Wednesday, December 14, 2016

rare perspectives of mamasapano massacre

i was outraged and saddened by the massacre of 44 special forces cops in mamasapano during an encounter with the muslim rebels. i don't think it was really an encounter. it looks to me more of a fatal and catastrophic misunderstanding.

the government forces have more resources and military power. if this was an expected, planned battle, or even an "expected ambush", the rebels won't stand a chance. i think they were after the $5 million reward for the capture of the malaysian bomb maker. they didn't follow standard procedures to mimimize the number of people who will be sharing the reward.  this should be the central point of the investigation or senate hearings.

at first glance i thought you should not be angry at muslim rebels (MILF) for the deaths of 44 government special police forces (SAF) because thats war. but after i learned the rebels mutilated the bodies, then all bets are off. however, you should also be angry at the leaders of those slain cops for their incompetence. at least it’s good to know the commander have resigned and took responsibility. the leaders of the slain cops should have coordinated with the rebels OR took precautions and assumed the rebels would attack them. there is a reason why they are called rebels. also the slain cops were not unarmed innocent civilians on a field trip - the government forces have more resources and military power. they should have the upper hand. however, if the MILF attacked first, and without warning, or if the cops were double crossed where the muslim rebels agreed to coordinate on the hunt for the terror suspect but killed the cops anyway, then i won’t be that angry at the commander of the slain cops.

this incident also highlights the reason why my favorite facebook post is thanking our soldiers (US and philippines). the slain cops were hunting a bomb maker who could kill us or your love ones. this is why even if FOX news is biased, i watch it and i think it’s the best news channel because they always praise and highlight the importance of our soldiers. i don’t understand why others like CNN and MSNBC don’t praise our military enough. there is no reason for them not to. it does not contradict with their core beliefs. maybe liberalism really is a mental disorder. i know the US commits a lot of atrocities but you can advocate to stop these atrocities and praise the military at the same time because they are just following orders. if CNN and MSNBC praises our military once in a while i would start to feel they are the much better news channel compared to fox news. maybe it's because the left are suppose to be more intellectual and praising the military is beneath them, but a huge majority of society are not intellectuals and during elections the vote of 1 intellectual = vote of the supposedly dumb or simple minded fox news viewer. 

(for more of my knowledge bombs, click the "ian's knowledge bombs" banner at the top of this article and choose any article in the table of contents that piques your interest)

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