it? because there will be nothing to fight about anymore and there will be no more cockfights. in fact, obama had the highest number of deportations in history. that's when i started to notice something fishy. that's when i started researching and writing blogs about the hidden truths. the media condemned trump for putting children in cages, but turns out the photo was taken during obama's term which means obama and biden built the cages and placed children in cages. 

another favorite issue of the oligarchs so that we will be like cocks in a cockfight is the abortion issue. just think about it and you will realize even if abortion is illegal, it won't stop or even decrease the number of abortions. even if all the judges in the supreme court are conservatives, roe v wade will never be overturned. the reality is that nobody likes abortion. even people who support the legalization of abortion will try their best so that they won't have to get an abortion. the abortion issue boils down to 1 simple question - do you believe or FEEL the fetus is human or not? there is no science or logic that can answer this question. your answer simply depends on your personality. republicans are wrong when they say abortion is murder because it's not murder if you FEEL the fetus is just like a kidney. democrats are wrong when they say women should have control of their bodies because if you FEEL the fetus is a human being, then of course you would feel that abortion is murder and it's a natural instinct to defend a defenseless human being. arguing if abortion should be legal is like arguing if a man should have sex with a man or a woman. there is nothing to argue. just vote on it and everyone should accept the outcome. but the oligarchs want the democrats and republican cocks to fight so they make the abortion issue front and center. 

you are stupid if you believe that high covid death rates in the US is because trump does not listen to science. the fact is that most developed countries such as italy, spain, and UK have more or less the same covid death rates than the US. france, sweden, germany and canada, who's leadership the democrats admire so much also have very high death rates compared to many poor countries such as vietnam and the philippines. maybe it's not the leadership but culture or diet.

democrats are suppose to be anti military spending, anti oil and pro environment but the defense industry and the oil industry had a renaissance and best years of prosperity under obama and biden. republicans are suppose to be fiscal conservatives but the national debt still balloons even when we have a republican president. the worse violator of fiscal conservatism is actually george bush who is a republican.

i sound anti-oligarch but i'm actually pro-oligarch. i feel more comfortable with the status quo. trump offended the oligarchs by threatening to pull out the troops from iraq and afghanistan, so trump is out of their circle. but there's really no difference between trump and the oligarchs. they both want to keep america strong because their families have nowhere to go. unlike despots in other countries where they can just migrate their family to europe or america after plundering their country. that's why i don't buy the leftist narrative that the oligarchs are ignoring climate change, especially with the rise of tesla and renewable energy companies. i think the oligarch's were just buying time because it takes time to transfer their billions from oil and gas industries to renewables. their propaganda against renewables was really to keep the prices of renewable stocks low and fossil fuels high while they shift their wealth from fossil fuels to renewables. i can buy 50 shares of tesla at the market price, but if you have $80 billion in oil stocks, you can's just sell it right away unless you lower your asking price significantly. you also can't buy $80 billion worth of tesla and solar stocks at market price. you will have to buy it at twice or triple the current valuation, so you will lose a lot of money. 

nobody really knows the right thing to do because it's too complicated. but my best guess is we should support biden, trump and the oligarchs against their true enemies, which is the leftists or social democrats. on paper, the oligarchs are evil and the leftists are saints, but the fact is my brother and sister migrated to america in 2003 under the racist anti immigrant republican administration, took an 18 month nursing course at a cheap community college, and in just a couple of years they were each earning a 6 digit salary even if a family of 4 can live comfortably with P40k a year salary. the left argues that wage labor is different from slavery only that it's temporary (actually it was abraham lincoln who said this that's why we should take down all his statues). i agree that it's temporary because my brother and sister can literally buy a condo or townhouse in the philippines EVERY YEAR so in 10 years they can retire and do anything they want, which is better than a workplace democracy.

the only thing unfair with the oligarchs is they have $billions, which means their food will taste a thousand times better, their bentley is a thousand times more comfortable than my brother's brand new range rover, their bed will be a thousand times more comfortable than my tempur pedic mattress, and their airconditioner will be a thousand times more comfortable than those pathetic aircons an average joe buys at the appliance store. my brother and sister can vacation anywhere they want in this world, but it's very unfair that the oligarchs can vacation in the moon and mars.

