Sunday, January 8, 2017

leftists harming palestinians

table of contents

I. hypothesis
II. strong worldwide support for israel
III. are humans bad?
IV. mistakes of palestinians
V. normal people admire israel
VI. why america supports israel


I. hypothesis

whenever palestinian militants fire rockets at israel, or chant slogans expressing their wish to wipe israel off the map, or palestinian protesters burn an american flag, the right wingers in israel celebrate with joy. whenever highly venerable and globally respected leftists like chomsky show their one sided support for the palestinians which encourages the palestinians to keep fighting because it makes them think they are the good guys and the world is on their side, the right wingers in israel celebrate for joy. similarly, i'm sure the hawkish neocons of america celebrated with joy when they saw the twin towers fall in 9-11. al qaeda and isis are the greatest gift to the neocons. the last thing a neocon wants is a secular or moderate society in the middle east.

if the palestinians suddenly bow down to israel or treat israel as a friend, that would be israel's worst nightmare. if my rant here ever becomes viral, the neocons and right wingers in israel would want to have me killed. palestinians bowing down to israel may seem like a hyperbole but it's not that far fetched considering japan immediately became friends with america even after america dropped atomic bombs on them.

the last thing israel wants is moderate muslims to come together and promote true islam and tolerance which obviously includes condemning extremism and showing love for all people regardless of their faith. if this happens israel's dream of a greater israel will collapse. example, a muslim community can welcome a christian church that is being built in their community just like mosques are always welcome in san francisco. maybe bombard prime time news with stories like muslims praying for their christian neighbor who has cancer. educating the world on israeli atrocities would be useless if the moderate muslims don't come together in full force to combat extremism the same way the supposedly evil americans squashed timothy mcveigh with a sledge hammer. but don't get me wrong i agree it's important to educate the world on any atrocity and that includes israeli atrocities and palestinian oppression towards homosexuals. but it would be useless if the moderate muslims won't do what i'm suggesting here. the stuff i'm suggesting here is suppose to be obvious to anyone with common sense.

so why won't the leftist intellectuals encourage moderate muslims of the world especially in the middle east to do what i'm suggesting? leftist intellectuals are very smart and talented i'm sure they can figure out a way to jump start this effort. financing shouldn't also be an issue because chomsky has lots of fans who are millionaires such as ben afleck and pearl jam. this is a no brainer. this is as simple as 1+1=2. i mean what needs to be done is as simple as 1+1=2. will it work? i have no fucking clue. it's too complicated to figure out the outcome. but it should not fucking matter if it works or not. JUST DO IT !!! when there is a problem we simply have to do what gives us the highest probability of success. worrying about the outcome won't change anything. in fact it will just decrease your performance in solving the problem. in fact there is no reason why you can't have fun or be happy doing something as long as it's the most important thing you should be doing. our life here on earth is very short and precious we should not waste it wallowing in unnecessary sorrow. birds can fly and we can't but do we waste our emotions getting pissed that we can't fly?  it's all about expectations. so "JUST DO IT!!!". but also take time to enjoy fishing with your grand kids and don't worry about the outcome. it's astonishing to me that chomsky and the left haven't exerted an ounce of effort on this. or maybe i just missed it so please send me a link if that's the case. but even if i just missed them, the left is doing a very poor job promoting what i think is suppose to be the most important and realistc course of action.

as chomsky said, make use of opportunities that exist and contribute to a better world. but you don't even need hope because even if it's hopeless, you still need to do it anyway.  just lay out the specific details on what needs to be done and don't waste time with the shenanigans. i'm just a moron but after living for 49 years i figured out that deplorables don't become smart if you call them dumb. an individualistic person will not begin to care about human beings just because he heard a 1 hour lecture about morality or read in wikileaks about US atrocities. the issue is not lack of hope or even knowledge. the issue is lack of care for other human beings and i don't think that can be changed. or maybe it's just a super bizarre coincidence that i've never met someone who used to be selfish but is now a bleeding heart leftist. it's mostly the other way around. most of my classmates were caring leftist activists now they play golf and ask me where they can get a bulldozer because they need to demolish the squatters living on the property of their client who hired them to build a condominium building. my uncle virgilio was a pro poor activist in college but as soon as he married and had kids he became a rabid capitalist. he started a rattan furniture business and ripped off the laborers such that our family can't pass by certain streets where the workers live because they might throw stones at our car. as the saying goes, if you are young and not liberal you don't have a heart but if you are old and not conservative you don't have a brain.

