Saturday, November 24, 2018

bohemian pedigree knowledge bomb on open borders

i reward my fantastic beasts with fun black glasses if they agree to wear the painful red glasses. we watched bohemian rhapsody in imax. it was one of the best movies i've seen in quite a while. yet the libtards in rotten tomatoes gave it a meager 60% rating all because freddie mercury's mother mentioned 2 words that obama refused to say his entire presidency - ISLAMIC PROSECUTION (joke). the movie was a republican propaganda movie - the numerous butt slapping scenes of freddie mercury in the movie was designed to normalize trump's access hollywood tape scandal and george bush sr's butt grabbing habit. freddie's family is also indian and there are lots of indian stars in the republican party - south carolina governor nickey haley and louisianna governor bobby jindal. the movie also attempts to normalize the bisexual relationship of trump and giuliani: Rudy Giuliani in Drag Smooching Donald Trump

the movie is also an example of what i call "human pedigree" (for the lack of a better term) phenomenon that i notice play a significant role in our decision making but no one really talks about. queen is like a microcosm of the engineers in silicon valley where i worked for 15 years. whenever you have super talented asian engineers (from india or china), usually that's their only talent. it's what dominates their life. but the european super talented engineers usually are gifted in other things like music, arts and sports. check out this video of my highly intelligent coworkers jamming:  my coworkers jamming at lunch time - nirvana. it's baffling to see highly talent german engineers who are also lethal soccer players.

similarly, the lead guitarist of queen was a freakin' astrophysicist. the drummer was also a dentist. i can't even be a dentist to save my life. i started to notice this human phenomenon which i just call "pedigree" for the lack of a better term. it's funny because becoming a dentist or astrophysicist is usually an ultimate dream for us asians. but to them their life is a sad failure if they don't make it in the music business and have to fall back to just being a dentist or astrophysicist. this reminds me of my israeli coworker evgenii who was a high level engineer. to him his job was really no big deal. it's just an easy walk in the park for him. but for me it's an impossible dream. his real passion in life is martial arts. he was a master of krav maga, judo and aikido. unbelievable !!!

i know i sound racist but if you just try to understand me you can avoid awkward situations like my high school batch mates during our high school reunion 5 years ago when the students of our alma matter performed a very simple instrumental guitar piece of a pop song - just plucking 1 string at a time like what beginners usually do. like ting ting ting, tang tang tang ... i notice some of my batch mates were looking at each other as if saying, "what the hell?". if only they understood the concept of "pedigree" they would have appreciated and enjoyed the performance (same way i'm always amused at my slumdog scholars and same way you would be proud to have a dog who can do supposedly simple tasks such as fetch a stick).

you see during our time our high school was one of the top high schools in the country. it was state subsidized but the selection process was just admitting the top scorers of the entrance exams. that's because at that time the government was clueless on the concept of "pedigree" so what happened was high pedigree students like us from wealthy families got in instead of the low pedigree poor students who were suppose to deserve the government subsidy. in general, higher pedigree groups like families and countries usually have higher competence and wealth than low pedigree groups. (that's why europeans were the only conquerors or colonists).

it's amusing for me to see people analyze things where the biggest factor is pedigree or inborn competence but they totally ignore it. this video says the reason why haiti is poorer than the dominican republic is because it receives less rainfall.  Why Dominican Republic Hates Haiti. yup !!! that's why israel is so poor because it doesn't get enough rainfall. i know america contributed to haiti's demise by undermining it's democracy. haiti was experiencing prosperity until the coup de etat that started the brutal oppression and the collapse of the nation. but it's just a small factor. of course there are exceptions to this rule (just like in general men are physically stronger than women but there are women who are stronger than men).

thank god they changed the admission process later on so now only deserving low pedigree students are admitted to my high school. in fact when i had my old high school negatives developed recently for our reunion video presentation, the people working in the photo studio were shocked to see the photos because we looked more high class or "sosyal" than the current students in our high school. what they were really noticing was the difference in pedigree. if a current student in our high school reads this, chances are they won't be offended because chances are they are the usual teenagers who also idolize high pedigree pop teen idols who don't really have that much talent but teenagers go crazy for them mostly because of their high pedigree. example, teenagers go crazy over super high pedigree korean pop singers. but here's a a guy who has much more talent but is being ignored only because he has less pedigree - Bunot "To Love Somebody" (Michael Bolton) COVER

my theory is not a racial thing because when i just arrived in america i was riding the bart train packed with standford students on their way to invade the cal berkeley border for the "big game" of football. i was squished between 2 black stanford girls in that caravan and i was just mesmerized at their beauty. it's like they were glowing. i remember their very unique brute smell that attracted me even more. i would have married any of them right then and there. normally i'm not attracted to black girls but i guess pedigree trumps racial preferences.