of course there are true winners and loser in every election, but in general, it's a zero sum game for americans. example, if biden increases our trade deficit with china, it will take away our manufacturing jobs, but it will also make products cheap for americans. if biden limits oil and gas fracking, it will be bad for the workers but good for shareholders because a cut in supply means higher oil prices. you might be angry at the election fraud. but america's strength was built on injustice. our land was stolen from the indians and slavery gave us 300 years of free labor. this gave us immense capital for industrialization and a powerful military that enabled us to dominate the world markets and resources. world war 2 was just a natural reaction to america's dominance. as long as the oligarchs are not ruining your prosperity, just enjoy watching the cock fight between trump and biden instead of being the cock in the cockfight that the oligarchs setup at your family dinner and high school reunion. political discourse should be fun, just like talking about sporting events. but it would be foolish to demonize stephen curry for making too many 3 point shots.

arguing the economic merits of trump and biden is like arguing if you should marry a man or a woman. if i was suffering poverty and a gay billionaire offers to marry me, the economic merits are irrelevant because i'm not gay. you would call me superficial and tell me physical attraction is just skin deep. you would argue that the gay billionaire is very caring and kind hearted because he donated millions to feed the starving children of africa. i don't want to admit i'm superficial so i would counter saying there is a youtube video of the gay billionaire berating his staff. but the reality is that in elections, economic merits don't really matter. elections are really just likability contests. same with capitalism vs. socialism, it's really more a way of life that is coded in our genes. there is no right and wrong.it just depends on your INBORN personality. it's like arguing if the land should be used for farming or grazing. if you have herder genes, you would give up your life to protect your way of living even if the life of settled farmers is logically more comfortable. just like i would kill anyone who would force me to suck the cock of the gay billionaire even if the gay billionaire is an awesome person and would give me economic benefits.

the same with the big government/social democracy issue. IF (BIG IF) things go according to plan, big government will guarantee i have a comfortable retirement and nobody suffers poverty. but some people like me would rather have low taxes so i have more freedom of choice even if it means people will suffer. i also feel big government or an egalitarian society is more dangerous, just like what happened to greece, venezuela, maoist china and soviet union. i mean how many times have you felt like a pole is being inserted in your ass when you transact with the government? of course in sweden if you call to ask a question about your medication, the government worker will immediately answer the phone and do their best to help you because helping fellow human beings is what makes swedish people happy. i don't think that would be the case here in america. just watch the news for crying out loud. why would an american answer your call when he/she is busy browsing facebook and his/her job is protected by the union and government can never go out of business? with universal healthcare, you can't punish poor service by going next door to the competition. france is a social democracy yet the french people are feeling the pain of a pole in their ass, causing the riots that ended only because of the pandemic. americans are rioting because of racism, but the oligarchs are even siding with the protesters. besides if i was black it's really not that dangerous for me as long as i didn't commit any crime and i obey anything the copy says. i think my chances of dying from a plane crash is higher than being murdered by a racist cop. 

but again these are just irrelevant economic arguments in deciding who to vote for. the truth is that if i was gay, i would feel pleasure when the gay billionaire sticks his pole inside my ass. only bernie sanders, chomsky, kyle kulinski and jimmy dore will continue to scream in pain when they are thrown in the trash bin when the left takes over and the bad apples of the revolution becomes the next lenin or stalin. socialism is good but socialists are bad. just like ghandi saying, "christianity is good but christians are bad". just like when ghandi visited london. a journalist asked ghandi "what do you think of western civilization?". ghandi famously replied, "i think it would be a good idea". the angry reporter approached ghandi, took off ghandi's eyeglasses and said, "let me repeat my question - what do you think of western civilization?". ghandi cannot see without his glasses so he begged the reporter, "give me back my western civilization !!! give me back my western civilization !!!". (and the standup comic who told this joke is shouting at me "give me back my joke !!! give me back my joke !!!)

70% of americans support universal healthcare. but the oligarchs brilliantly put abortion, gun control, border control, and religious freedom in the cock fight. the smug leftist cocks stupidly took the bait and started striking vehemently, scaring the 70% that if the left takes over, their guns and religion will be taken away, babies will be murdered, and the borders will be opened. this cost bernie the nomination. 

on the other hand, i don't really feel any suffering from the oligarchs. instead i feel immense pleasure and fun from gadgets and apps like netflix and the iphone, that the parasite oligarchs developed using technologies they stole from government funded research. chomsky told me that i'm like a slave in the 18th century saying we should not abolish slavery because we are already better off than slaves in the 17th century. chomsky is a thousand times smarter than me, which means everything i'm saying here is stupid and you should not believe anything i say.

