Tuesday, June 24, 2014

knowledge bombs on abortion

fb post on justice ginsburg's death:

republicans are wrong when they say abortion is murder because it's not murder if you feel the fetus is not yet a human being. democrats are wrong when they say anti abortionists are denying women the right to control their own bodies because if you feel the fetus is already a human being, then it is your moral obligation to prevent the murder of another human being. there is no logic or science to determine if the fetus is human or not. it's simply your personality. a person who feels that a fetus is already a human being is like a man feeling attracted to another man. there is no right or wrong. it's simply something we need to vote or go through the normal political process and whoever wins the loser should just accept and move on. justice ginsburg's death and replacement a month before a presidential election is part of the constitutional process and it's something democrats just have to accept even when a fetus is chopped up in front of them they just feel like it's a cabbage being chopped up in front of them. if you want icecream for your brain, watch CNN and fox news. if you want vegetables for your brain, search "ian's knowledge bombs" on the web and click "knowledge-bombs-on-abortion" in the table of contents. 

nobody is talking about this but i just realized, it's justice ginsburg's fault that the US supreme court will have a conservative majority. i just read about the past supreme court justices and noticed that old conservative judges resign when the president is republican so they can be replaced by a younger conservative judge. justice ginsburg had the entire 8 years of obama presidency to resign especially she already had colon cancer in 1999. if i was a democrat who thinks it's very important for women to have the right to have abortions i would be very angry at justice ginsburg.

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your feelings about the abortion issue is a good extrapolation of homosexuality. but note that the abortion issue is not a contest of morality vs.women's freedom. there is no science or logic that can prove if the fetus is human or not. it's simply a matter of what a person feels and morality arguments are irrelevant. just like no argument is relevant when it comes to sexual preference. it's like arguing which color is more beautiful. the only resolution for abortion is to vote on it and move on. both sides are perfectly valid opinions. religious arguments are also irrelevant because there is separation of church and state.

although i think the left are being dishonest because they claim a fetus is just like a liver or an appendix but i'm sure they will cringe if an 8 month fetus is chopped up in front of them. the left will counter this saying the right does not care about human life because we support the wars and thousands of deaths and suffering caused by US atrocities. that is a weak counter argument because most of the right wingers don't actually believe we simply massacred the iraqis or napalmed the vietnamese. they ignorantly believe it's part of war and we are fighting for a bigger cause. they believe in iraq we were trying to remove a brutal dictator and rebuild a nation and in vietnam they believe we were trying to fight communism which they believe is a much bigger evil. so it's just ignorance.

besides the vietcongs, iraqis and palestinians had/have a choice to lay down their arms just like what the japanese and filipinos did (https://ian-crystal.blogspot.com/2019/04/thank-god-filipinos-are-prostitutes.htmlhttps://ian-crystal.blogspot.com/2017/01/leftists-harming-the-palestinians.html). the fetus in the womb don't have that kind of choice.

if it's a perfectly valid opinion to feel that a fetus is a human being, then it's a perfectly valid opinion to feel that abortion is murder. therefore it's also a perfectly valid opinion to feel that legalizing abortion is a thousand times more evil than trump's muslim ban or other despicable behaviors. so logically, it's a perfectly valid opinion to vote for trump especially that many supreme court judges would be retiring during his first term. so do not freak out and run to your safe space if you find out someone you respect and adore secretly voted for trump. that would be tantamount to freaking out when you find out your son is gay.

i felt the overreaction to the kavanaug confirmation was ridiculous. 1) it's not like if kavanaugh failed to be confirmed, democrats gets to pick the next nominee. and i'm sure they also wouldn't have been happy with trump's next nominee either. i also don't think they would have said "whew !!! thank god the supreme court just dodged a rapist". 2) nobody in their right mind likes abortion. even everyone who had an abortion wished they never had to go through an abortion. why make such a big deal about not being able to do something you are trying your best to avoid anyway? 3) giving birth and giving up the baby for adoption is really not that horrible. a newborn baby is not such a terrible thing to scream and shout over. if you see a car accident it makes sense to be horrified. but it's hard to imagine someone being horrified with the thought of having a baby and giving it up for adoption - "oh my gosh my baby is going to be adopted by loving parents. this is a nightmare !!!". 4) i'm sure none of them were planning to get an abortion 5 years from now, which is probably the time it would take for the supreme court to overturn roe v wade. if their overreaction is out of deep concern for other people that might need an abortion 5 years and beyond, then they must be super caring human beings and to me that's very impressive. but i'm sure that's not the case because - 5) if they really care about other humans, they should devote all their energy into combating climate change because it is threatening human existence. they should also have done something about the mass rape of women in darfur. in fairness i could say the same thing about the right who cares about the rights of unborn fetus but don't care about the starving children of africa. although i can't find a recent example of the right overreacting to the abortion issue. some crazies used to bomb abortion clinics but they were condemned by the republicans.