same thing happened to my favorite comedian bill burr when he went to sweden. he was mesmerized by the pedigree of the swedish people. watch 7:55 of this video - Joe Rogan & Bill Burr on Unattainable Beauty Standard Outrage

another example is dominicans and haitians both have african ancestry but dominicans have higher pedigree so they enforce strict trumpish border security and deport lower pedigree haitians.
Divided island: How Haiti and the DR became two worlds

this means each race has a pedigree spectrum from low to high. also, pedigree spectrums that evolved in climates with harsh winters have a higher base. but there is always a huge overlap between these pedigree spectrums that is why racism is simply ignorance and stupidity.

as the great ian crystal once said:

"you should not judge a person based on his ethnicity, race, culture or country. you should judge an individual based on the content of their character. however, you should judge an entire ethnicity, race, culture or country by the content of their average character or else you could end up like those journalists who got their heads cut off because their libtard professors brainwashed them into thinking all humans are the same".

i know my pedigree rants has a taste of hitler flavor but if you panic or overreact and run away too far from hitler's horror you can end up in the opposite extreme of the spectrum which is just as dangerous (as in your head chopped off). moderation is always the key. racial segragation is evil but PEDIGREE SEGRAGATION IS NECESSARY. it's natural and accepted even in the philippines which i will explain later. i say "natural" because there doesn't have to be laws for it to happen because it just happens naturally.

higher pedigree countries or societies are always better or safer. each country or race has it's own spectrum but in general those that evolved in climates with  harsh winter have higher pedigrees.

i'm not saying those with higher pedigrees are better people. in fact the movie bohemian rhapsody also teaches us that no matter how high you are in the pedigree spectrum, you still face the same basic human challenges and problems such as love, family, disease, etc ... i mean a janitor who comes home to screaming kids because daddy's home is a much better person than a rock star scientist scratch golfer who lives like me. i even wrote an article declaring jeepney drivers as unsung heroes. no matter how much we want to idolize the members of queen, they still violated the cause of #metoo and were hooking up with multiple groupie chics. after watching the movie "almost famous" i realized my idols led zeppelin  and eagles were pedophiles - Almost Famous is a Tribute to Statutory Rapists

pedigree is a double edge sword. if you have high pedigree, your competence may tend to be higher but your standards will also tend to be higher so you are just as likely to be miserable as a lower pedigree with low standards.

NO ONE IS PEDIGREE BLIND. the "holier than thou" folks can't pretend they are pedigree blind. to some extent we all are guilty of having a pedigree mentality because we don't consider the photos of naked tribes in national geographic as smut or pornography (although you can throw back at me my "it's not a binary yes or no question, it's a spectrum and i belong to the wacko area of the spectrum). also if you were infatuated by those italian mafia movies like godfather and sopranos, note that they really are no different than the gangsters in the slums of poor low pedigree countries, except that tony soprano and don corleone have high pedigree so we are captivated by everything they do even the way they talk. so my scholars are really just like meadow sporano but with lower pedigree.

we tend to hold higher pedigrees to a higher standard. we all agree that the beautiful school teacher who had sex with his 15 year old student should go to jail even if all normal heterosexual male is envious at the 15 year old boy and wish we were also molested by a teacher that attractive when we were kids. however, we don't denounce the mexican culture's quinceneara tradition of introducing a 15 year old girl to society for marriage and having a law where 12 years old is the age of consent to have sex.

we all become enraged when we see an old photo of senator al franken putting his face near the boobs of a high pedigree woman but turn a blind eye on the hundreds of low pedigree sudanese women and children being raped, tortured and murdered everyday. just like we don't really pay attention if a dog is raping another dog. i've never seen a female dog acting like she agreed to the sexual intercourse yet to us it's not a problem just like a low pedigree 12 year old sudanes girl being raped. again it's not a racial thing because if the rape victim in sudan looks like tyra banks i'm sure she will be in the cover of time magazine and the world will rain down on boko haram.

