Monday, November 28, 2016

the juramentado knowledge bomb

JUST A KNIFE !!! are you kidding me ??? how kind of him. whenever you hear about these shootings and terror attacks in the news, you gotta wonder why and even be thankful that the attacker did not resort to more deadly attacks that would have claimed more lives. i look at the "glass half full" perspective. i'm thankful that the attackers usually carry out attacks in such a way that they easily get caught or get killed. or they even kill themself. even the charlie hebdo attacks in paris, with their competency, organization and resources, they could have used a dirty bomb and killed thousands, maybe crashed the stock market and plunge human society into the dark ages, instead of killing just 11 people and also getting killed.

unless you are an idiot, you have to realize it's actually very easy to kill a thousand people in your lifetime and still be vacationing in the bahamas sipping cocktail by the beach until you die of old age. just pretend to be normal.  join a church even. while you keep murdering people. maybe learn how to make bombs like like what timothy mcveigh did. actually of all the attacks i can remember, only mcveigh's attack did not confuse me. there was no glass half full in the oklahoma city bombing.  and mcveigh tried to not get caught.

it's like when you hear in the news that many ISIS fighters came from america.i think i'm the only one who feels thankful they joined the battles in syria or iraq instead of staying in america to kill as many americans as they can throughout their lifetime. what's ironic is that mcveigh's intention was not to kill as many people as possible - it was just to exact revenge. a muslim terrorist's religious duty is to kill as many infidels as possible. just imagine that they 100% believe americans are the devil and the more devils you kill the more it pleases allah. yet most of attacks only kill a few people, like using a truck to run over people.

the job of the media is to scare the bajeezus out of you to increase TV ratings. my job is to help you live life to the fullest with less worries and ignorance and more acceptance and understanding. folks in the media are harvard and oxford grads and yet they fail to give you a possibly helpful perspective in some of these shootings and domestic terror attacks.

i'm just a dummy yet it seems i'm the only one curious enough to suspect that maybe some of these attacks are really just like another natural calamity like an earthquake. maybe it all boils down to a genetic anomaly - a mental disease or psychopathological behavior. who knows maybe some people are predisposed to alcoholism that's why it's more prevalent in the muslim culture where it is illegal to drink alcohol. the important thing to keep in mind is that it's nobody's fault. of course the attacker should be killed or punished. and of course some of these attacks are shaped by cultural factors such as islam. and of course the imams who spew hatred should be held accountable. i would even go as far as saying we should put a bullet in the heads of these radical imams (give them what they want which is to be martyred and go to heaven). but just like with earthquakes where society is already doing it's best to prevent casualties such as improving building technology, society is also already doing it's best to prevent these attacks.

whenever you hear about an islamic terror attack, you also have to keep in mind that these kinds of attacks happen in all cultures and race. i read about that man in china who just started stabbing people. and of course the school shootings and other mass shootings in america carried out by americans and are not motivated by any religion. my dad also told me that when he was in college in ateneo, long before islamic jihad was a thing, they had a dorm mate who was preparing to do one of these attacks. good thing the other muslim students noticed the warning signs and prevented the attack.

so i googled and found 2 very informative wikipedia articles:

juramentado is the common term we use in the philippines, but it's just a type of amok. it's really just a mental disease and their objective is martyrdom and to make the attack spectacular enough to be honored. but i don't think they would ever resort to dirty bombs or chemical weapons because they learned from history that this would easily give rise to a new hitler that would perform genocide on all muslims. only this time there is no america to save their asses.

(for more of my knowledge bombs, click the "ian's knowledge bombs" banner at the top of this article and choose any article in the table of contents that piques your interest)

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