Friday, December 28, 2012

it's the security, stupid

i'm not religious but i support including god in our public schools and government because i notice most of our brave soldiers are driven by faith. i believe in separation of church and state, but i think a minimal inclusion of god in our public schools is beneficial for the country.

we probably don't need a very strong military because we already have nuclear weapons. but maybe we need to protect our interests abroad for our country to remain strong. because if our country becomes poor our leaders can easily be bribed by foreign governments and our nuclear weapons will be compromised. bribery can also bypass environmental regulations. so a strong military indirectly protects our environment.

a strong military can probably be good business. i think america can be a fair and transparent empire. i think many countries would be willing to pay up for our protection. payment can be in the form of trade deals. as long as everything is fair and transparent, i don't see anything wrong with this.

i never thought right wing lunatics can be likable. my next door neighbor in vegas, mr. tom evans, is a disabled vietnam veteran, very right wing and a self confessed racist. i advised him to apply for section 8 housing asistance because i'm sure he will be qualified but he told me he does not want to be "mooching" off the government. impressive. mr evans can hardly walk but he fixed the electrical wiring in my house for free. he used to be a master electrician. racists are actually willing to help people they look down upon. many right wingers are actually charitable, they just don't want to be forced by law to be charitable through high taxes. on the other hand, i know people who are in section 8 and food stamps and surprise surprise they are very left wing.

our other neighbor had a party in their yard and the music was too loud. mr evans started spraying them with water using his garden hose. keep in mind this is in nevada, where it is legal to carry guns. he had all kinds of guns on him and the neighbors also had guns. they started shouting profanities at each other. it's amazing it never turned into a shootout. but it's even more amazing an old dude would not be afraid to go against a drunk crowd who looked like gangsters. that's when i realized our country can really use these right wing lunatics. meanwhile, i was hiding in a closet afraid a stray bullet might hit me.

dumb religious faith trumps intellectual superiority because in the real world, taking risks, making tough decisions, and making extreme sacrifices are more conducive to power. this also applies to the business world, not just the military. a dumb, religious, and passionate tribe of cavemen can easily colonize a tribe of peace loving smart cavemen. the dumb cavemen will just employ the services of the intellectual cavemen to improve their society through arts and science.  that's why most leftwingers are academics, artists, and scientists. peace loving people like einstein are the ones who has the ability to make a more powerful weapon but right wingers can easily trick them into making it. after the atomic bombs were dropped in japan, albert einstein got pissed and said "they used my work to kill my friends in japan".

this happens time and time again in history - genghis khan, roman, empire, etc ... leftists are usually just the employees while right wingers the managers. at some point of human history mankind experimented on reversing the roles through communism and their society was immediately hijacked by evil state tyranny and caused millions of death and suffering.

in the philippines i was practicing at a golf driving range. a supposedly uneducated golf instructor named otik was reading a newspaper. he shouts, "BOANG !!!" (meaning IDIOTS !!!). then he told his buddies that the LFS (League of Filipino Students) are stupid because they were vandalizing the US embassy to protest our joint military exercises even if china was violating our sovereignty in the spratleys. it's funny to see a very dumb uneducated person call the supposedly smart intellectuals an idiot. this is why chomsky said that if he becomes popular he will have to re-examine himself. i forgot his exact words but with all due respect i think it's the wrong mentality because there are ways to reveal the truth without alienating people. i discussed this further in the activism section of my main rant "politics for dummies".

example, leftists should also be praising our men and women serving in the military so that people won't feel leftists hate america and are just pretending to care about society.. i don't see how it conflicts with the leftist agenda. soldiers are just following orders.

(for more of my knowledge bombs, click the "ian's knowledge bombs" banner at the top of this article and choose any article in the table of contents that piques your interest)

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