i also saw a documentary in youtube about sex trafficing in cambodia where very young girls are constantly beaten by their customers who are local cambodian men. the girls showed their scars. one 11 year old girl has a huge scar on her head because she was smacked in the head with a pistol because she wasn't very good at performing oral sex. the man who smacked her was never arrested and was even being interviewed in the documentary. if the girls go to the police the cops will just scold the girls and tell them it's what is suppose to happen to them because they are prostitutes. but why would we care about those girls? they are just low pedigree cambodian girls. cnn, fox and news media outlets are just business entities so they won't do anything to raise awareness because no one would watch it. they are managed by harvard and oxford suma cum laudes so you have to trust they are doing the right thing considering the business realities.

again it's not a racial thing because what's happening in cambodia was also happening in the UK to thousands of white british children who were being "groomed" and raped. this happened for more than a decade and no one care maybe because the white british girls had very low pedigree (as i've seen in the youtube documentaries). activists and the victims tried to report it to the authorities but the offenders were pakistani men so the liberal and politically correct british authorities were afraid of being called a racist if they took action. one activist trying to report the incidents was even booked on a two-day ethnicity and diversity course to raise her awareness of ethnic issues. fortunately the racist theresa may was not afraid to rock the multicultural community boat and fought hard to prosecute the pakistani men. theresa may does not care about the victims she just hates pakistani men because she is a racist (i seriously hope you are smart enough to know when i'm joking and when i'm not) -

the victims may have been white children but they were low pedigree or low IQ so the police even dismissed the cases deeming the victims "undesirables" unworthy of police protection. when the offenders were finally being prosecuted because the racist right wing was gaining power, this did not get much attention from CNN and fox news even if the story contained sensational stories of a broken bottle being inserted into a child's vagina. you might think these stories will capture high ratings but the raped kids were low pedigree so cnn and fox news did not cover them. this proves that pedigree mentality is not really a racial thing.

some of my friends are the worse. they show me sex tourism youtube exposes of underage girls in very low pedigree places and joke that the tourists are the victims for paying to have sex with such ugly girls. so they just go to sex tourism destinations where the girls have higher pedigrees such as thailand. then i realize these friends of mine are still better people than me because they work hard to support their family. omg i'm like a cockroach.

and here's a video the went viral because a high pedigree girl was selling popcorn. she wasn't the vendor she just assisted a poor girl selling popcorn for a few minutes because she felt sorry for her. nevertheless the netizens couldn't resist and made a big deal out of it because a high pedigree girl is never suppose to be selling popcorn. unbelievable !!!

if you are one of those high pedigree liberals who think i'm a nazi because you believe we should not judge someone or a group of people based on anything except their character, then answer this question: would you allow your daughter to walk in the slums of philippines? if they ask you, "dad, i will go to tondo (slum or squatter's area) tonight to attend my boyfriend's party", will you let her go? not to mention your horror and shock that your daughter has a boyfriend who lives in tondo? what if she says, "mom, i will go to beverly hills (affluent village) tonight to attend my boyfriend's birthday party". different reactions huh? this is actually the clue to understanding the anti open border groups in europe and america. the issue is now dangerously erupting into a harmful cultural war. it's more convenient to just dismiss them as racists but their concerns are actually understandable.

it would be a major political mistake if liberals simply ignore or ridicule these fears. in politics, perceptions are the only reality that matters.

(update) Belgium's PM Charles Michel submits resignation amid migration row

let me give an ugly truth example - in the philippines it's common to see naked children taking a bath in the tabay (public well). nobody looks at them and everyone just ignores them. but if those were high pedigree chinese/korean/european blooded girls (like some of my scholars), my god even the best of the best barrio folks would be sexually aroused. of course the super smart armchair general ideologues with their multiple phds living in a bubble and sitting on a high horse will never believe me and just think i'm stupid. as pacquiao said in his speech at oxford, welcome to the open university of life.

