Sunday, June 15, 2014

the last top 40 countdown

these words gives me depression flashbacks - "keep your feet on the ground, and keep reaching for the stars" - these are the words i heard every sunday evening from casey kasem at the end of the top 40 count down which we all listened to every sunday from my childhood through my teenage years (radio was all we had - we did not have  computers, cellphones, etc ...).  usually in the car on the way home from the beach. i was always in a state of sad depression when i heard these words from casey kasem. WHY? because it was sunday evening, meaning WEEKEND IS OVER. FREEDOM IS OVER. BACK TO FUCKING SCHOOL THE NEXT FUCKING DAY !!! my body is sunburnt and drained and super tired from the beach and my fun weekend activities but i still have lots of homework and studying to do. it was the most FUCKED UP feeling i experienced too many times in my childhood. as if that's not enough, here's the icing on the cake - as i lay lifeless on my bed, all of sudden i hear the most dreadful words in the english language - "YOU ONLY HAVE 10 MINUTES TO DRESS UP BECAUSE WE ARE GOING TO CHURCH". shyeeeeeeeet !!! JUST KILL ME NOW FUCKING JESUS CHRIST !!! but then, after an hour of suffering from the heat and humidity in the church, i hear the most beautiful words in the english language - LORD I AM NOT WORTHY TO RECEIVE YOU, BUT ONLY SAY THE WORD AND I SHALL BE HEALED. this means church is almost over. the endorphins and serotonin rush i get from this gives me the boost i need to finish my homework and study when i get home. funny how nature or god works in wonderous ways.

(for more of my knowledge bombs, click the "ian's knowledge bombs" banner at the top of this article and choose any article in the table of contents that piques your interest)

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