Wednesday, August 23, 2023

jordan peterson cannot help incels

within our world, there are many sub-worlds. jordan peterson cannot help incels. his hands are tied. that's because incels can only be truly happy in a sub-world that is very appalling to the mainstrean world. jordan peterson's career will be destroyed if he normalizes the sub-world where incels can be happy. he has no choice but to give useless advice to incels such as "make something of yourself". it's useless because an incel can only be happy within a meaningful relationship with a good caring woman.

however, olivia wilde can help incels. in this article, i will tell you the practical and useful advice that olivia wilde gives to her darling incels and use my personal experiences as an example.

incels are not necessarily unattractive. the root problem with incels is that their standards are way to high or unlealistic for their status. this means for each woman who dumped you, i'm pretty sure there is another woman who you would have dumped if only it was normal for women to court men. but you can't marry a woman you are not attracted to just because she is technically ideal for you. that would be like a gay guy marrying miss universe just because she is miss universe. incels are the new homosexuals. they are looked down upon by society, and no amount of electric shock therapy will make an incel fall in love with a woman that is ideal for him.

money can buy sex, but it can't buy a meaningful relationship that makes an incel truly happy. if a normal human being has a luxury yacht or private jet, it will attract high quality people. but if an incel has a private jet or luxury yacht, all it does is attract bad people who will ruin his life. it has something to do with CHARISMA. 

evil american incels are actually very lucky. it's easy for an evil american incel to have a meaningful and pleasurable relationship with a woman he is very attracted to. they just need to free themselves from the chains of social norms. good american incels are unlucky. olivia's advise to good american incels is to simply suffer. we should salute them for their sacrifice and sufferings. the rest of this article is olivia's advice to evil american incels. 

by evil, olivia means you are willing to use your economic advantage to find happiness. you can only be truly happy if you make others happy or you make a difference in other people's lives. making others happy is good. but if you use your economic advantage to make others happy so that you will also be happy, that is evil. 

this article is only useful for evil people who finds happiness in helping other people. if you are not that kind of person, then don't bother reading this article.

unlike normal human beings, incels can never find meaningful relationships through mutual attraction. incels can only develop meaningful relationships through lots of time and hard work. incels cannot have a job or career and develop a meaningful relationship at the same time. therefore incels need to quit work when they are 35-40 years old and live like a king in a 3rd world country. this is actually easy for any american incel to do, even with minimum wage. 

in america, if an incel is attracted to a woman, for sure that woman is higher status and she will call the cops if the incel even goes near her. in a 3rd world country, an incel can easily find RELATIVE happiness with a nice caring girl.

an example of RELEATIVE happiness is when a starving person is happy to find food in a garbage can. according to olivia wilde, an incel finding happiness in a 3rd world country is like a starving person finding food in the garbage can. although the incel is truly happy, it's still disgusting and sad from the mainstream perspective.

in america, you should rent a house with 10 other incels so you will only be paying $200 a month instead of $1,600 a month. you can be perfectly comfortable even if you sleep on the kitchen floor because what makes sleep comfortable is the soft mattress and temperature in the house. as long as the house is heated or air conditioned, you are living a more comfortable life than 99% of all the humans that existed in history. the only reason why you would disagree with olivia is you are a dumb sheep of society. 

toyota !!! toyota !!! toyota !!! never buy a brand new car. never buy american or european. just buy a 10 year old toyota corolla that passed a 188-point inspection. buy the complete and detailed mechanic's manual for the corolla you just bought and have fun fixing it. fixing your corolla is actually more fun and satisfying than playing with the most expensive toys in the world. the only reason why you would disagree with this statement is you are a dumb sheep of society. 

buy your clothes at walmart or target.

find fun and pleasure in sports and music. america has free basketball parks everywhere even in poor communities that people around the world can only dream about. it's lighted so you can enjoy even at night. it's cemented so you won't get muddy or dirty. americans are such spoiled bratts. even if you are unathletic, shooting by yourself and swishing free throws is very pleasurable and satisfying. 