i have this theory that pedigree is a very big factor (of course not the only factor) when it comes to attraction. meaning a person from a lower pedigree will be more attracted to a person in a higher pedigree compared to a lower pedigree considering everything else equal. that is why the native barrio girls naked in the tabay would just be ignored. so a higher pedigree girl in the presence of a lower pedigree stranger would be at a higher risk. of course any girl will always be in danger in the presence of a stranger no matter what because pedophiles don't really follow the natural laws. however, in the presence of strangers with lower pedigrees, the danger increases exponentially. even if that stranger is not a pedophile, he will still be very attracted to a 15 year old girl with a much higher pedigree. that is why ever since the influx of refugees from africa and the middle east in places like sweden, the streets became more dangerous for women and girls to walk around. the statistics on rape spiked up and 80% of the rapists were migrants (just google this sad ugly truth). again this is not racial because sweden has been accepting vetted immigrants from africa for decades and never had rape problems. vetted immigrants tend to be educated and belong to a higher pedigree while those who cross the border illegally tend to be low pedigree.

a common argument is that not all rapists were immigrants so the streets will still be dangerous anyway without the unvetted immigrants. don't confuse possibility and probability. example it's possible a plane will crash but the probability is low so we feel safe riding a plane. if the probability increases from 1/11 million to 1/1000 no one will ride a plane even if the probability of crashing looks very low - 1/1000 = 0.001%

this article shows that although statistically there is no correlation between old local muslim population and rape, there is a high correlation between new muslim migrants and rape: what this article fails to point out is that maybe it's because the muslim migrants are low pedigree trying to escape poverty while the muslim locals are vetted high pedigree immigrants. this reminds me when i first arrived in america. i migrated to america to pursue economic prosperity but when i saw the higher pedigree teenage white girls wearing skimpy shorts i went nuts.

i don't agree that an influx of migrants will make a country less safe. even if it does, you still need to lock your doors and not allow your daughter to walk alone at night anyway. my concern is that it decreases the competence of society. my concerns are not based on scientific studies. my concerns are based on my lifetime experience with low pedigree masses. if you don't let them vote that would be apartheid. if you let them vote, chances are someone will use them for political purpose or agenda and that usually will be big government welfare. i believe a social democracy only works in competent societies like norway, denmark, etc ... i'm just talking from a practical point of view and i know from a purely moral standpoint, it's very evil and racist for me to say these things. but the reality is that the majority of people in the world are pragmatic, and you have to accept that their votes count the same as the idealistic and moral people. so the moral liberals should try to reach out and understand the pragmatics and not just dismiss them as racists and evil so at least there is a hope for a compromise or understanding.

chomsky says norway is the most benevolent country, yet it deported 1,600 somalian refugees. meanwhile it did not deport the higher pedigree refugees like the syrians. i go nuts when i see a beautiful syrian teenager but i never go nuts when i see a somalian teenage  girl. it's a sad ugly truth. humans are so imperfect. even a norwegian man was raped by a somali migrant. if a man can be in danger, how much more the girls? -

the supposedly liberal bbc reports that a spate of rapes by migrant men in europe prompted norway to introduce classes for refugees that teaches them not to rape women. - i should attend these classes because i go nuts when i see beautiful norwegian women. but my question is, if i attend these clases, i won't go nuts anymore? ok so the class will teach me not to rape norwegian women so i wont. but will you be comfortable if your 15 yr. old daughter passes by my house everyday on her way home from school? the anti migrants are just decent people with legitimate concerns. they are not necessarily racists.

the supposedly liberal bbc also reported about the gang assaults on women in cologne germany by men who were of arab and north african appearance - 

in my observation higher pedigree men are actually just as prone to sexual aggression. honestly, most high pedigree men i know are natural predators. although just like me, some never act on it we just keep talking about it and dreaming about it. it's always the favorite topic of conversation when we play golf. however, if i go to india or cambodia, an average teenage girl will be safe with me because i'm not attracted to them. but if i go to japan or china then i become a danger to the typical teenage girl. example when i was living in macau there was this noodle place i frequented and the 15 year old daughter of the owner kept smiling at me and asking me about golf (she saw me passing by carrying a golf bag). it was very difficult for me to resist the temptation of asking for her facebook so i can have a secret relationship with her. therefore, i'm not saying lower pedigree men have higher percentage of being a sex predator. my wild guess is that it's about the same percentage.

