Tuesday, April 21, 2020

agendas are overrated

it baffles me that leftists who are suppose to be the guardians of ordinary employees never screamed that OSHA should require businesses to require their customers to wear home made masks to protect their employees. this is how you slowly build credibility. i'm not a smart person but i was screaming about the importance of wearing masks since march 30 (https://youtu.be/ZpS_66R6e_I). home made masks out of old t-shirts and shoelaces does not cost money. this is what happens when you focus too much on your agenda and forget that your goal is to help society.

example, the goal is suppose to be to help those suffering because they don't have health insurance. bernie says 87 million americans have no insurance but the question is how many of them are actually suffering? insurance is not a normal instinct to an ordinary human being so a healthy idiot will prioritize his/her right to own guns, protect the border and defend the rights of babies in the womb. these feelings or instincts are more primordial compared to insurance policies so they would prioritize them over medicare-for-all. leftists should play it like a chess game by giving up these pawns temporarily. just like the republicans who are laying low on gay marriage in order to win the chess game. maybe a small bump or expansion of medicare will lessen the suffering as i analyzed in my blog article "crystal-care". instead of constantly throwing 50 yard touchdown attempts and getting 3 and out every possession, the left should go for a 3 yard run if it's 3rd and 2 so that sick people who can't afford health insurance will get medicare.

i say "lessen" the suffering because a sick person will still suffer even if he/she has health insurance. which means motivating people to exercise and eat healthy will probably lessen more suffering than medicare-for-all. it astonishes me that you never hear leftists motive people to eat healthy and exercise. or buy an electric car or solar roof which are already affordable to many without government subsidies. what's even worse is the left demonizes and mocks jordan peterson for telling people to clean their room which turned out to be the spark that jump started the lives of millions who were in depression. turns out cleaning your room would cause a domino effect in your self esteem and your life. but the left hates this because it does not cost $billions in government programs. the left only wants to say things that causes the establishment republicans and democrats to say "how will we pay for it?" (sorry kyle kulinski). then they make youtube videos comparing jordan peterson's ignorant knowledge on the definition of communism to that of chomsky's technical correctness. that's like mocking tiger woods because the rules official knows more about the rules in golf. same way they mocked cenk i mean michael dell for being schooled by a history professor from MIT in davos about tax history.

or maybe because the left ignores human nature and believes everyone else is just as competent and intelligent as them so there is no need to motivate anyone to eat healthy and exercise. chomsky, who is considered the smartest intellectual in the world, says human nature cannot be scientifically studied so everything i'm saying is just pseudo science. but i strongly believe it can be observed if you just go out of your intellectual bubble and actually live in the real world instead of just meet with highly principled revolutionary peasants and leaders. meet with ordinary people who will masturabate when they see your beautiful daughter. the left has this delusion that the proletariat is mostly che guevaras when in reality the proletariat is composed mostly of homer simpsons. most humans function better in a hierarchy based on my observations in the real world (read apple-falling-far-from-the-tree in my blog). in a way humans are still like a colony of ants. the homer simpsons need mentors and leaders who inspires them on self improvement. not mythical robin hood figures who promises to take away from the rich and redistribute to the poor.

unfortunately, likeable people such as those with charisma and talent (musicians and hollywood celebrities) can never live in the real world even if they try or even if they grow up in the slums. if chomsky goes to the slums everyone will be in their best behavior trying to impress him so of course chomsky will think humans have a proclivity for mutual aid and humans will work hard even if they can take what they want from the communal storage and not just depend on welfare and free healthcare. but if it's me who enters the slums i immediately get mugged and robbed. you can only get the truth about the real world from a cockroach like me. but who the hell listens to a cockroach? not the leftists and that's why bernie sanders had to drop out and his young supporters will be the next neo nazis once they start having kids and paying bills.

what happened in the soviet union and maoist china was that everyone listened to the cool and brilliant chomskys of the world (marx, engels, etc ...) who thought it was a good idea to put power in the hands of the homer simpsons so of course they were immediately bulldozed by ultra right winger state capitalists such as lenin and stalin. luckily nowadays, only leftists listen to chomsky who claims socialism failed because it was hijacked by lenin and stalin. that's as ridiculous as saying we could have won the basketball game if we scored more points. luckily nowadays the pscychopathic minority listens to the cockroaches such as former janitor sean hannity. nowadays, the homer simpson proletariat is still the majority but fortunately america is not really a democracy but corporatism where the opulent minority is being protected against the incompetence of the majority. if germany had corporatism during hitler, the jews would have had senators to protect them. a true democracy in america scares me because chomsky says america is very racist and i have brown skin therefore i want power to remain in the hands of corporations who at least needs me to be prosperous so i can buy their products. but chomsky told me i'm like a slave in the 18th century who thinks slavery is good because my condition is much better than the slaves of the 17th century. oh well he is a scientist and i'm just an idiot so maybe he is right.