buy sports and music equipment in second hand stores or garage sales. learn the chords of the guitar and learn to sing and play your favorite songs. there are lots of easy to follow lessons in youtube. learn timeless piano pieces such as game of thrones theme, sound of silence, or love story. you can enjoy and master golf at home by building a hitting cage in your backyard. buy a second hand bike. all americans have access to beautiful hiking and bike trails that people around the world can only dream about.

you can be saving a whopping $1.5k-2k a month if you follow olivia's advice. keep your nest egg in 50% govt (us treasuries etf) and 50% spy (s&p500 etf). whenever spy is down 5%, rotate 5% from govt to spy. whenever spy is up 5% and spy is more than 50% of your portfolio, rotate 5% from spy to govt. just keep doing this. it's a no brainer. you you will easily outperform most full time fund managers in wall street.

vacation in different 3rd world countries so you will know which culture, food and beauty of women you prefer. try mexico, thailand, vietnam, philippines, or ukraine (when the war ends). avoid russia because the cops and mobs will keep harassing you for money. stay only in hostels or dorms. buy budget airline tickets that has many stop overs and use it as an opportunity to visit different places.

once you are convinced which culture, food, and beauty of women you prefer, start learning the language of that 3rd world country. just learn 5 words a day. listen to the lessons while driving to work. it's like a hair growing. one day you will be just be surprised on your progress. communicate or chat with friends you met while vacationing in that country. feeling of progress and improvement is a key ingredient to happiness.

learn to distinguish between good caring people and bad people. this is an art or skill you can only learn through experience and living life. bad people are usually materialistic, self centered and jealous. they need other people to praise or worship them, and they have a habit of saying bad things about other people. the worst people are those that make baseless accusations. example - accusing someone of being the king of incels even if it's opposite from the truth.

you can start planting the seeds of "meaningful relationships" when you vacation. but don't expect any success yet. it's ultra low probability of success. don't forget incels can only develop a meaningful relationship with an attractive and good caring woman by spending lots of time with her. it's impossible to develop the relationship long distance. you can develop a meaningful relationship through long distance only if the woman is attracted to you. but if the woman is attracted to you, that means you are not an incel which means you should not be reading this article. meanwhile, just have pleasurable meaningless relationships during the vacation and use the time to learn more about the culture and language.

eat healthy. do not drink. do not smoke. avoid processed sugars. a king needs to stay healthy, strong, and mentally sharp as long as possible. if you do have kids, it will be very late in your life. the girls you will have meaningful relationships with have relatively low competence so you need to be around as long as possible so you can continue to help them. it's basically like being a king.

when you have already moved to the 3rd world country, do the following:

start having lots of friends with poor but good and caring people. just relax and enjoy. frequent the stores or restaurants of the sales ladies or waitresses you have a crush on. attend their family gatherings or parties. donate food and drinks when you are invited. just be friends with them. do not try to be intimate right away. just focus on being a good person. be kind, patient, and helpful to them. don't focus only on your needs. give it time and things will work out for you beautifully and naturally. 

just lie low. don't be flashy. in a 3rd world country, having a nice car is a big deal. but never buy a nice car because all it does is bring bad people in your life and lessen your chances of meeting a nice caring woman.

never do business with anyone. it will most likely fail and ruin relationships. it will only divert your precious time and energy from developing meaningful relationships.

if you are an incel, most likely you won't be the marrying type. mother nature and evolution is always geared to the improvement of the specie. if you are not the marrying type, never have a girlfriend or have a relationship with anyone who might fall in love with you. the secret to happiness is to be a good person, meaning you never do anything that will hurt a fellow human being.

be friends with as many 18-20 year old girls as you can. 18-20 year olds are safer because they are not yet looking to settle down or they are not yet worried about economic security. so there is very low chance they will develop feelings for you. the older the woman, the more chances you will end up hurting the woman if she develops feelings for you due to her instinct to settle down and have kids with a good caring man. 