i also see a high correlation with carpenters and construction workers. when i was a teenager  in the 1980's whenever there was a construction going on near our house i loved to hang out at the construction site and listen to the always funny and interesting conversations of the carpenters and construction workers. it was always about women and sex. maybe nowadays with internet porn that custom has disappeared. they would teach me how to seduce and sexually molest our young maid and they would keep telling me they wished they were in my shoes. they were very attracted to her and they thought because i was the master i had the right to do anything with her. this is another example where pedigree is a factor in attraction because although i knew in my mind our maid was attractive, i was turned off because of her lower pedigree.

i had so many friends who were carpenters and construction workers and all of them were sex maniacs. i guess it has something to do with the libido. this is probably why communism never got to have a strong foothold in the philippines because the proletariat was too busy thinking about sex. i remember i had a classmate in college who was a communist activist and all she talked about is how the evil rich are oppressing the poor. she was always scolding me for my sexual innuendos. she came from a wealthy family so unlike me she never really mingled with any of the real or common poor folks, just with the community leaders in her charity sorties. she used to use me as an example on how rich people are evil while the poor people are like angels and saints based on her experiences with the community leaders in the slums. i laughed so hard every time she said this to me. all i can do was laugh because i knew if i let her meet my poor maniac friends they would miraculously turn into saints because i'm sure they would fear and respect her because of her charisma. my classmate was like an embodiment of the current bleeding heart liberals and leftists that want europe to accept the migrants. liberals and leftists are good and smart people but they tend to live in a bubble.

i'm not saying the pro migrant liberals are wrong. i'm just speaking from the point of view of anti migrants. i'm saying it's wrong for liberals to automatically demonize all anti migrants as racists. they need to try to understand the anti migrant people, communicate with them, and compromise to come up with a solution.

another example: in my neighborhood (gemsville subivision cebu), there was this 10 year old high pedigree girl named giesel. she was not that pretty to me because i belonged to a higher pedigree.  but almost every night the guys in the neighborhood, who were from a lower pedigree (or bugoys in our dialect) would climb the tree near her window to watch her sleeping wearing only panties. she knew this was happening and strangely she chose to keep her curtains open. you might think, oh they were just the bad apples of our neighborhood but then one time they were drinking and one of our neighbors who had 3 beautiful daughters passed by on his way home from work. he was not really part of the group but as custom he was offered a shot to drink. he decided to join the drinking session (tagay) and so he heard about giesel. next thing you know this supposedly upstanding citizen father of 3 girls was reporting for pervert duty near giesel's window every night. incredible !!! giesel became the princess of our neighborhood. she became close friends with the bugoys and hung out with them. she had lots of money and she would sometimes give the bugoys money for cigarettes and booze. in return the bugoys became like her minions who would do anything she says. which means sometimes pedigree can trump age in the battle for supremacy. hehehe.

but giesel was never harmed. it goes without saying that probability is a big factor in our decision making and preferences. a single engine plane may not have crashed after 100 trips, but you still would rather ride a plane with more redundancy like a 2 engine plane. the open university of life has taught me lower pedigrees have higher probability of inappropriate sexual behavior. the migrants fleeing economic hardships are mostly low pedigree. plus, in the case of migrants going to europe, they come from a culture that has higher probability of disrespect for females. the internet is littered with stories and statistics about filipina domestic helpers being abused by their male employers in the middle east. at the same time, the internet is also littered with stories about how filipina domestic helpers are treated with amazing dignity and respect by their employers in other places such as israel and UK. plus, i noticed from my travels that african and middle eastern men have much higher aggressive temperament compared to that of other societies. this just adds to the probability. my criticism is not coming from hate, i have many dear middle eastern friends. i became close friends with a perfume vendor in egypt and we enjoyed our friendship to the point that he offered one of his wives to me just so that i won't go home. i really care for him as a friend but if i had a daughter i would never leave her alone with him, but that does not mean i hate him or look down on him. i also have dear friends right now since childhood who i helped and continue to help until now but when we were kids i wouldn't even let them borrow my bike because for sure they will just sell it to buy drugs and pretend they got mugged and the bike was stolen.

my point is that it may be wrong for people to INSIST on riding a 2 engine plane instead of a 1 engine plane, because a 1 engine plane is already safe enough, but instead of demonizing each other, we should recognize their concerns, talk, communicate, and maybe we will arrive at a good solution, if there are any.

