Wednesday, March 16, 2022

russians are delicious

i watch highly educated and intelligent pundits with very impressive degrees from harvard and oxford giving their expert analysis on the russian invasion of ukraine. they are highly revered and respected worldwide. but they fail to see the big picture and realize that it's really just survival of the fittest. there is no good and evil. 

first, you gotta wonder why russia is so afraid of NATO expansion and why NATO wants to expand. is it worth thousands of deaths and suffering? canada is a very smart and good country and they don't have a strong military yet they are not afraid that the most powerful NATO member is right next door. philippines is practically helpless against NATO yet we allowed a US base to exist and we are doing fine. 

i thought i was just missing something until last week zelensky made a speech where he proposed NATO will assure putin that ukraine will never join NATO. that's a win win for everyone !!! i jumped for joy and kept tuning in to major news channels such as CNN and MSNBC thinking they too would be celebrating or at least talk about it a lot because obviously zelensky's proposal is the BIGGEST NEWS SINCE THE INVASION BEGAN. however the super smart pundits never even mentioned zelensky's proposal. 

it's as if these pundits want war to continue. as if they are propaganda outlets for the evil weapons industry who will profit from the war. but that's impossible because i have friends and family who are very smart and very good people and they like and revere these pundits. it's impossible they can be that stupid to not figure out what's really going on.

the only logical explanation i can find is russia is very afraid of a NATO expansion because humans from NATO countries might eat them. but i'm 100% sure the citizens of NATO countries are not cannibals because i lived in the US for 20 years. this can only mean russians belong to a different specie. i'm sure they are very delicious because why in the world would these pundits want the war to continue at the expense of thousands of deaths and suffering? 

the problem is that unlike cows and chikens, russians are highly intelligent animals and they have a powerful military to protect them. they even have nuclear weapons. russians must be very very very delicious because why in the world would these super smart and highly respected pundits risk a nuclear holocaust just so that NATO will be within arm's reach of the russians?

we should all look at the glass half full and just marvel at the beauty of nature and the circle of life.

(for more of my knowledge bombs, click the "ian's knowledge bombs" banner at the top of this article and choose any article in the table of contents that piques your interest)

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