Saturday, February 13, 2021

happy tax time

it's almost tax time or 2nd christmas because it's the time of the year i happily give money to the government for social programs that help the poor (and drones killing innocent civilians???). i only wish i can pay more like 50% tax in a social democracy. i like making people happy and chinese government will be very happy if america becomes a social democracy because in the long run it will weaken america because my gut feeling tells me that unlike scandinavians and canadians, americans will lack the motivation to work hard if basic needs are free. my experience in america and watching the news is that a typical american government worker whose job is protected by the big government union would rather browse facebook than answer the phone to assist someone. but i like social democracy to succeed and it can easily succeed if ENOUGH people exercise and eat healthy. americans will be happier from the serotonin high produce by their gut bacteria. increase serotonin production by walking 1 hour a day. prevent gut bacteria damage by taking absolutely ZERO SWEETs, not even sweetened fruit juices or sweetened cereals. americans can eat as much bacon as they want just eat 1 spoon of sauerkraut a day to replenish the gut bacteria damaged by the antibiotics in the bacon. leftists in america are idiots for not advocating the most important factor that will make social democracy work, which is health or personal responsibility in general. maybe because leftists know that if social democracy succeeds in america, in reality it's the conservatives who win because the core principle of conservatism is self responsibility. scandinavian society is successful because of self responsibility. a successful social democracy is just a side effect of self responsibility. example if enough people take care of their health, any health care system will succeed because the cost will be so low it won't be a factor regarldess of the system. luckily for americans, personal responsiblity is winning over government dependency. the turning point was when obama put up the white flag against the tea party movement. true conservatives know obamacare was a vaccine to prevent universal healthcare and level the slippery slope towards government dependency. the conservative oligarchy managed to turn the democratic party into the republican party. jeff bezos bought the washington post and biden is practically a corporatist republican. if you want ice cream for your brain, watch CNN and fox news. if you want meat for your brain, read chomsky. if you want vegetables for your brain, search "ian's knowledge bombs" on the web and click "politics-for-dummies" in the table of contents. if you want to achieve regular serotonin highs, read

(for more of my knowledge bombs, click the "ian's knowledge bombs" banner at the top of this article and choose any article in the table of contents that piques your interest)

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