Thursday, November 21, 2013

stamina, not insomnia

people have been focusing on the number of hours of sleep when they should be focusing on the up time.  even if i have a healthy normal sleep time of 8 hours every time i sleep, what if my regular up time is 20 hours?

unless i'm retired or my job has flexible time where i can wake up any time i want, 20 hours of regular up time is actually a big problem. let's say my work starts at 8 am. let's start with the ideal - i sleep at 10 pm. my regular sleep is 8 hours so i wake up at 6 am. perfect time to get ready for work, all recharged, refreshed, and ready to kick butt. here comes the problem - my up time is 20 hours - during this time i'm very energetic so i work very hard and i'm very productive. again, you might ask, what's wrong with that?

well, 6 am + 20 hours is 2 am. so i sleep at 2am. but my regular sleep is 8 hours so i wake up at 10am. ok so the alarm clock wakes me up at 6 am and i force myself to wake up.  this means i only have 4 hours of sleep so the whole day i'm tired and very unproductive. this lessens your up time so you sleep earlier and you get a good night sleep. but note 50% of your life you are not at your full productive state.

i think the ability to stay up 20 hours EVERYTIME as long as you get a good 8 hours sleep SHOULD be a good feature, not a bug.

i bet you too many people in this world are actually very healthy and hardworking but because their up time is 20 hours or more, they end up being tired, lazy and under performing most of the time. this leads to discontent and unhappiness. you morons will call this insomnia. i call it stamina

so 1) know your up time. and 2) find a life that suites your up time.  in my case, that life is early retirement.

update 3/11/21:

a friend suggested i try walking an a hour a day. i tried it and found out it cuts down my uptime. so now i have a regular and healthy sleep pattern, which also happens to be a big factor for gut health. walking also increases my appetite and makes food taste much better. it also gives me that super awesome feeling when i lie down in bed to sleep.

(for more of my knowledge bombs, click the "ian's knowledge bombs" banner at the top of this article and choose any article in the table of contents that piques your interest)

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