apparently some things never change because now, the guys in my neighborhood are crazy about my relatively high pedigree scholars that just happened to be unlucky enough to be orphaned by the drug epidemic. the construction workers of a nearby condominium project would whistle and make cat calls at them even if my scholars are still kids. it suits me though because their admirers are also habal habal motorcycle drivers who give them free rides to school so i save money. also at night they volunteer to accompany my foster kids so my foster kids (scholars) don't get arrested by the curfew police and i don't get in trouble because as their legal guardian i'm the one who gets punished (community service like sweeping the streets). there was this really old world war 2 vet (balikbayan from america) across the street from our house which everyone highly respects and calls "tatay". he always gave me this angry look whenever he saw me with my scholars but then lately my scholars have been coming home with alcohol breath and they told me tatay invites them sometimes to eat and drink because he enjoys hanging out with them.

all i'm trying to say is that if you are a good hearted liberal who is disappointed or even depressed by the recent anti open border nationalist waves happening in america (trump, bernie sanders)  and europe (brexit, la penn, austria, hungary, etc .. (search "bbc Europe and nationalism: A country-by-country guide")), i'm offering you a rare but real world perspective you will probably never read in books and newspapers that will give you a more pragmatic understanding.

most of the voters against open borders are actually good decent people with legitimate concerns. i know america used to let anyone in especially during the industrial revolution but back then we needed workers for the factories and nowadays there is so much automation it will be catastrophic if we let in a wave of migrants who will have difficulty finding jobs. besides during the industrial revolution america was not yet a prime target for terrorists. as president trump said we do let in about a million legal (vetted and screened) immigrants each year (even under his presidency during 2017).

of course there really are evil and dangerous white supremacists in europe. but there are always evil people everywhere. it should not be a reason to be depressed but it should be a reason to take necessary precautions. especially in eastern europe. even if there are only 5 neo-nazis in a city of  1 million people, it is still dangerous for a non white person like me because it just takes 1 person to murder me (search "Slovaks mourn Filipino expat beaten to death in street by a neo nazi").  that is why if you notice in my eastern europe photos in facebook i usually go there only in winter when it's normal to cover one's face because of the cold so i'm not easily recognized as a non white person. i also never stay at 1 place for too long. i usually move around. even if i just made friends with a girl i like, i still move to another city and just use the power of western union and video chat to develop the relationship. then we could just meet at the airport to go to heavenly sharm el sheik in the red sea - (refer to photos in if i start to feel the heat like i notice someone is following me i take extra precautions like carrying a small weapon (e.g. a knife) just in case. if  i get surrounded i can at least stab one of them to create an escape outlet.

i know for some bleeding heart liberals, reality is hard to swallow. but instead of retreating to a cave, i face it head on and adjust. you can't accuse me of sympathizing with the racists because i'm even writing about how to stab a neo nazi. i also accepted the reality that high pedigree golf coaches will go bananas when they see my very incorrect golf swing so i moved to the philippines where golf coaches have lesser pedigrees and therefore my golf swing won't be hazardous to my safety. hehehe -

our political affiliations and ideological beliefs are really like being a fan of a sports team. our true enemies are the bad people belonging to your sports team and the bad people belonging to the opposing team. our true teammates are really the good people on both sides of the political spectrum. of course you should campaign and vote for what you believe in but at the end of the day you should try to understand the good people who don't agree with you instead of demonizing them because that's how the bad people win. example the brain dead ideologues on the left (the bad people) pretend to help this sweet adorable transgender named jazz but actually they are just doing her more harm than good. i explained the reason in this article -

my pedigree theory is not really a knowledge bomb to people who live in the brutal real world. it's just another natural instinct they act on everyday. that's why parents always pick up their high pedigree daughter from school while it's normal to see low pedigree girls walking home from school alone. shouldn't we all go gaga over how unfair that is? actually my pedigree theory is a knowledge bomb only to book smarts and academics who do not have enough education in the open university of life. that's why they are the ones more susceptible to making foolish or unrealistic immigration policies or choices. as i keep saying liberals/leftists/academics/intellectuals tend to have less imperfection such as the pervert defect so they will tend to make unrealistic policies that don't take human imperfections into account. it's like the saying "it takes a criminal to stop another criminal".