the good news is that even the least caring person i know will be angry if they see a puppy being mistreated. but they will also not care if a man kills a pitbull who was trying to attack him. so the only realistic solution is for the aggressive pitbull to act like a sweet puppy, or for the palestinians to become like filipinos (

don't get me wrong i'm not promoting passiveness or submissiveness. decent hardworking filipinos won't hesitate to kill an abusive cop, abusive politician or criminal. my classmates in high school are law abiding decent people but some of them joined a vigilante force to assassinate known drug lords and syndicates of our town (cebu). they had no choice unlike me who had the opportunity to leave the country and come to america. i feel it's the reason why the philippines is getting stronger as a society. but don't get me wrong again i have a dear friend who was beaten up by her employer in saudi arabia but i have no desire for the employer to be punished because it was my friend's decision to take the risk in working abroad and now it can't happen again because she is back in the philippines. if i go scuba diving and i get bitten by a shark i won't blame the shark. i would blame myself for taking the risk. the palestinians should also blame themselves for attacking israel after the 1949 agreement. but if a corrupt cop just pulls me over and invents a violation just so that he can extort money from me, then i feel it's my duty to wack the cop no different than the thousands of americans who died fighting hitler. but if an alien specie with superman powers colonize america i would be a collaborator unless we have avenger super heroes. last time i checked palestinians don't have super heroes.

my israeli neighbor in the philippines told me that hamaz leaders are corrupt and don't want peace because they are pocketing the $billions of aid coming from the US and other countries. i googled it to verify and as usual, bias opinions are divorced from reality. turns out the aid goes to UNRWA, an independent org that uses the funds to help the palestinians economically. however, iran gives directly to hamas. so if my hypothesis is correct, then iran is also harming the palestinians and iran would be netanyahu's favorite country in the world.

if the left follows my suggestion and they succeed there could be short term pain but long term gain. if the saudi people wisen up and become moderates, their wahhabist clerics could lose their grip and the saudi kingdom could collapse and depeg their currency from the petrodollar. other countries could follow and the petrodollar could collapse. america could weaken to the point that allows china to invade the philippines and my family could be killed by a drone attack. which is evil because only black people have the moral license to order a drone attack. just kidding.

II. strong worldwide support for israel

a huge majority of the world favor a 2 state solution where israel gives the palestinians their own independent state. what's even more mind boggling is that the majority of people in israel and the US favor the 2 state solution -

at first i thought i should say "israeli right wingers" instead of just "israel". but then i realized the party that advocates for a 2 state solution only wins very few seats in the kinesset (parliament). in 2019, the left wing meretz party won only 4 seats out of 120 ( so i guess i can generalize israel as being opposed to giving independence to the palestinians. chomsky and the left relying on the surveys instead of election results is as silly as saying a cellar dweller basketball team is better than the champion team because they won the pre-season exhibition game.

the left also likes to point out that an overwhelming majority of people in the world thinks israel and US are dangerous and that israel should withdraw from the occupied territories (gaza and west bank). but as the saying goes, talk is cheap. what matters is action and consequence. the fact is that there is complacency or not enough condemnation towards israel that actually hurts padim israel. where it matters the most, the world is really supporting israel despite it's atrocities on the palestinians. if a rapist is repeatedly raping the girls in town and everyone just answers a survey saying they condemn the racist but no one every lifts a finger to actually punish the rapist, then in essence everyone is supporting the rapist.

chomsky keeps pointing out that hamas is a democratically elected government. but even muslims view hamas negatively. In Lebanon, 65% see Hamas negatively. In Jordan and Egypt, roughly 60% see Hamas negatively, and in Turkey, 80% have a negative opinion of Hamas. In Tunisia, 42% have a negative opinion of Hamas, while 56% of Bangladeshis and 44% of Indonesians have a negative opinion of Hamas.

the left believes the lack of condemnation is due to ignorance. they believe that if people are aware of the atrocities then americans will elect leaders that won't allow israel to further oppress the palestinians. but i don't think that's the case. first of all, the survey results indicate that they are aware of the atrocities. the internet and social media also makes it impossible to hide the atrocities. the problem is their lack of interest on the conflict. i'm sure by now there are many youtube videos showing the atrocities and i'm sure many have watched them. if palestinians are innocent, then a normal person who watches the video will share it and the video quickly becomes viral. keep in mind chomsky and the left has the capability and expertise to cut through any propaganda and make a video or movie (the common person is not really into reading) about all the israeli atrocities. many rich actors and musicians are big fans of chomsky. i'm sure ben affleck and pearl jam can pool some money to produce and promote the video. don't tell me they can't do what hundreds of ordinary folks like pewdiepie have been doing for years.