only a cockroach can tell you that a normal human being has the conscience to do whatever it takes to take down hitler to protect other people but don't have the conscience to worry about other people not having health insurance. if a person dies from cancer because of no insurance, the common low intellect will FEEL it's the cancer's fault, not someone like hitler or replublicans blocking medicare-for-all. it takes an especially moral or evolved person like a leftist or lisa simpson to have that kind of conscience. especially that a normal person is aware that doctors, medical equipments and medicines don't just magically appear out of nowhere. a normal intellect thinks basic human rights should not be expensive and anything expensive has to be earned. for the right to vote, ballot boxes may cost money but it's easily covered by the personal income taxes. same with the right to not get raped - there are 40 thousand police officers in new york but there are also 8 million people so to pay for the annual salary of $60,000 for each police officer each person only has to pay $300 a year in taxes. but it's not easy for a common intellect to do the math and figure out that it should be easy for the government to pay for his/her bypass heart surgery of $40,000 even if he/she is only paying $2,000 a year on taxes. for the left's message on medicare-for-all to be more effective, the left should include and emphasize the basic math to show people the government can easily afford it. maybe post it in a web page and simplify it for an average person to understand then promote this web page. note it should not be a website. it has to be a single, concise and simple web page

it also baffles me that i never hear a leftist mention the word "thorium" or promote tesla. maybe because in tesla, workers don't control the means of production which according to leftists is tantamount to tyranny. even if that is true, why not go for the first down and promote telsa instead of a 50 yard touchdown dismantling corporations? leftists want elon musk to have the same power as the janitor. sounds ridiculous but no leftist would deny this. they proudly call it the workplace democracy. it also baffles me that you rarely hear leading leftists start or join a work place democracy or coop and make youtube videos screaming how awesome it is to participate in controlling the means of production. a coop is a thousand times closer to socialism than cuba or soviet union. yet bernie sanders stubbornly praises cuba's literacy programs instead of praising coops. it's like praising hitler because he brushes his teeth. makes me feel leftists themselves need a hierarchy for them to function. and when there is a successful coop like my football team greenbay packers, chomsky condemns them as jingoist fanatics.

chomsky also keeps quoting abraham lincoln who said "wage labor is different from slavery only that it's temporary". of course it was true during that time when people work 16 hours a day, die in factory fires and get beaten to death by cops if they go on strike. any low intellect will know it does not apply to the present situation. chomsky might feel sorry for the wage laborers but actually the wage laborers also feel sorry for chomsky for having to read all those books because for them reading just 1 books feels like climbing mount everest. business owners are actually the new slaves of today because unlike the employees who's job ends after they clock out, an owner cannot rest and have to keep worrying about the competition coming up with a better product or the chef in the restaurant resigning.

by not promoting thorium, first solar and tesla, leftists are "climate change realistic solutions deniers" and are helping mankind march towards the cliff. i suspect bill o' reilly sacrificed his career by promoting tesla in his show in fox news, prompting the koch brothers to do a hit job on his career. and as usual the left assisted the koch brothers. just like the palestinian terrorists actually assisted benjamin netanyahu build a greater israel by killing the israeli athletes in the 1972 olympics in munich. read my article leftists-harming-the-palestinians. of course leftists will be angry at my article not realizing that if netanyahu reads my article he would want me dead. that's what happens when you focus too much on your agenda instead of actually helping people who are suffering.

example, i don't think bill o' reilly's downfall had anything to do with women's rights. it was really american women's rights or white women's rights because hundreds of women in darfur where being raped and killed everyday. imagine if leftists actually got traumatized by the hundreds of women raped and murdered daily to the point they settle for concessions with republicans just so that we will send troops to prevent further sufferings. imagine if the left agreed to make abortion illegal in exchange for sending troops to darfur. this is how you slowly build credibility and retain the support of the newer generations even after they have kids and start paying bills and realize humans don't have the proclivity for mutual aid.

it's like oh my gosh senator al franken pretended to cup a feel the breast of a woman who was wearing a bullet proof vest. that's a gross violation of human rights !!! justice was demanded and justice was served. the star senator of the democrats had to resign. meanwhile, a poor cambodian child gets pistol whipped on the head for doing a crappy job giving oral sex. it's no big deal. the laceration on her head required only 12 stitches. the police chief even scolded her for complaining. the perp never received any punishment and is being interviewed in the video smiling and bragging about it - Cambodia: The Virginity Trade. the moral of the story is that it is never ok to violate the rights of anyone who can fight back. which is stupid because even animals know this. this law of nature has been going on in the entire history of this planet. women's rights movement is irrelevant because people only care about their agenda or ideology and forget the ultimate goal of their agenda is to help people who are suffering.

fox, cnn and msnbc are like ice cream. i love ice cream. but vegatables are important. if you want vegetables for your brain, search "ian's knowledge bombs" on the web and read the articles in my blog.

(complete list of my knowledge bombs - https://ian-crystal.blogspot.com/2018/12/table-of-contents.html)

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