Saturday, December 1, 2018

knowledge bombs on US immigration issue

the media and open border activists portrays trudeau as the good guy and trump the villain but if i were trump's adviser i would advice trump to tweet - "trudeau is very humane and that's good news for the migrant caravans. i will personally pay for the transport and escort of the caravans to canada". the joke here is that in reality, canada only accepts immigrants who are educated or posses valuable skills like the filipino intellectuals. o canada oh how convenient it is to stand on guard for thee. trump should hire me. he does not have to pay me if he lets me play for free at mar a lago.
table of contents:

I. CNN is secretly working for trump
II. knowledge bomb on US border patrol agents
III. pedigree knowledge bomb on open borders:
IV. knowledge bomb on border wall funding
V. jobs and automation
VI. some parts of the border are open


I. CNN is secretly working for trump

common sense people would want good illegal immigrants who are already in the country and paying taxes to be granted amnesty but they are afraid to vote democrat because it seems the democrats want open borders every time they watch CNN or MSNBC.

it's not true that democrats want open borders:

- obama is saying the same thing as trump except the only difference is trump want stricter or zero tolerance enforcement while obama wanted a more lenient enforcement.

- democrats controlled both congress and senate for 2 years under obama and never granted amnesty to illegal immigrants even if they had the power to do it. so now the illegal immigrants are lucky trump won because this issue is one of the few weapons the democrats have left against trump that does not turn off common sense independents so they are vehemently demonizing trump on this issue. so if democrats win in 2020 then they have no choice but to finally give amnesty to the hardworking illegal immigrants - Dreamers turn on Pelosi

- the pictures of children in cages that CNN showed were actually taken during obama's term in office (you can google this to verify)

- CNN portrayed trump as a racist bigot for deploying troops on the border yet a liberal and well respected news publication reported that both bush and obama also deployed troops on the border:

- teargas was also used on the migrants trying to cross the border on more occasion under obama's watch.

- obama deported more illegal immigrants than any other president. google "obama deporter in chief" and choose which respected news media outlet you want to read.

but when common sense people turn on the news, the media is constantly demonizing trump as a racist bigot for protecting our borders so it makes them feel the democrats want open borders. either CNN is secretly working for trump or CNN is just too clueless to realize they are just shooting themselves on the foot. then they kept showing the video of trump and jim acosta clashing - Trump clashes with Jim Acosta in testy exchange . they want to portray trump as a bully but any person with common sense would watch this video and notice these things:

- jim acosta and trump are secret best friends. whenever trump bullies acosta, he is making him the happiest man in the world. acosta will be the star of cocktail parties and his colleagues will give him a pat on his back for standing up to evil trump. only idiots will think trump is a bully and doing a terrible thing to acosta.
- a journalist's job is to ask questions, not argue with the president. jim acosta was violating the fundamental principles of journalism.
- jim acosta initiated the provocation by saying, "i challenge you ...". although i'm not exactly sure if this violates journalistic principles but trump's initial counter provocation was actually quite proportional. trump just said, "here we go ....".
- trump allowed jim acosta to ask a question not once but multiple times and answered them. even when trump said "please sit down" many times and jim acosta disrespectfully disobeyed, trump still continued to answer his questions. it looks like jim acosta was the bully in this video.
- trump said, "you and i have a different set of opinions". bullies don't say that.
- trump clearly said he is not anti immigrant and said he wants people to come in because we need them but we want them to come in legally through a process".
- yet jim acosta insisted that trump demonized immigrants when his campaign ad showed migrants climbing over a wall. jim acosta then tried to show he is smart and trump is dumb by predicting the migrants will not try to climb over the wall. the only problem is, it turns out trump was right. the migrants did try to climb over the wall. not only that, they threw bottles at border patrol agents.
- jim acosta also said something illogical when he said the caravan was not an invasion because it's hundreds of miles away. so if hitler's forces are marching towards france, it's not an invasoin if they are still hundreds of miles away?
- in this video, trump exposes the truth that top democrats (not just the crazy fringe) want to abolish ICE. as far as i'm concerned, abolishing ICE would be ridiculous (maybe i'm just missing something). 

WHEW !!! that's a lot of bullet points on just this one clip. CNN does this type of flop a lot time and time again i just don't have the time to show them all. however, i didn't agree when trump tried to revoke jim acosta's white house press pass. but i guess that was another of trump's devious tactics -a ploy to further inflame the incident so that more people will watch the video and realize the media is the bully, not him.

it's hard for me to believe CNN keeps making these unforced errors because i'm sure they are like oxford and harvard graduates. until now the video is still on CNN's youtube site they haven't taken it down. it now has 2.2 million views. these types of incidents usually just get about 250k views. the only possibility i can think of is that CNN is secretly helping trump. of course i'm just kidding but it's the only explanation i can think of.

the media also kept reporting that the migrants were just refugees seeking asylum. then someone interviews the migrants where the migrants themselves admit they were not refugees and just want to get in the country to work. the videos are all over youtube ridiculing msnbc and cnn.

another thing i notice is that CNN and the liberal media always tries to lump or conflate illegal entry with legal entry (overstay visa). if you are sincere about fixing the immigration problem you should not conflate these 2 because they are very different. one is a security risk and the other isn't. illegals who just overstayed their visa were vetted and well screened.

