Monday, January 9, 2017

welcome to my world, newbies

i'm always ahead of my time. for 15 years in social networking beginning with egroups, i was the only one posting my political and philosophical views. my goal was simply to socialize, learn and have healthy intellectual discussion. i felt it was right but kept doubting myself because i was the only one doing it. my batch mates in high school would make fun of me during our reunions because i basically was like a ranting idiot talking to myself, no body would engage with me except for the childish personal bickerings totally unrelated to the topics.  sometimes it got out of hand. BUT ALL OF A SUDDEN IN THE PAST YEAR, POSTING YOUR POLITICAL VIEW BECAME THE NEW NORMAL. i was so shocked and amused to suddenly see my dear friends and family go at it at each other.  especially my high school faculty which got quite nasty. but i was also surprised to see supposedly smart people have very poor reasoning and logical skills (so at least now i know my parents are just normal after all. hahahhaa) maybe 15 yeas of arguing with myself honed and sharpened my reasoning and logical ability. watching my fb friends argue about politics was like watching a bunch of beginners play basketball.  some were not even playing by the rules anymore they were just throwing balls at each other. i didn't care who won or who was wrong or right i just wanted to teach them basic basketball skills. i got in and started teaching them (both camps) how to dribble the ball, how to pass the ball, etc ... but every time i tried to teach, they become defensive and thought i was trying to quarrel with them. when i see them in person they would ask me, "who'se side are you on? why do you keep switching sides?".

let me demonstrate an opinion that does not violate the rules of logic. my opinions may easily turn out to be wrong, but that's not important:

i have some concerns about trump. here is an example of how i would criticize trump: i watch rachael meadow and learned a lot of troubling facts about donald trump's appointees. these are facts because she would invite trump's staff into the show to defend and the staffer would just deflect the troubling issue and highlight the positives of the appointees.  the healthy, respectful and productive discussion in the show also reveals that trump's appointees have amazing track record of competence. we should all hope that would benefit our country because if trump succeeds, we all succeed. however,  i understand that sometimes extreme gifts also come with extreme negatives, just like van goh cutting his ears off. nature's way of seeking equilibrium. maybe it's true that these competent people trump is appointing have really sick emotional defects, as their history shows. but it's also possible for someone to overcome their emotional defects and use their talents to benefit the nation's interests.  that is why we need to keep watch and be vigilant. but instead of the useless and childish bashing of trump, we should all give the trump administration a sincere and respectful plea to do what's right.  trump's administration is something new. it's something never been done before. trump administration is like an experiment or test of a theory: the theory that is, can competence in the business world translate into competence in government? business world is greed. we can even hope that they continue to be GREEDY, but instead of greed for money, they greed for legacy - that they greed to come down in history as one of the greatest administrations of all time. so they set aside their personal financial interests and make sacrifices for the good of the country.  aware that life is short, we will all die soon, and we can't take our wealth to the next world. aware that they have children and grand children too who will breath the same air, swim in the same lakes and beaches and enjoy mother nature.

in business, there is less room for error. if you screw up the burger, your customer may never come back. and even if your burger is always perfect but someone comes up with a cheaper burger just as good as yours (as a result of the many sleepless nights trying to find a more efficient way of doing something), you are dead. in government, taxes will always come in no matter how you suck at your job. in government, all you have to do is not do something illegal. getting elected is the challenge, where charm, charsima pinna, family name, fame, etc ... is more important than competence. that's probably why obamacare is littered with bugs, and they can't even get the website working for a long time after spending $2.1 billion (until the private world business sector stepped in to help) my dad has incredible academic and government career achievement - ateneo alunni, 2 masters degree in university of wisconsin, Eisenhower fellow, regional directory of economic authority, etc ... but failed miserably in a small karinderia business - a business where many uneducated people succeed and flourish. BUT IT'S JUST MY THEORY. let's cross our fingers and hope donald trump pulls it off. personally, i don't think he will pull  it off. that is why my investments are very conservative right now in case the market tanks.


 Kellyanne Conway: Donald Trump Is Putting The World 'On Notice' | Rachel Maddow | MSNBC

to all my fb friends against duterte and trump, learn from my idol rachel maddow. an opposition to a current administration is just as important - for balance, for vigilance and a healthy democracy. this is an example of productive, healthy, useful, and respectful critic of  a president. you state the facts, then you give your analysis and opinion and then you let the other side speak and then you discuss. just search in youtube - rachael meadow kellyanne conway.  (on the other hand, childish, unreasonable, biased and one-sided bashing will only hurt your cause. your friends might notice it but won't say anything to you so you go on and on living in your in a bubble)

(for more of my knowledge bombs, click the "ian's knowledge bombs" banner at the top of this article and choose any article in the table of contents that piques your interest)

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