III. humans are bad?

a video of a dog being mistreated by the owner becomes viral and causes outrage all over the world. we praise other humans who dedicate their lives to saving dolphins. why is there not enough outrage about israel mistreating palestinians?

humans are too diverse to study scientifically so let me limit the scope of my analysis on americans because they are the ones who have the power to stop the israeli atrocities. although the rest of the world also has the power to bring any country to it's knees simply by boycotting their products. unfortunately for the palestinians and leftists, the israeli atrocities hasn't surpassed the tolerance level of a normal person's conscience (

the question whether americans are bad is too broad. from the socialism perspective,  i can say (based on my unscientific observations) that most humans, specifically americans are not good enough for socialism to succeed. but i'm sure americans are good enough to not allow atrocities towards innocent people.

even during the time when america was very racist (jim crow, segragation) and mysoginist, 2 million americans risked their life to fight the nazis. fast forward to today, a venerable senator named al franken had to step down just because there is a picture of him goofing around pretending to cup-a-feel a woman who was wearing a bullet proof vest ( american's did allow the iraq invasion but only because they were lied to. the images of september 11 terrorist attacks and US soldiers coming home in caskets or missing limbs from the iraq war also don't paint a picture of one sided atrocities. wikileaks revealed that the US killed hundreds of thousands of innocent people in iraq and afghanistan. unfortunately for the left, people also have pictures and movies embedded in their brain of US soldiers being blown up by roadside bombs. so people with low intellect (which is the huge majority) would think it's just war.

IV. mistakes of palestinians

normal people with common sense are aware that palestinians have made tons of stupid mistakes. normal people with common sense feel it's a supernatural phenomenon that the supposedly well informed leftists never point out the stupid mistakes of the palestinians. to makes things worse, leftists encourage the palestinians to continue committing the same mistakes over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over  ......  again.

my opinions were reinforced by alan dershowitz when i watched his debate with chomsky (Dershowitz vs Chomsky debate Israel at Harvard). it's amazing how chomsky immediately and blatantly ignored the most important factor in any conflict - WHO STARTED IT? chomsky saying that palestinians (together with 7 other arab countries) invading israel in 1948 was irrelevant (26:00 of the video) is as ridiculous as a murderer in court saying he should be set free because he committed the crime a year ago. it may be possible to consider forgiving the murderer if the murderer has reformed and acknowledged it's mistake and asked for forgiveness. so chomsky is being even more silly because the palestinians haven't stopped trying to destroy israel and wishing israel gets wiped out from the face of the earth. a normal person with common sense would think chomsky did not have any ground to stand on since the beginning of the debate.

anyone would agree israel is violating the peace accord but even a low intellect with common sense would think THERE SHOULD BE NO PEACE ACCORD YET IN THE FIRST PLACE. the only reason why palestinians are not violating the peace accord is because THEY CAN'T. everyone is aware that the palestinians will wipe out israel if they had the chance or capibility, which is way worse than israel's illegal occupation and expansion of it's settlements. anyone with a normal instinct for self preservation would agree that israel should make itself stronger considering it's being surrounded by powerful countries that wish to destroy it and territorial expansion contributes to economic and military strength.

japan is not saying their attack on pearl harbor was the past and therefore they should be allowed to build a powerful military. building a military is the sovereign right of all nations yet even a great country like japan is giving up that right because it knows it made a mistake 75 years ago. in kindergarten lingua, "japan started it". chomsky was also being a hypocrite when after the twin towers fell down in 9-11 he said america did the same thing as the terrorists even worse when it "exterminated the indegenous population". for chomsky, past actions of america matter a lot. but all of a sudden past actions of the palestinians are irrelevant.

however, i want to point out that when it comes to personalities, i think chomsky is a great guy and dershowitz is a jackass. i researched their personal feud and found out dershowitz is a horrible person. but i separate personalities from logical arguments.

it's such a waste because chomsky and leftist intellectuals have the power and know-how to slowly mold the palestinians to stop making stupid mistakes. it is where their expertise are needed the most. in prosperous countries, politics is more of a guessing game so the ideologue intellectuals have the luxury to be blatantly bias. if a lot of nonsense goes on in the paris cafes or the yale comparative literature department, it's ok. on the other hand, third world popular movements really need serious intellectuals to help and not just act like a cheerleader.