be good friends with the elders in the family. give signs you are attracted to their 18 year old daughter. if they continue to invite you or be close friends with you, that means they are ok with it for practical reasons. if they are not ok with it, then they will simply stop inviting you. 

give common sense financial assistance. but never give money. always go to the school or hospital to pay yourself. don't worry. they won't be insulted. they would actually be the ones to advise it due to the recent drug epidemic where it was common for financial assistance to be wasted on drugs. it is also hitting 2 birds with one stone because it's an opportunity to spend time or bond not only with them but other members of the family. 

you need to genuinely enjoy hanging out with them. it's not that hard. all humans are actually very interesting if you only get off your high horse and realize what's really important in life. just enjoy the journey and don't worry about the destination. if you are just concerned with your own needs and goals, then you should just go home to america because you will never be happy no matter where you are.

never court or ask anything from the 18 year old. just let them know you are attracted to them. anyway, just spending time with them such as swimming or rubber boating at the beach can already make you feel like you are in heaven. drive them to school sometimes or treat them and their classmates to some snacks.

you have to mentor them, support their schooling, guide them and do everything you can to give them a better life. situations can be very diverse. but it's mostly just common sense. the most important value you can instill in them is the value of hard work because unlike the spoiled and complicated people in america, it's all they really need to be happy. 

teach them to enjoy reading. start with children's books. many poor 18 year olds living in the slums can't read even after graduating grade 12. start with spending 10 minutes in the morning and 10 minutes in the evening. teach them to celebrate their progress even after reading just 1 sentence or paragraph the entire day. teach them how to use google translate. teach them to learn beyond what they are reading. example if they are looking up the meaning of saturn, they should also learn what are the other planets and what is a solar system and galaxy.

the ultimate dream of one of my girls was to work in mcdonalds. after 2 years helping her to know enough english to be quailfied to work in mcdonalds, she finally got the job. she has been working there for 5 years now. it's such a joy seeing her very energetic and happy at her dream job. she calls me kuya and she always shouts "kuyaaaaaaaaaa !!!" when she sees me.

most girls have low energy due to poor nutrition and trauma growing up. you need to convince them that they should never work full time because it will only burn them out and give them a negative attitude towards work. guide them on how to find a PART TIME job that's right for them. teach them how to live a happy life with only part time minimum wage job. this is very possible because they usually don't have to pay rent. they usually live in the slums with their parents. remember you are already providing their luxury which nowadays is just yearly upgrade to latest smartphone and occasional trips to luxurious beach resorts.

alternate her outings and gimmicks with her friends where it's just her and her friends. remember you are just an incel. although they do enjoy having you around, they enjoy more if it's just them with their friends. give them the enjoyment and luxuries you used to have when you were young. you might be surprised on how good it feels to make a difference in other people's lives. 

another super important survival knowledge you can teach them is choosing the right partner in life. teach them birth control. teach them the horrors of what will happen if they get impregnated by dumb lazy and spoiled handsome boys. teach them that weak handsome boys are just toys they can enjoy while they are young. but when they are in their mid 20's they need to start finding a good, caring and hard working man while they are still good looking enough.

teach them that they need to have kids who will take care of them when they are old because you won't be around anymore. this is unlike developed countries such as america where the the government will put you in a nursing home if nobody else can take care of you. teach them that looks are not important and they will eventually learn to love a good caring man. i'm proud to say all my girls have been success stories so far.

another important knowledge you can teach them is how to eat properly. teach them about gut health and to avoid processed sugar because it's what makes them more lazy and depressed. teach them the importance of sleep and exercise. without proper health and nutrition, everything else you teach them will be useless because they won't have the energy and will to do them.

