Monday, December 2, 2013

paul walker was hot

i'm not gay. i mean paul walker was literally hot when he died. driving unecessarily fast can kill you and can kill other people but it's cool and honorable.

friends always complain i drive too slow when we go snowboarding i just set to cruise control and tag behind an 18 wheeler it drives them crazy. i tell them i drive slow because i'm smart and they are a bunch of morons unnecessarily risking their lives just to save 30 minutes in a 3 hour drive. i know we can never avoid accidents but if we can do something to decrease the probability, we should.

one time i was snowboarding on a weekday and it was snowing hard so i was just going 25 mph and there was this blue toyota camry honking angrily behind me to go faster finally they overtook me but paused beside me for a moment to scold me they were all filipino teenagers they were spewing all kinds of profanity and expletives at me.. then they just sped off even if the mountain road with cliffs on the side was snowy and icy. minutes later i saw the same blue camry on the middle of the freeway turned over. it was still spinning slowly like a top. i saw people running towards the car with cell phone on their ears i guess they were already dialing 911 so i just passed by.

with all the technology nowadays to entertain yourself there is no need to hurry and drive fast - there are lots of informative and entertaining pod casts of your favorite topics like politics, financial news, sports, etc ... , audio books and magazines, stand up comedies you can download from youtube, not to mention the traditional driving entertainment - music. you can even learn a new language for your next travel plans.  i usually mix it up - 10 minutes of music, 30 minutes of audio book, 30 minutes of talk show, 10 minutes of language learning and just rotate next thing you know you just arrived at that snowboard resort and wonder how you got there so fast when you were driving slow. plus the 18 wheeler in front of me offers buffer protection for a more relaxing cruise. plus the vacuum created by the huge truck helps pull my car, saving me money on gasoline. if it's night and snowing hard it's like the star wars movie i fantasize the snow glittering from my headlights are the stars and i'm travelling at warp speed.

don't get me wrong i do love speed. here are videos of me getting a speed rush - riding with friendsboardercross course with a gopro

philippine provincial roads are very dangerous. you may not feel it and the media is not informing you of the terrifying accident stastics but it’s actually very very very dangerous because of the lack of center barrierd. even at 40 kph, a head on collision is almost always fatal. accidents are less fatal if it’s side or rear end collisions. it’s physics - the impact of a head on collision is equal to the sum of the speeds of the opposing vehicles. example if one vehicle is going 40 kph and other other is going 30 kph, 40 + 30  = 70kph impact. on a rear end collision between 70 kph and 60 kph, the impact is only 70 - 60 = 10 kph.

it's not just the impact. faster speeds give you less control and less time to react and stop (although this is not really a knowledge bomb, i'm including it here for the sake of completeness). example if you blow a tire at 80 kph you are toast. the vehicle could even turn turtle. but at 50 kph, you still have a good chance to control the vehicle and stop.

the risk with traveling in philippine provincial roads is further magnified with the frequent need to overtake due to slow vehicles like tricycles. not to mention the dogs and children who make the street their playgrounds. my advice is to just cruise at a relaxing 50 kph. example you can travel from cebu city to the farthest town in cebu within just 2 hours at a relaxing 50 kph cruise (cebu is only 200 km). also avoid tight squeeze overtakes.

(update: sequel to this article:

(for more of my knowledge bombs, click the "ian's knowledge bombs" banner at the top of this article and choose any article in the table of contents that piques your interest)

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