an analogy to the kavanaugh overreaction is that nobody would care if women are deprived of their right to eat dogs because dogs taste awful. but if dog meat is very delicious i would understand if people would overreact if their right to eat their pet lassie is threatened. i know abortion is a result of sex and sex is pleasurable but you can't prevent animal cruelty by wearing a condom in your mouth while eating a labrador.

nobody is immoral when it comes to the abortion issue. it's stupid for pro-choicers to accuse pro-lifers of trying to take away women's rights. they are simply trying to prevent murder. you have to be stupid to believe that a majority of pro-lifers actually sit around trying to find ways to take away women's rights and discovered making abortion illegal would be the perfect ploy. it's also stupid for pro-lifers to accuse pro-choicers of murder. they simply want the freedom to remove like an appendix from their body.

i also don't think it's a good argument to abort a baby because you don't have the economic means to raise the child and you don't want the child to suffer poverty. when i watched this video - Sex trafficking isn't what you think it is | Meghan Sobel, i felt poor people and child prostitutes are luckier than people in rich countries. at least the child prostitutes got to be born, enjoy the sunset, and enjoy ice cream or pepsi. hundreds of millions of kids in rich countries like germany and japan never even reached conception because their parents were afraid they might become an economic burden. i'm not talking about abortion. i'm talking about CHOOSING to have an easier life by not having kids. the child prostitutes have less choice but they were gifted with the greatest privilege of all - LIFE.

i can afford to raise 5 children but chose not to. i'm a worse human being compared to the mentally ill mother who murdered her 3 children because at least her children got to enjoy the sweet taste of kool aid while my kids never even enjoyed their first breath. trafficking of children can be solved overnight if humans simply don't have children that they can't afford to raise. but if there is a time machine where the parents of child prostitutes are given the chance to change their decisions, maybe the child prostitute will shout "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO !!! i don't mind sucking a foreigner's dick i just want to be born and taste ice cream"(no pun intended). so when i look at countries with lots of child prostitutes, i'm impressed. when i look at developed countries with no child prostitutes, i feel those countries are just sad and pathetic. of course it's a crazy perspective. i won't blame you if you think i should be confined in a mental hospital.

search "abortion ted talk" to learn more honest insights. note that ted talk also has many creative solutions to climate change which means they are not just a bunch of right wing ideologues.

6/5/20 fb post:

celebrating the lifting of enhanced quarantine by going to the best beach of cebu with my baby girl and grand baby girl in her tummy. we had a great time bonding and swimming in the crystal clear emerald and turquoise waters. if you are planning to visit cebu when this pandemic is over, i recommend the grey cement beaches of SRP. better than the exotic white sand beaches of the remote islands of the pacific you see in yt sailing/yachting videos because you can't eat dimsum steam fried rice and if you really think about it, shomai is concrete physical pleasure while being in an exoctic white sand beach is just psychological. especially if you are very anti duterte and you go to boracay only to realize boracay is now paradise because of duterte so you will just be bummed the entire trip might as well go to the grey cement beaches of SRP cebu. i really hope you all read my philosophies in life because it enlightens you to have a higher consciousness and quality of life. search "ian's knowledge bombs" on the web and browse the table of contents for any topic that interests you. please don't message me saying i should be confined in a mental hospital because it really hurts my feelings.

for the first time i felt a baby kicking in the womb. it was so fascinating. i don't mean to offend the democrats. with all due respect it's not my choice to feel the baby in the womb is already a precious human being. it's just my inborn instinct. there is no logic or science to prove the baby in the womb is already a human being so i respect everybody's feelings and personality. i am aware that when an 8 month old fetus is being chopped up into little pieces in front of democrats, they won't even squirm and they will just feel like it's a beef steak being chopped up into pieces. therefore i agree abortion should be legal especially many of my friends and family are democrats and they are awesome human beings while i'm just a goofball. all i ask in return is for democrats to not be insulted by my expressions of wonder for the precious creature inside the womb.

i'm not trying to be holier than thou to the democrats. in fact, i'm a worse person than the crazy mother who murdered her 3 children. at least her kids got to taste icecream or witness the beauty of the sunset before she snapped. i never had children of my own so i virtually deprived potential human beings from the pleasures of ice cream or listening to music. people think it's sad that poor countries have lots of prostitutes. but i think rich countries like germany and japan are the ones who are pathetic because their society virtually murdered hundreds of millions of potential human beings. too many couples chose not to have children even if they can afford it. meanwhile in countries like the philippines, people who can't even feed themselves pop out 9 kids. that's why poor kids looks so happy dancing in the streets maybe because the universe is telling their subconscious that they stole a life and got away with it. meanwhile millions of potential human beings in germany and japan are screaming to their parents, "PLEASE DON'T PUT ON THAT CONDOM !!! I DON'T MIND SUCKING IAN CRYSTAL'S DICK JUST TO SURVIVE. I JUST WANT TO BE BORN SO I CAN EXPERIENCE THE PLEASURES OF ICECREAM AND LISTENING TO MUSIC".

(for more of my knowledge bombs, click the "ian's knowledge bombs" banner at the top of this article and choose any article in the table of contents that piques your interest)

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