my post is super long, but it's actually super short relative to the years of unnecessary emotional agony people feel because of politics. i was shocked when my high school classmate told me she will relocate to the philippines if trump wins again because she can't stand the "ungas". i told her it's easy to block trump from her life. you don't have to watch the cock fight. but her husband is pro trump. i can imagine her sufferings if her husband watches fox news in the bedroom every night but she can't say anything because it would make her superficial or thin skinned. that would be like a straight guy sucking the cock of the gay billionaire and won't say anything because people might think he is superficial. i advised her to tell her husband what i'm writing here. we are just human beings. even if her husband thinks trump is good for america, he should still respect his wife and not watch fox news when she is around, just like i should reject the gay billionaire even if he is a great human being who will give me economic benefits

if you want icecream for your brain, watch fox news and CNN and continue to be one of the cocks in the cockfight. if you want meat and vegetables for your brain, search "ian's knowledge bombs" and read "politics-for-dummies" in the table of contents so you can be a spectator in the cockfight and enjoy the cockfight.

1/10/21 fb post:

canada must feel like it lives in an apartment above a meth lab. americans are idiots for not getting out of this meth lab and migrating to canada even if it's easy. that proves my theory that  social democracy will never work in the US because americans are not competent enough unlike the swedish and norwegians. american competence is more like the greek people or even worse.  the left argues that americans are humane and competent like the scandinavians, it's just the system that's broken. i used to believe that too, until france was rioting for months even if they had a social democracy and i think french are more sophisticated and humane compared to americans. right wingers have won the game. trump is just a symbol. the real issue that really affects americans is whether we should have 50% tax like canada, or big government like canada? but today, the country is getting a glimpse of what could happen if freedom loving americans are forced to pay 50% tax. if right wingers are willing to burn this country for a stupid cause such as trump, who clearly lost the election, what do you think would happen if they are deprived of their right to have more control of their income? republicans have won the real game because as chomsky said, the democrats are farther to the right than the republicans 2 decades ago. biden and obama were just puppets of the war mongering machine. but maybe that's a good thing because if AOC and bernie have their way, america will become worse than a meth lab. america has always been an evil right wing country a thousand times worse than a meth lab. we massacred indians to steal their land. then for 300 years we used free labor or slavery. then the meth lab exploded (civil war). fast forward to 18 years ago where we invaded iraq just to enrich our oligarchs, which killed 5 thousand americans soldiers for nothing. today the riots in the last 2 years only killed less than a hundred. america is the strongest it's ever been and will continue to be strong, thanks to right wing guardianship such as bush family, clintons, obama, trump and now biden. i'm just an idiot LOSER who migrated to america in 1993 at age 23 with only $300 in my pocket. i simply worked hard and saved and at age 39, i retired with 2 rental properties. now i have 5 rental properties. in 1993 i had a choice whether to migrate to canada or the meth lab. thank god i chose the meth lab or else i would be working my ass off until age 65, where i'm too old to enjoy the fruits of my labor. if you want icecream for your brain, watch CNN and fox news. if you want meat for your brain, read chomsky. if you want vegetables for your brain, search "ian's knowledge bombs" in the internet and click "politics-for-dummies" in the table of contents.

11/3/20 fb post:

the 2020 election results are in and the result is shocking - puerto ricans voted for statehood in america, a country where you don't have basic rights such as healthcare (https://finance.yahoo.com/news/sixth-time-charm-puerto-ricans-132220619.html?.tsrc=daily_mail&uh_test=2_15). bernie sanders is the most honest politician in history and he says 45 thousand americans die each year because of lack of health insurance that means in the past 10 years 450 thousand died, which is almost twice the number of deaths from coronavirus. maybe it's worse in puerto rico but what i don't understand is why immigrants don't try to immigrate to canada or greece after becoming legal in america even if it's already much easier to gain entry to these countries. IMMIGRANTS IN AMERICA ARE STUPID for not trying to immigrate to much better countries where you have free healthcare and free college education. if you want icecream for your brain, watch cnn and fox news. if you want meat for your brain, read chomsky, if you want vegetables for your brain, seach "ian's knowledge bombs" on the web and click "politics-for-dummies" in the table of contents.

(for more of my knowledge bombs, click the "ian's knowledge bombs" banner at the top of this article and choose any article in the table of contents that piques your interest)

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