example, i'm just a quack intellectual yet i helped dozens of beautiful young girls by brainwashing them into believing that working 8 hours in mcdonalds is a sure road to being a bar girl being fucked by different foreigners and snorting meth every night. they should only work 4 hours so they never get burned out and they will always have a positive attitude towards work. anyway working 4 hours is already enough for them to afford their basic needs. it gives them self esteem and independence and the guys they meet will tend to respect them so they have higher chances of finding the right guy and have good kids who will take care of them when they are old. one time one of my babygirls worked 8 hours because she wanted to buy this very expensive cellphone. good thing her best friend ratted her out and told me about it so i scolded her and convinced her into going back to working only 4 hours. the prevailing orthodoxy is that hard work and perseverance are great virtues. it's always a case by case basis. and in the case of my babygirls who have undergone so much childhood trauma in addition to what i call their "soft" genes, perseverance and hard work will do more harm than good.

chomsky points out that israel is breaking many laws that were established to criminalize the actions of nazis in an occupation. OMG that means israelis are like the nazis !!! unfortunately for chomsky, anyone with common sense would consider the fact that the nazis were the ones who attacked first so of course everything they did was evil and criminal. on the other hand, the palestinians and arabs attacked israel first not once but many times so the atrocities that israel are doing would just look like israel trying to defend itself. also, the court of world opinion knows the jews used to live in israel. they got booted out by the muslims and they simply came back to retake their land. i know it's more complicated than that but a huge majority of people of the world are not sophisticated or intellectual enough to dig into details. i'm not trying to judge who is right or wrong. i'm just trying to explain what is going on.

chomsky also complains that israel built a highway exclusively for israel and built a small dirt road for the palestinians to use. chomsky is too naive to know that any normal person would actually think israel is such a good country because who the hell builds roads for an enemy who wishes to wipe them off the face of this earth?

i hate to play the morality game or blame game. to me it's useless and stupid to argue who is good and who is evil. if an alien with superman powers come to earth and allows itself to be owned and controlled by native americans, and the native americans decide to take back america by killing all non native americans, then i will just laugh, gather my family and tell them, "we are screwed. let's just wait to die". i'm not going to act like a palestinian or a leftist and jump up and down crying foul or injustice. i'm not going to think the native americans are bad people. i will actually think they are lucky people. on a second though, native americans taking back their land would be a wet dream to chomsky and the left so they would be happy as they await their death.

it's not evil for hamas to fire rockets at israel. it's just stupid. they never cause any significant casualties or damage and it just gives israel a reason to expand it's settlements. i even feel israeli infiltrators are responsible for firing those rockets. i don't think it was evil when palestinians killed 11 israeli olympic athletes in the 1972 olympic summer games. it was just stupid. it's not like those olympians were future avenger super heroes and killing them was a big blow to israel's military strength and gave the palestinians a fighting chance. if netanyahu was given a time machine to travel back in time and prevent the massacre, netanyahu would probably assist the palestinians in killing the israeli olympians because it's one of the events that currently gives israel the license to build the greater israel. there is NOTHING the palestinians can do that can endanger israel. it probably even influenced the court of world opinion to be less sensitive about israeli atrocities. israel is perfectly fine with growing palestinian hatred and resentment. in fact the more the better because it gives israel more justification to not give up the occupied territories and pursue their goal of establishing a greater israel.

the court of world opinion will understand golan heights is a perfect place to launch rockets at israel and understand israel has the right to defend itself. they may answer in a survey question that israel should withdraw from the occupied territories but won't really care that much about it. it's their reaction that really matters. not their answers to the survey questions. it's amazing in the philippines i was in a golf driving range and 2 filipino military dudes were discussing their intention of working as a UN peace keeper in the golan heights. they were attracted to the high pay. i told them they will be attracted to the israeli and lebanese girls.

today, palestinians are slowly cozying up to israel ( in 2017, they finally called an end to violence. they even cracked down on armed militants. but only after hamas elders felt they were being choked by "relentless occupation" and realized they will never win.  it will take time. they will have to bow down and take the beating for a while before court of world opinion will feel enough is enough and they have paid the price of their mistakes. that's just how the world or human conscience works.

