Thursday, November 8, 2018

manny pacquiao's speech at oxford


knowledge bomb of the day: even if manny pacquiao was never a boxer, he is still one of the very few lucky filipinos. he recently gave a speech in oxford where he said growing up in poverty in the philippines he felt very cold at night. there's 1 kid from the slums i helped who is now doing very well. adopted by a very rich family. like manny pacquiao she is gifted with a type of body metabolism where they feel cold at night even if everyone else is suffering from the heat. my theory is that if it's uncomfortably hot for you at night and you are too poor for aircon or electric fan you don't get a good night sleep. this can cause you to be less successful in life because you are mentally and physically tired during the day which can cause you to make bad decisions and even resort to drug abuse. when you lack sleep, it lowers your immune system which makes you more susceptible to disease and thus lowering the overall productivity throughout your life.

however if you feel cold all you need is a blanket to feel comfortable so you have a good night sleep and wake up fresh and in good condition to maximize your full potential. the kid is now grown up and rich but she still has that weird crush on me so she treated me to an over night at a very nice beach resort. i was so excited until i realized the aircon will be turned off so i had to suffer the heat and humidity. the following morning i had a sinus infection. but recently it's almost like i just won a billion dollars because i finally found a healthy and natural solution to my sinus problem after 48 years of suffering -

manny pacquiao's speech was inspirational but pointless. people and society don't spend enough time and effort examining and troubleshooting ourselves for NON OBVIOUS defects similar to what i'm writing here. there isn't even a term for it. allow me to coin this and call it - Self Diagnosis and Troubleshooting (SDT).

example if a kid is always late for school the teacher simply scolds the kid. if the tardiness is caused by a defect that is outside of anyone's control, the kid can just develop low self esteem and resort to drugs or alcohol. what if it's just a simple fix? or if the root problem is diagnosed and has no fix, then awareness, acceptance, a work around, societal sympathy and understanding and adjustment of expectations would still be of big help instead of just symbolically dumping these defective individuals to society's virtual trash bin.

another example:

we already try to address the obvious defects. example we now have handicap parking, handicap ramps, etc ... we even address the normal and expected deficiencies - example senior citizen discounts.

and of course pharmaceuticals and biotechs are developing medicines for known diseases. NBA star larry nance jr, when he was a teenager, he wanted to quit basketball because it was too exhausting for him. it turns out he just had crohn's disease which was treatable so he got treatment and now he is an NBA star. chron's disease is not that obvious but luckily for larry nance jr, there was a certain level of expectation for him to be an athlete because of his physical prowess and his dad was also an nba star. he also had the financial means to be diagnosed and get treated.

what about the non obvious defects of people with lower economic or social status? welcome to the hidden university of life (take that jab manny pacquiao). i have this theory where the self esteem of a person depends on the compatibility of that person's inborn competence potential and realized achievements. if those two don't match then it could lead to emotional problems such as lack of self esteem and discontent, which could in turn lead to destructive life choices like substance abuse. sometimes the defect would cause this incompatibility or discontent because it makes the level of success or quality of life significantly below that of one's potential. a good analogy would be if you own a bmw sports car that has 1 defective fuel injection - it can still run faster than other cars but you will be discontent and unhappy.

so maybe we should look into this more. maybe it warrants incorporating into school curricula. an obstacle to this endeavor would be that the leaders and influential people of society tend to not have these non obvious defect. so they won't develop a sense of urgency or necessity to explore this new art or skill of self diagnostic and troubleshooting. if they do have a defect it would be obvious and usually society already has solutions to the more obvious defects. example stephen hawking was very influential but his defect was obvious so he still got to communicate, achieve his potential and live a happy life.

(it's amazing how fast i went from a champion boxer to a guy in a wheelchair. not to mention both are my examples of lucky people)

as i said earlier not all defects has a fix. mental illness is an example. example robin williams was gifted, wealthy and loved by his family and friends yet he still committed suicide. however, there is still lack of awareness and education on this topic. that's why i wrote many knowledge bomb articles on this topic. for example in the very least maybe education on this topic would have helped robin william's family in the grieving process.

another  example: what if there really is such as a thing as people born with very low energy or very short attention span? what if science proves there is no cure? maybe congress can pass laws to require employers to provide 4 hour or even 2 hour work shifts if it's feasible. they will make less and have a lower standard of living but at least it's better than nothing or it beats being jobless and even homeless. of course this will require extra cost because it could be an administrative nightmare but requiring handicap parking spaces or wheelchair ramps when you construct a new building also would incur extra costs.

if my idea ever becomes a reality, i hope for the sake of sustainability and harmony, real world libertarian principles are applied instead of touting class warfare in the guise of compassion just to achieve a political objective. example, people working in 2 hour work shifts should understand they don't get the same benefits as people with 8 hour shifts. i know it's sad and they will suffer but that's just a reality we all have to accept because the alternative (socialism) is more disastrous. just like the soldiers who died in world war 2 trying to stop hitler. of course it's a tragedy whenever someone dies but the alternative would have been catastrophic to mankind.  it's all about setting real world expectations from the get go. it should be taught in schools instead of teaching unsustainable progressive fantasies. also emphasize the values of respect and appreciation for more competent people (

example, i was coaching a poor public school basketball team playing against rich kids from a private school. the game was highly competitive but players from both sides were courteous and respectful to each other. it's just natural survival instinct for the poor players to respect someone who might be your employer or boss one day. or you might become friends and who knows the rich kid might be able to give financial assistance to your mom who has diabetes. the rich kids even gave my poor players a ride home after the game. in a class warfare, the poor kids will just taunt the rich kids because anyway they deserve free healthcare, free housing, food stamps, etc ...

i always believe people would most likely vote for you if you promise them free stuff and you reverse the natural structure of society by making people believe the competent entrepreneurs or high income earners are the evil ones who should share their wealth with you. it's a miracle the entire world is not yet socialist. i can't believe people voted for trump even if trump promised he will repeal obamacare.

(update: the riots in france is just another proof that progressive fantasies are not sustainable)

but my biggest defect is, i just watched a speech by a boxer and  suddenly i can't help it but create a new subject matter, field of study or way of living that could be taught in schools, transform society's focus or priorities and significantly improve the quality of life of mankind.

(for more of my knowledge bombs, click the "ian's knowledge bombs" banner at the top of this article and choose any article in the table of contents that piques your interest)

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