Friday, August 12, 2022

golf eats


I. golf eats
II. your gut health is a factor in golf
III. village golf


I. golf eats

if your stomach is full, your performance and focus will decrease significantly because your brain and muscles will have to compete with your digestive system for energy. however, a hungry stomach will also make you weak and score triple bogeys.

the best power snack to eat while golfing is raw peanuts. it's also the simplest and most efficient in terms of logistics. make sure to bring a small trash bag for the shells. in cebu, you can only buy raw peanuts in carbon market. if you follow my health regiment in my blog article, raw peanuts will become very delicious. even if you don't like raw peanuts right now, as you become healthier and your gut health improves, a time will come when you become addicted to raw peanuts, but in a good way.

in the half way house, i recommend eating 1 or 2 hard boiled eggs. it's very good with knorr seasoning. experiment to find out if you have gluten or wheat allergy or not. if you have gluten allergy, avoid siopao, siomai, noodles and anything that contains wheat or else your game will just collapse and you don't even know what hit you. my billion dollar health regiment article contains tips on how to find out if you have gluten allergy.

if you have time, or you have someone to help you, you can also put bananas, grapes, avocados and a spoon in a snap lock container and store it in the fridge. sometimes i add sweet mangoes or honey for taste but NEVER PROCESSED SUGAR. you can also add oatmeal or sweet potatoes but these are time consuming because you need to cook them.

if you are allergic to pollen and fungal spores, bring chunks of ginger to keep in your mouth like candy to prevent irritation and inflammation which can ruin your golf game.

if you can't stand the taste of these superfoods and you suffer from hypoglycemia, my advise is to order seafood fried rice TAKE OUT at the club restaurant. rice has the most optimal calories that require the least amount of energy to digest. order by phone ahead of time or on your way to the golf course so your food is ready when you get there and you won't miss your tee time.

if you are an old weakling like me who gets exhausted after playing a round of golf, here is a very potent SUPERFOOD concoction that makes you feel young again and productive for the rest of the day (guava, kidney beans with pasta sauce and pepper, rice, sauerkraut, durian):

to replenish my electrolytes, i drink buko (coconut) juice. i freeze it the day before the game so it stays ice cold the entire game.

in the US, my golfing and snowboarding baon is camote and tortilla chips. since i don't have a staff in the US, i lazily cook camote by MICROWAVING it for 7 minutes instead of boiling. the following photo shows what camote looks like after i microwave it for 7 minutes. instead of peeling it, i just scoop it with a spoon. notice i wrap the spoon in paper napkin so the zip bag won't look yucky. 

II. your gut health is a factor in golf

having poor gut health or microbiome can affect your golf game. improving your gut health is complicated and requires a lot of learning, discipline, and effort. refer to my billlion dollar health regiment article for tips on how to improve your gut health. 
III. village golf

sleep is a  prerequisite to staying sharp and focused. that's why the best athletes in the world sleep 12 hours a day (Why Roger Federer Sleeps Twelve Hours a Day | With Neuroscientist Matthew Walker). a healthy microbiome promotes better sleep and a better sleep promotes a healthy microbiome. 

i always get a good 8 hour sleep, but my problem is not the amount or quality of sleep. my problem is that my uptime is 20 hours. maybe it's a symptom of my asperger's syndrome. but why is that a problem? because there's only 24 hours in a day, not 28. if you do the math, there would be many points in my cycle where i will be sleeping during the day and awake all night. example if i wake up at 6 am today, i will wake up at 10 am the next day, and 2 pm the day after that, and so and so forth. this is why i designed my life to have zero obligations in life ever since i retired at age 39. if i ignore the fact that my uptime is incompatible with the earth's radius, i will get cancer from all the stress due to lack of sleep while working and raising kids. i realized early in my life that if man goes against nature, nature always wins.

because i have zero obligations in life, my abnormal uptime only becomes a problem when i play a tournament or match play where i cannot choose my tee time. if i happen to be at the point of my cycle where my bed time is 6 am and my tee time is 7 am, i'm screwed. i'll be like a zombie at the golf course. i wrote an article about this 7 years ago -

luckily, a friend suggested i try walking exercise. i tried it and found out it cuts down my uptime. it's still not perfect but i now have a more regular sleep pattern. walking also increases my appetite and makes food taste much better. it also gives me that super awesome feeling when i lie down in bed to sleep. golf involves walking but i only play once a month because i have other priorities. at the start of this covid19 lockdown, i invented what i call "village golf". i hit 10 balls in my hitting cage, walk 400 yards, then do 7 chips and 5 putts in my living room. i do this 18 times to simulate 18 holes of a golf round. each mistake is +1 over par -

(for more of my knowledge bombs, click the "ian's knowledge bombs" banner at the top of this article and choose any article in the table of contents that piques your interest)

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