after enough bonding and getting comfortable with each other, which can sometimes take 2 years of fun and enjoyable friendship, some of them will request to have a friends with benefits relationship with you. it may cost you a lot, but what are you going to do with your money anyway? life is short and pretty soon you will be 6 feet underground rotting. it's not really prostitution because you already care for each other in some weird way. if you can say love comes in many flavors, then maybe it's love. some of the girls will even cry when you have to visit america. and remember you are an incel. you don't have the luxury to be a perfectly decent person. but your life is probably better than being the president of america (who can only stick a cigar inside the vagina of a girl half his age).

sometimes, the super hot girl is a lesbian and never been with a boy. lesbians are better because you don't have to wear a condom. the girl just needs to be in birth control. the depo shot is recommended because you can accompany her to the doctor to make sure she actually gets the shot and not use the money to go to the mall with her friends. sometimes, you also have a relationship with her girlfriend. 

you might wonder how they can have sex with me if they are lesbians? of course they feel disgusted. not just the lesbians. the straight girls also feel disgusted. welcome to the appalling sub world of incels. sometimes i laugh at the funny faces they make while feeling disgusted during sex.

it's funny to think men can't be happy having sex with someone who is not attracted to them. that is funny considering 80% of men watch porn and masturbate. imagine a man refusing to have sex with miss universe or a supermodel just because she is not attracted to him. this may surprise you, but there are so many 18 year olds in the slums that most men consider more attractive than miss universe or any supermodel.

i know it's evil. but i guess 3rd world countries are naturally evil because all the gay guys i know in the philippines can't get attracted to another gay guy. that is messed up. they can only get attracted to straight guys. these are good decent and caring gay men. it's very common for gay men to have straight boyfriends.

but despite all the craziness going on in the philippines, i still feel the percentage of americans suffering is much much higher. i'm not an expert on anything but i notice the usual reason people are poor is because their parents popped out 5 kids even if their parents can hardly feed themselves. so if you really think about it, that makes rich countries a million times worse than the rampant prostitution because they have hundreds of millions of humans who were suppose to be born but never got a chance to be born. if the potential humans were given a voice they would be shouting to their parents, "please don't put on that condom. i don't care if i have to suck a foreigner's dick. i want to experience the pleasures of eating ice cream and watch the beauty of the sunset".

when i was a kid, i had some very poor friends who would actively seek out gay men to blow job for money. maybe it's just a coincidence but all of them are now surprisingly successful and happy in life. i can even say they are more successful than me because they raised wonderful children. i guess it's because they never were seduced. it was them who seeked it out. and it's really confusing for me that many of my poor childhood friends who never did such things became drug junkies and are now dead. 

i think it's because for some people, sex is like brushing your teeth. so it's not a big deal for them if they have sex with someone they are not attracted to. some porn stars even come from well off families. more people are starting to realize this. the most prestigious school in my hometown is a catholic school (sacred heart). yet during their recent grand homecoming reunion, their guest of honor was a porn star named maria ozawa. 

just because something makes you suffer, does not mean it causes others to suffer. when i was around 25 years old already living in america, i learned many of my childhood friends in the philippines became security guards. i became very worried and sad for them because i would rather kill myself than work as a security guard. i would love to be a janitor, but for me working even just a day as a security guard just standing doing nothing all day is torture. but when i came home to visit, i learned my friends felt very happy and lucky to work as security guards. they even told me they felt guilty for being paid a lot of money for doing nothing all day. 

you need to understand and learn to get used to the bad habits and nuances of poor people. low economic status is not really due to bad luck. it's due to inborn habits or personalities. but wealth and luxury is not really that important. what's important is they are good caring human beings. i would rather be around incompetent low status but good caring people than be around competent high status people who are assholes. leave your high standards of ethics in america. you might think poor people's bad habits are bad for them but actually it's not. you might think they are suffering due to their poor conditions in the slums. but they are actually just as comfortable as you. they are much more resilient than you think. 

