Wednesday, October 2, 2013

obamacare knowledge bombs

table of contents

I. obama has won the war on pre-existing conditions
II. pre-existing conditions clause does not cover emergency hospitalizations
III. retrospective
IV. crystal care
V. pinoy care
VI. wealthy health 43 year old on medicare
VII. tosh.o comedy


I. obama has won the war on pre-existing conditions

the pre-existing conditions clause is a game changer. the other provisions in obamacare are just a sideshow. it should not be called insurance anymore if you can get insurance after you get diagnosed. this is not denmark so the healthy won't buy insurance to pay for the sick. you need to be a selfless person to do such a thing. i don't think americans are selfless enough to buy health insurance even if they can get it after they are diagnosed with the disease. 

if i'm right, obamacare won't be sustainable and will need government subsidy. but by this time americans would already be addicted to obamacare. it will be political suicide for any congressman to vote against the subsidy. checkmate !!! obama has won. the ultimate losers are the future generations who will have to pay for the already out of control debt. unless we reduce the military budget from $600 to about $400 billion. although i'm not sure how it will affect our national security. 

i think obamacare is a ploy by the oligarchs to delay the free healthcare debate. the US is the only developed country without free healthcare. democrats are celebrating victory because of obamacare but in reality they've been hoodwinked because the battle should have been on free healthcare.

II. pre-existing conditions clause does not cover emergency hospitalizations

the enrollment period is only during nov 1 to dec 15. if you don't buy health insurance because you are just relying on the pre-existing conditions clause, and you get into a car accident and get hospitalized, you will have to pay the entire hospitalization costs. so if you are rolling the dice with pre-existing conditions you need to drive extra carefully.

but if your state participated in the medicaid expansion and your income is below $17k then you can apply for coverage after you get treated from the accident or emergency procedure and get covered under medicaid expansion. but note that only half of the states participated because other states did not want to raise taxes to pay their share

III. retrospective

V. pinoy care

in the philippines it only cost me $300 (P14k) to get an MRI. in the states an MRI costs $1k. i recommend americans with high deductibles get their expensive procedures done here in the philippines and enjoy the beautiful white sand beach of boracay afterwards. thank you in advance for contributing to our economy.

VI. wealthy health 43 year old on medicare

if you live in america long enough, the title of this section would sound very ridiculous. but it's actually true. medicare is suppose to be for the old, sick and poor. but there is this jack ass who is young, healthy and economically well off, but is under medicare. oh wait, that jack ass is me. shame on me. obamacare only looks at your income to determine if you are eligible for obamacare. so even if you are a millionaire country club member living off your savings, as long as you don't earn enough income, you are eligible for medicare. althought this is not really a significant obamacare blunder because only very few people have the same situation as me.

even a young girl who lived in the grim, drug and prostitution infested slums of the philipines, suppose to be far and distant from the world of US politics, recently was shocked when she learned i was on medicare. i took her in and helped her finish school (wink wink) and now she is working in a call center for a US based health insurance provider. she tried to sell me health insurance so i told her i was on medicare or medical under obamacare. she was shocked because she had this impression i was this rich philanthropist.

my aunt and uncle in the states worked their ass off for 30 years and made huge sacrifices just so that they can continue to have health insurance until they reach retirement age of 65. they sacrificed many opportunities and stayed on their jobs for fear they might lose their employer provided health insurance.. that's why it sounds very unfair for me to be on medicare. i don't want to find work because i don't want to lose my free healthcare benefit.

health insurance can easily cost me $500 a month. that's P25k a month. you can live like a king for P25k a month in the philippines. that's how big this gift is that obama gave me. i never really had to use my medicare benefits but the real benefit of health insurance is not just when you get sick. it's being able to sleep soundly at night knowing that if you need a bypass surgery your life savings and assets won't be wiped out by the medical bills. that's the true value of health insurance - to protect your wealth and assets.

in the philippines, there is no such thing as a true health insurance but you can diversify P1 million of your assets into stocks and bonds and get free health insurance. the company that does this is PRU life UK. search and contact my sister in law chiqui crystal in facebook for more details. you probably need to diversify into stocks and bonds anyway even if you already have health insurance. philippine real estate prices are already so high it's always good to ring the register in case we are in a bubble. if you inherited some 3 hectar land far in the mountains you are too lazy to develop and manage, roll it over to stocks and bonds and get free health insurance so you can protect your house and that shiny harley davidson sitting in your garage.

VII. tosh.o comedy

one of the side effects of obamacare: some people are not afraid to get hurt. there’s always that one gang member in the wheelchair. this is why. i never knew it was sunny in bad neighborhoods. the most unbelievable part of this is that he has direct tv. did the camerman just say “a backwards flip up in the air”? somebody’s been styuding color commentary at the magic johnson institute. the camerman is concerned enough to pray but not concerned enough to put the camera down and call for help. it doesn’t matter the police don’t respond in that neighborhood unless it requires excessive force. this is exclusive footage. you cannot get this in BET. this is real black entertainment. does suicide count as black on black crime? if only sandra bullock have adopted him before it came to this. look at him do the batman pose after. he is the darkest knight. his body is still adjusting to the fact that all his organs are in his shoes. he is fine. he had the pimp limp before he jumped. but i’m glad the free clinic in that neighborhood is in hobbling distance.

(for more of my knowledge bombs, click the "ian's knowledge bombs" banner at the top of this article and choose any article in the table of contents that piques your interest)

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