Friday, April 17, 2020

rare perspectives on quarantine violators

trump supporters who are disobeying quarantine orders should be ticketed and punished with community service when the pandemic is over. but i cannot personally condemn them because lots of people who i consider great human beings such as president obama and my dad smoke everyday which is just as bad. you might say smokers only endanger themselves while quarantine violators engdanger other people. that's true but i did something worse than endanger other people. i virtually murdered 3 of my children. i'm not talking about abortion because my children never even reached conception. i'm a worse human being than the crazy mother who murdered her 3 children because at least her kids got to taste icecream and witness the beautiful sunset many times in their childhood before their mom snapped.

example you hear a lot about the evils of sex trafficking but if you look at it from a differnt angle or perspective you can say the victims are lucky they got to taste icecream and enjoy the beautiful sunset. because for me sex trafficking is just a symptom of poverty and i think poverty can be solved overnight if people who can't afford to raise kids simply don't have kids. you might think germany and japan are much better than thailand and the philippine because they have no children suffering from poverty. but actually it's because japan and germany has a reverse pyramid demographic which means they virtually murdered hundreds of millions of their children. again i'm not talking about abortion i'm talking about the millions of couples in japan and germany who decided not to have kids even if they can easily afford to have kids. it's not because of neoliberalism or the tyranny of powerful elites as what leftists want you to believe. the only country that impresses me is south korea because they pop out lots of kids and still have very high standard of living. what's even funny is south korea is neoliberalism heaven because the labor movements weakened in the 90s. this proves that it's not the system it's the people that really matters.

meanwhile in thailand and the philippines couples who can't even afford to feed themselves pop out 9 kids. that's probably why you see these kids very happy dancing in the street despite their poverty. maybe the spirit of the universe is informing their subconscious that they are not suppose to exist but they they stole a human body and got away with it. my childhood friends sometimes mocked me because i had no money while they had lots of money. when i asked them where they got their money they would proudly brag to me that they sucked a foreigner's dick. meanwhile in germany and japan millions of kids waiting in line to be conceived are shouting at their parents pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease take off that condom and let me be conceived i don't care if i suck a foreigner's dick i just want to taste ice cream (no pun intended) and swim in the ocean.

you also don't have the moral authority to be condemning the quarantine violators if you are not sacrificing time and effort in promoting climate change awareness or doing your part in combating climate change. you don't lift a finger as the entire mankind is marching towards a cliff  but you start yelling at quarantine violators? that's ridiculous. the  directors of my golf club alta vista have the moral authority to yell at quarantine violators because they installed solar panels at the club.

during family dinner my aunt called our maid an idiot for making a mistake. i told my aunt she should not be angry because if maids are smart then chances are they would be the masters and she would be the maid. if there are no quarantine violators and everyone does the right thing then chances are you would be a taxi driver right now becaues there would be too many lawyers, doctors, nurses and engineers competing for the same job. the more quarantine violators there are, the better chances your kids will have in succeeding in life because they are smarter than their competition. you can't have your cake and eat it too.

quarantine violators also promote herd immunity and they can be valuable plasma donors if they get infected and recover.

i'm not some delusional ghandi preaching humility and understanding for unity and harmony of mandkind. i'm simply promoting understanding. period. it's ok to kill each other as long as we do it with understanding that we simply are trying to protect our way of life instead of wasting all our time and effort arguing about morality bullshit. example when i was working in silicon vally, my coworker razmik ahanesians from iran told me it's immoral to eat meat because there are plant based foods that can even give us better nutrition. i told him that i 100% agree that it's immoral to eat innocent cows and chicken and i know he is a much better and evolved human being than me. however, if the day ever comes when eating my favorite fried chicken and prime rib steak would land me in prison because of vegetarians like him, i will find him and i will kill him.

i asked razmik if he loves fried chicken or beef steak? he told me they are disgusting. that means maybe he is just a control freak asshole who wants to impose his way of life on other people. i will only give him credibility that he is a truly righteous person if he craves for fillet mignon or a juicy beef burger but never eats them out of principle. the fact is that you never hear about a leftist who craves for ferraris and luxury yachts but chose to give his extra wealth to the needy because it's the right thing to do. of course giving your wealth to the needy is amazing and the world will be a better place if everyone does the same thing but that does not mean you should force everyone to do it even if they don't share your human nature or personality. there's only 1 person i know who i give credibility in promoting his faith or belief. my batchmate who is gay but voluntarily chose not to have homosexual relations because of his devotion to his christian faith. i don't believe in any religion but i give him credibility in promoting his way of life.

i don't know why until now people haven't realized that all these cultural wars and endless political arguments really boils down to our human nature or genes or personality or way of life, whatever you call it. that's why ideologues like chomsky immediately shuts you down saying any claims about human nature is unscientific or pseudo science because they know that the human nature factor is what easily destroys their ideological nonsense. ben shapiro also has this tendency when he coaches his soldiers to insist that free market capitalism is more moral than socialism because socialists are basically thieves who wishes to take our hard earned properties away. to me that argument is irrelevant because the native americans who were decimated to near extinction were the good guys. the slaves were the good guys. and i would rather be the european invader or slave owner. if an invading army is raping my wife and daughter in front of me i'm not going to say "haha jokes on you because we are the good guys and you are the bad guys". i tell my leftist friends that even if the proletariat is the majority, their comrades are not the che guevaras of the world. their soldiers are mostly composed of homer simpsons who will easily sell their soul to the highest bidder.

so the next time you post your political rants in facebook, ask yourself, do you really care about morality or helping other people or are you just angry other people don't share your personality, way of life, or political belief? because if you really care about other people then you are very lucky because there are always people who need your help. instead of spending thousands of dollars on brand name clothes, you can just wear walmart clothes and use the money to help feed hungry children in africa. if you are afraid god might strike america for legalizing gay marriage then i'm sure god will forgive america if all the christians in america give their extra wealth to help the needy.

if you are a psychiatrist or someone interested in studying the mind of a clinically insane person like me, search "ian's knowledge bombs" on the web for more of my juicy philosophies.

(for more of my knowledge bombs, click the "ian's knowledge bombs" banner at the top of this article and choose any article in the table of contents that piques your interest)

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