if your girl is dating someone or has a boyfriend/girlfriend, support her and give relationship advice. remember it's not about you. it's about helping them be happy in life. because she is still very young, of course she will most likely undergo a very painful break up and she will be crying on your arms. the only problem is, most of the time, it's the boyfriend who comes running to you and crying on your arms. you still need to do whatever you can to help that poor boy. 

one time i was in the mall and the ex boyfriend of one of my girls comes running to me very happy to see me and he introduces me to his new very beautiful girlfriend. 

when my girls get married, i usually become the ninong or godfather to their kids. right now i have so many godchildren i can't even keep track. i think i have a dozen.  i am supposed to be an incel but when christmas comes i am very busy spreading love and joy.

do i feel sad when one of my girls get married? actually i strangely become happy and proud. i also become busy in messenger politely rejecting her younger sisters, friends or cousins who think they can be next in line. i'm the only predator who never messages a girl. instead i only reply and reject girls. i politely explain to them i can't help them all.

my girls can live with me if they choose and as long as they choose to. right now i have 3 girls living with me. they can't be with a man because they are lesbians. they study in nursing school. they plan to be my caregiver when i grow old. 30 years from now, they will be changing my diaper and pushing me around the mall on a wheelchair. my plan is 10 years from now when i'm 60 i will artificially inseminate the lesbians from a sperm bank with engineer or doctor or lawyer genes so they will have super competent kids who will take care of them when they are old. i still need to probate my will because i'm leaving one of my small properties to them so they will never be homeless. the rest goes to my nieces and nephews. 

i know this all sounds crazy. but what else is there to life anyway? just watch those history videos in youtube. entire cities getting massacred is very common. wars, atomic bombs dropped in japan, etc ... you might think you live a decent perfect life but pretty soon you will grow old and die and all the incels who are still alive are much better than you because at least they can still enjoy a delicious piece of beef steak. while you are alive, you and any of your love one can get cancer or die from an accident. the catholic church is considered a very moral institution yet for 2 hundred years they used to torture gay people to death just for being gay. just read the torture methods in wikipedia and you will be horified.

i actually had an incel friend with similar situation as me who passed away. i was there in the hospital when he was pronounced dead. i was actually surprised when his girls and the kids of his girls all cried. his girls were already in their 50s and the children of his girls were well educated and some had good jobs. that's when i realized it's a "meaningful relationship" after all.

i have a friend living in america who is married to a beautiful woman and has wonderful kids. he vacationed in the philippines. while driving him to the airport after his depressingly short 2 week vacation, he cried because he did not want to go back to america. but he had to because he had a family to support. i told him the green is always greener in the other side of the pasture. 

be good to normal human beings. we are all the same. praise them and appreciate them. be aware and be happy you belong to a lower specie. never expect normal human beings to accept you or be true friends with you. cherish the times when some super understanding or open minded normal human beings socialize with you. but do not expect it because you are not ENTITLED to it. you can only have true friendships with other incels. 

always keep in mind that even if you are truly happy and you feel you are living a meaningful life, you are still eating food you found in the garbage can. saying your girls are good and caring is like saying the sandwich you found in the garbage can has good protein and carbohydrates. from a scientific perspective, you are correct. but from the ideal perspective of mainstream human beings, you are sad and disgusting.

if you are a normal human who is offended by this article, i have more bad news for your IMAGINED SELF IMPORTANCE. our planet is just a tiny and obscure speck of dot in the vast universe. nothing demonstrates the folly of human conceit more than astronomy (carl sagan's a pale blue dot). even if you discover a cure for cancer and everyone in the world bows down to you and praise you when you walk by, pretty soon you will still grow old and die. human life is very short. and human existence on earth is also very short. all humans will soon be gone as if we never existed. the human species is nothing but an ultra-short term visitor in the cosmic time scale. 

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(for more of my knowledge bombs, click the "ian's knowledge bombs" banner at the top of this article and choose any article in the table of contents that piques your interest)

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