Wednesday, July 3, 2013

mystery of self destructive leaders

12/1/23 update:

hamas leaders were enjoying billions of dollars of their wealth and luxury. so they decided to attack israel such that mossad will once and for all destroy hamas and kill them for good.


my fb friend posted about this military coup in egypt. any normal person will read this and just shrug it off as just another world news event. but if you really look at it, it's really very amazing and interesting.

it's similar to saddam hussein. imagine you are sadam. you can have all the women you want, live in the utmost comfort and luxury, your kids are studying in oxford, and you can drive your personal submarine in the great barrier reef. then you think - i should attack kuwait so the americans will be angry at me and overthrow me and everything i have will be gone. to me that is such a mystery. i understand everyone makes mistakes. but this is not like locking your keys in the car. you have all the time in the world to contemplate on it, and as soon as you realize it made the mob boss america angry, you can just back off and apologize. you can do this secretly and invent a cover up if you are worried you will look weak to your people.

this is why it's hard for me to believe assad attacked his people with chemical weapons because it will just give the US a pretext to overthrow him. assad is also winning the war and is being backed by russia so there really is no reason for him to use chemical weapons. i think the attacks were carried out by those who wants america to intervene. hopefully it's not our defense oligarchs.

at first i thought north korea is another example but then i realized it has nuclear weapons and the backing of china so i don't consider the north korean leader as self destructive.

but egypt is different. if you get elected as president of egypt you have to be smart. or at least not an idiot. if you are smart you know that the military is stronger than you, and you should never do anything that gives them a reason to dethrone you. of course a military coup can still happen even if you do everything right but at least it lessens the chance.

he won the election by a very narrow victory. he knows egypt is very secular (unlike iran). yet he issues a controversial constitutional declaration granting himself extensive powers. his moves to entrench islamic laws and concentrate power in the hands of the muslim brotherhood also alienated liberals and secularists.

i understand there are many stupid people in this world that does stupid things. but it always amazes me when the supposedly smart people does something this stupid.

of course everyone makes mistakes. people forget to turn off their car headlight, etc ... but this is something that they get to sleep on and have many days to analyze and evaluate if it's the right move.

and of course there are people who makes mistakes out of emotional urges, like stealing, cheating on their spouse, etc ... but these are easy to understand. it's even easy for me to understand murderers - they are simply sick people.

so the question is why did egypt's elected leader make those mistakes? hunger for power? well, if he is really hungry for power that would have been the last thing he did. if he had the military on his side, even if they massacre innocent people i would not be writing this article. although killing innocent people is evil, it's not stupid if you can get away with it and it serves a purpose.

was it religious duty? it can't be because again, if he really is a devoted muslims he would not make that mistake because being president of egypt is always more helpful to their cause than not being president.

i hate to say this because my closest love ones in my life are religious - it's typical mistake of very religious people. they tend to be delusional and tend to make decisions not based on facts.

i was talking to this very smart religious person - he has very impressive academic achievements - he surprised me when he said that people who are not devoted catholics are just misguided or confused. wow. confused? how can he be so academically smart and say those stupid things. there's no proof about the catholic religion that makes it worthy to call people confused just because they don't have faith.

even the pope agrees with me - when the pope says "catholic faith". he is declaring and admitting that catholicism is faith. it's not science. it's not fact. it's not even a theory. not even a hypothesis.

i think it's cool to be a religious person. if it makes you happy or if it's your comfort zone, that's great. i mean i play golf everyday - golf is a meaningless and useless game but it makes me happy. but if you are smart, you have to be aware that your religion is faith. and that's what really amazes me - in spite of their intelligence they cannot realize and admit that their religion is faith or realize what faith really means.

(for more of my knowledge bombs, click the "ian's knowledge bombs" banner at the top of this article and choose any article in the table of contents that piques your interest)

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