Saturday, July 24, 2021

if you are an animal lover, eat animals

innocent cows, chicken and pigs are very lucky we eat them. if we don't eat them, billions of cows chicken and pigs in history would never have existed because we would not be farming or breeding them for consumption. it's better to exist and be murdered than never to have existed at all especially if you got to experience lots of pleasure while you were alive. eating when you are hungry is a very underrated pleasure that all animals can experience. it's even more pleasurable than buying a ferrari but we ignore it because it's too common. so maybe chickens in cages are still enjoying life because they are always eating. 

remember that mother who murdered her 3 children? i just realized she is still a much better person than me. because before she flipped, her kids had birthday parties and enjoyed icecream. my kids never even reached conception (i don't have kids).

philippines have millions of kids living in poverty while the kids in japan and germany have a higher standard of living. but that's because couples in japan and germany won't have kids if they can't afford to raise kids. meanwhile, couples in the philippines who can't even afford to feed themselves pop out 7 kids. that means japan and germany are actually pathetic because they virtually murdered hundreds of millions of their kids by not even allowing them to reach conception. if those kids have pre-conception souls, they would probably shouting to their parents, "NOOOOOOOO !!! please don't put on that condom !!! i don't care if i have to s*ck a foreigner's d*ck in order to survive. i just want to be able to enjoy ice cream (no pun intended) and dance the macarena.

chomsky says it's ok to eat animals because they have low value. my question is, what and who determines value? why are we more valuable than an innocent cow or chicken? the only thing i can think of is competence. a cow cannot wash dishes. so maybe it's ok for elon musk to have health insurance while a person who can't build a car that goes 400 miles on a single charge don't have health insurance.

if you want ice cream for your brain, watch CNN and fox news. if you want meat for your brain, read chomsky. if you want vegetables for your brain, click the "ian's knowledge bombs" banner at the top of this article and choose any article in the table of contents that piques your interest.

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