when there is a shark attack i don't like to talk about the shark. i would be curious why people were swimming in shark infested waters. i also think the shark aint all that bad. many palestinians work in israel. gay palestinians are even fleeing to israel to escape discrimination and prosecution. when israeli extremists killed a palestinian teenager, the criminals, who were israelis, were tried and punished by the israeli government. the israelis were sick and disgusted by the actions of their fellow citizen. if a palestinian kills an israeli civilian, they celebrate in the streets and name a street after the murderers.

i think the israeli-palestinian conflict is simply a conflict of genetic traits. just like the extinction of neanderthals, evolution is leaning towards obsoleting too much pride and dignity. many arab countries are even starting to realize it's in their best interest to be friends with israel ( ties warm up after long deep freeze).

the left will gain more credibility in educating people about israeli atrocities if they also tell the palestinians to start teaching their children that the atrocities of israel are actually instigated by the palestinians and that they should start respecting israel just like what japan did even after nagasaki and hiroshima bombings. teach their children that jews used to live in the area and the muslims concquered their land and they just came back to retake it. teach palestinian children to respect all religions and not beat up gay people. teach them that christians should be allowed to build churches in muslim countries just like muslims are allowed to build mosques in christian countries.

you may be laughing at what i just said but that's exactly my point. it may seem impossible for palestinians to do these things but that's what normal people have been doing. the jews are not attacking germany for the holocaust. china is violating philippine sovereignty in the scarborough shoals but you never hear of filipinos hating the chinese. the filipinos don't even hate spaniards even after 400 years of atrocities. filipinos don't hate the japenese even after our babies thrown up in the air and impaled with bayonets. there is no such thing as "native american terrorist" even if the atrocities that america did to the native americans pale in comparison. same with black americans after slavery. hawaiians and alaskans are also not trying to take back their land. to top it all, there are many palestinians in israel that are living in harmony.

V. normal people admire israel

when my genius leftist coworker in silicon valley was condemning apartheid in israel, i thought he belonged in a mental institution. any normal person will consider that a mental disorder because any normal person will consider staying alive is a more important virtue than democracy. news flash: nelson mandela never called for wiping out the white south africans. democracy is good for south africa but would be suicide for israel. true democracy is a luxury that can only be enjoyed by a selfless society where everyone cooperates and respects each other. my coworker was smarter than me so at first i thought i was just missing something. good thing my opinion was reinforced by the supposedly anti israel new york times -

from a purely moral or idealistic perspective, israel is a jackass. but in the real world, outside the bubble that leftists live, normal people are baffled and impressed at israel. imagine in 1948 they beat 7 large arab countries surrounding them. this was before they had the advantage of US weapons support and technological superiority. if you make a hollywood movie about that war people will think it's too unrealistic even for a movie. as if that's not enough, in 1967 israel went to war again with 4 arab countries and won again. it was after the 1967 war that the mafia boss of the world, america, took notice and made israel it's lieutenant. normal societies in the world can only wish they can do what israel did and is doing. today, israel is one of the world's leader in technological development.

i know what i'm saying is moronic from a leftist's point of view. but most humans are not that smart or idealistic. i agree with the left on "what should be". i just think leftists are naive to equate "what should be" with "what is".

it's not only israeli competence and abilities. me and my friends go nuts watching the viral pictures of hot women in the IDF (israeli military). i can't wait to go snowboarding in the golan heights and see these women in person. i hope ben shapiro will forgive me for being such a perv towards his tribeswomen. actually i don't have to go anywhere. right across the street where i live in the philippines is a hostel exclusive for tourists from israel learning to scuba dive. their instructor (also israeli) just approached me and asked if i'm interested in turning my house into a hostel because he is sick and tired of managing the hostel and he just wants to teach scuba diving. i said yes so i'm currently renovating the house. stay tuned for the pictures of my israeli guests once the hostel is running. although i'm not sure if my competence level in managing the hostel can meet their standards and expectations. it certainly did not meet the standards of my boss udi landen when i worked in silicon valley. he was an IDF fighter pilot and as soon as he arrived he immediately outsourced my job to penang malaysia. my previous boss that he replaced (tim southgate) was very happy with me for 15 years ( but instead of behaving like a palestinian, i behaved like a japanese. the penang engineers, poker how and jonas tiu, are actually my facebook friends in case you want to verify my story. i became good friends with them because i had to train them for 6 months. )

i saw this post in one of the chomsky groups in fb:

There was a free election in Palestine, but it came out the wrong way. So instantly, the United States and Israel with Europe tagging along, moved to punish the Palestinian people, and punish them harshly, because they voted the wrong way in a free election. That's accepted here in the West as perfectly normal. That illustrates the deep hatred and contempt for democracy among western elites, so deep-seated they can't even perceive it when it's in front of their eyes. You punish people severely if they vote the wrong way in a free election.
Noam Chomsky

here was my comment:

the lack of action of the world regarding israeli atrocities towards the palestinians has nothing to do with the topic of democracy. example dropping 2 atomic bombs in japan is worse than undermining a country's democracy. how come there never was world outrage?