II. knowledge bombs on US border patrol agents

CNN keeps showing the above photo. i noticed something strange. the crowd of men in the background are just standing around looking relaxed except for that boy trying to throw something. normally, it's just common sense that if you fire a tear gas, you fire it towards the crowd. but the teargas here looks very out of place. if i was a border guard i will only aim the teargas at women and children because i hate women and children. it looks like the border guards are also doing the same thing. i like to go there and meet these border guards maybe we can form a fraternity. call it "children and women hater fraternity". this reminds me of the fraternity rumbles when i was in college. this looks like those really loud pillbox bombs. i didn't join a fraternity because the rumbles were just between fraternities and i only wanted to throw pillbox bombs at sorority girls and beat up sorority girls, just like the US border guards.

some people are calling this fake or staged. i disagree because the folks in CNN are oxford and harvard graduates. they are the smartest people in the world so they can't possibly make a mistake of broadcasting this image multiple times and not know it's fake. however they are just humans and i did notice a big mistake when they said "women and children". how did they know the person holding 2 kids in this picture is a woman? did they ask that person? a person's sex is not determined by their biology or how they look. a person's sex is determined by how they feel. CNN is offending transgenders. SHAME ON YOU CNN !!!

people are so dumb !!! just yesterday, my teenage daughter went in the women's bathroom in ayala mall while i was waiting for her outside. a person who looks like a guy followed my daughter inside the women's bathroom. i heard the other people who looked like women in the bathroom start scolding the person who looked like a guy. they told the person to get out. i went in to help that person. i told the other people who looked like women, "you morons !!! haven't you learned from the holier than thou ultra smart progressive liberals and democrats of america that a person's sexuality is not determined by a person's biology or how the person looks? it's determined by how they feel. so i asked that person if he is a guy or she is a woman. the person said she is a woman. so i told the other people who looked liked women to allow that person to use the women's bathroom and that they were bigots and homophobes who have no sympathy for transgenders and the LGBT community. i can't wait to go back to progressive liberal democrat california where i can just declare i am a woman so i can hang out inside women's bathrooms and enjoy watching young girls. i hope trump is impeached now that democrats have control of congress. fuck those republicans !!!

unbelievable - CNN Tries To Shame Border Patrol Agent, He Flips The Scipt On Them a cnn pundit who probably went to yale is being destroyed by a lowly border patrol agent who probably went to community college. cnn should hire me I can help them beat the crap out of the conservatives. or they should read my blog

it’s very hard for liberals and democrats to win arguments because for example they claim they don’t want open borders yet they also don’t want anything done or offer any solution to secure the border because they are afraid of political incorrectness or being branded as a racist. that is why no matter how cruel or inhumane trump’s actions have been, no matter how democrats jump  up and down crying and calling trump nazi or hitler, trump’s approval rating is not plummeting.

III. pedigree knowledge bomb on open borders:

IV. knowledge bomb on border wall funding

the brain dead ideologues on the left don't care about the good illegal immigrants because they should at least have compromised with trump on the border wall to give protection for the dreamers (albeit limited). the wall may be controversial but it's not evil to be anti open border. bernie sanders and cesar chavez don't support open borders because it hurts the legal laborers and poor minorities. now the brain dead ideologues are calling thomas friedman a fascist for saying the democrats should  compromise and let trump build his wall as long as it has a compassionate gate.

the democrats should never give in to trump's border wall. $5 billion is BIG !!!  the deficit with mexico was $70 billion last year. $5 billion is 50% of $70 billion. THATS BIG !!!  the defense budget is $600+ billion a year. $5 billion is 40% of $600 billion. that's a lot of money wasted if we build the wall. the trade deficit is $800 freakin billion yearly which nobody in the goverment except trump in the history of the united states even bothered to address. $5 billion is like 30% of $800 billion. just do the math. we already spent $5 trillion in the wars in iraq and afghanistan. if we spend $5 billion on the wall, that's 5 + 5 = $10 trillion. but even if the border wall is cheap, it's evil. the border wall will bar women from voting. so it's worth it to let the government shutdown drag on as long as it takes. the border wall will trap mexicans so ICE can torture the mexicans. the border wall will prevent black people from eating at restaurants. the world does not need walls. the world needs understanding and unity.

V. jobs and automation 1/16/18 fb post

automation is the biggest factor shaping our world. as our economy becomes more automated and efficient, there is less need for workers and therefore immigration. that is why right wing anti immigration policies are becoming more favorable as you can see with brexit and trump victories. but the stupid democrats continue to play the "my grand parents were immigrants" card and give moronic examples of immigration during the industrial revolution when we really did need a lot of immigrants to man the factories.

the irony is that black people are overwhelmingly democrats, yet open borders will hurt black people because they will be competing for jobs. also, i haven't met a first generation immigrant who is not racist towards blacks.

VI. some parts of the border are open 11/8/18 fb post:

President Donald Trump's border wall with Mexico to me it's not stupid to oppose the border wall. it's also not stupid to support the border wall either. what is stupid is you tell people there are parts of the border where people can easily cross without border guards yet you don't explain why migrants won't just go to that place to cross the border. this is suppose to be the most important information to be put in this video. all the other information in this video is common knowledge.

imagine you have a scholar who's family is suffering from poverty and you help sneak in one of her ultra hardworking aunt or sister into america and introduce them to my very sweet retired golfing buddies who would be in heaven to have them as an in house caregiver or maid for only $2k a month. just imagine if they send 50% of their income to their family in the philippines? my scholar could even admit her parents to rehab. nothing makes me happier than being directly responsible for transforming an entire family from suffering to prosperity.

(for more of my knowledge bombs, click the "ian's knowledge bombs" banner at the top of this article and choose any article in the table of contents that piques your interest)

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