VI. why america supports israel

chomsky probably does not know this but america and israel are very close friends. chomsky probably thinks israel is america's enemy like russia. i watched a video (Noam Chomsky: Insane Hysterical Democrats & the Russiagate Hoax) where he said the media's hysteria on russian collusion is a joke because israel's intrusion on america's politics is more brazen and no one pays attention to it. if america is selena gomez, i'm russia, and israel is justin beiber, it's like chomsky is saying the media's hysteria about me touching selena gomez' boobs is a joke because justin beiber's intrusion on selena gomez is more brazen because they have sexual intercourse. this is exactly why normal people with common sense think leftists are lunatics.

one of the reasons why america supports israel is because america needs israel to test it's newly developed weapons on live targets, the palestinians (

another reason is christian zionism. many US presidents were very devote christians who read the bible everyday and it is in the bible that jews will return to israel one day. keep in mind that US presidents were bigots and racists at that time. you will be horrified at the very racist quotes of the presidents that are enshrined in mt. rushmore (just google them). even in modern times, you will be astonished at president bush raving about Gog and Magog to french president chirac ( any normal christian would also be angry at the christian loses and muslim victories during the crusades. it's just human nature. when i was a kid, i would get so depressed and even skip school when my favorite basketball team loses a championship game. it's the same thing.

another reason is birds of the same feather flock together. chomsky says israel is a settler-colonial society where they try to decimate the native population unlike normal colonizers such as spain and britain who uses the the native population to be their laborers. chomsky notes that this fact probably explains why australia, canada and the united states are israel’s most consistent supporters since the settler-colonial origins of all four countries make them natural allies (

in the beginning, the US did not care that much about israel. israel had no US support when it miraculously won a war against 7 arab countries (egypt, syria, iraq, jordan, lebanon, saudi arabia and yemen). but it started to impress the pentagon. the war never really ended. a war only ends when both sides stop attacking each other. example, japan and germany stopped attacking the US and it's allies after WW2. but there were constant fedayeen incursions during which arab guerrillas infiltrated from syria, egypt, and jordan into israel to carry out attacks against israeli civilians and soldiers.

after losing the war, many palestinians took refuge in lebanon. they used lebanon as a base for attacks in the next 40 years. they killed a few israelis. in retaliation, israel did kill thousands of lebanese muslims but any person with common sense will know this is perfectly justified. only idiot leftists with poor instinct for self preservation will have no ounce of clue why this is justified. at that time, the US intervened just to provide stability in lebanon.

the US even sided with egypt in 1956 when israel, france, and britain attacked egypt after egypt took control of the suez canal. remember that it was mostly investors and expertise from france that built the suez canal. so france had some justification in taking it back. the attack wasn't pure evil as the left wants you to believe. forced laborers from egypt where utilized in building the canal but instead of blocking other ships, egypt should have asked for reparations. it's the same story with iran where a british investor took all the risks and trouble to drill for oil in iran then after it turned out to be very profitable the iranian government cancelled the contract and took over ( prior to the suez crisis, egypt has blocked israeli shipping in the straight of tiran since 1950 and blockaded the gulf of aqaba, in contravention of the constantinople convention of 1888. many argued that this was also a violation of the 1949 armistice agreements (

the shining moment for israel came in 1967 when israel destroyed secularism in the middle east. US wants muslim extremism in the middle east because instability will make it easier for the US to control the world's oil. and if you control something that the world badly needs, this give you more power. president nasser of egypt was successfully implementing socialist reforms and improving the lives of the egyptians which gained him popularity. the US was afraid this cancer might spread to other countries. so when israel attacked egypt and removed nasser from power, israel was knighted by the US as it's lieutenant or police force in the middle east in addition to turkey and iran (who was a US ally at that time).

(for more of my knowledge bombs, click the "ian's knowledge bombs" banner at the top of this article and choose any article in the table of contents that piques your interest)

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