i also have 2 contending philosophical questions: 1) should you be more impressed by a scout master who did not fondle his boys scouts because he is not attracted to boys? or 2) should you be more impressed by a scout master who did not fondle his boy scouts even if was attracted to his boy scouts? i choose #2 that's why when there were rumors our high school scoutmaster was gay, it gave me more respect for him while my other batchmates went the other way and ridiculed him. maybe it's just easy for me to say because i was not the one who shared a tent with him during the jamboree in mt. makiling. but for me, god would give greater reward to a person who goes to church even if that person hates going to church compared to a person who goes to church everyday because that person enjoys church.

you might say i'm just a babbling racist idiot who should be in a mental hospital. that's always the go to reaction of ideologues who are too weak and sensitive to engage and understand. maybe you are right. but the reason why i would rather trust my instincts is because my instinct actually saved the life of one of my scholars. i first saw her at 2 am in the morning and my instincts made me feel shocked and very worried that a high pedigree girl would be walking around that late at night.  sounds evil and unfair right? why would i be worried about the high pedigree girl and not be worried about the low pedigree girls also walking around that late at night? well, as it turns out the reason why she was out late at night was because during that time she was hiding from her uncle so she only went out at night. why? because her uncle got very drunk one night and raped her. she comes from a relatively high pedigree family but his dad became a drug addict and was imprisoned. so she lived with her uncle. you might say that does not prove my theory because her uncle is just an evil person. as it turns out her uncle is the father of 2 adorable girls. one is a very talented singer who keeps winning singing competitions. another is a very beautiful call center agent who i'm actually attracted to. i became dear friends with his daughters through my scholar and later my scholar reconciled with his uncle and we both started attending the christmas and birthday parties at her uncle's house. can you imagine? if the strong attractiveness of a high pedigree beauty overpowered a guy like her uncle,  can you imagine the influx of UNVETTED middle eastern men into sweden? coming from a culture that tends to oppress women? every girl they see would be a giesel times 10 to the nth power. that's like a ticking time bomb. it's actually already happening in sweden (you can google it).

sweden is especially vulnerable because it's a successful social democracy. it's population has a high competency index so i don't think they have the class structure or natural pedigree segregation infrastructure such as the slums of the philippines or the ghettos of america. so the migrants will have to be neighbors with high pedigree swedish locals. i don't think midlde class folks in sweden live in gated communities like the affluent subdivisions and villages in the philippines that have security guards at the gates. of course everyone is free to go to high end malls but these places are secured so teenage girls won't be in danger. a stark example is the private security systems in south africa where the high pedigree black and white communities even have ELECTRIC FENCES - private security in south africa

also there is no class warfare racket in the philippines. i remember just 1 incident and it ended very badly for the class warfare peddler and it's victims (search "country club" in this article - can you imagine if chomsky or some sjw is in a beach resort in the philippines and sees a security guard yell or whistle at a low pedigree native or local going near the shore to stay away? chomsky would probably explode saying "there is a 20 meter easement law anyone has the right to be there !!!". the locals will have to explain to chomsky that the security guard is actually acting in the best interest of the natives because he is helping make the beach resort more attractive to tourists by telling low pedigree natives to stay away. this gives the locals more jobs and businesses like island hopping, souvenir shops and karinderia food service for the employees of the resort. boom !!! welcome to the real world chomsky !!!

my scholars are safer with me because i belong to a higher pedigree. although i'm still a bit attracted to them but not as attracted to higher pedigree swedish or syrian teenagers. plus i don't drink alcohol so that dramatically brings down the risk of an incident. but actually my mild attraction to my scholars has a purpose - it gives me the motivation to sacrifice my time, money and energy to help them because a person will always be happier around people he/she is attracted to. not to mention my very rare competence when it comes to managing  human behavior (many articles in this blog deals with human behavior issues, e.g. not to mention my well rounded competence in all kinds of stuff like fixing cars and doing home repairs. i also have this knack for health, nutrition, and safety ( it's like my scholars got the rolls royce of legal guardians - my role model is jeffrey epstein (joke).

the greatest country in history of the world, united states of america, even elected a president who admits he is attracted to his ultra high pedigree daughter so it should be ok for me to be attracted to my scholars -

other clips: Donald Trump Comedy Central Roast - Best Bits (the rest of the 1 hour roast is actually pretty funny just search in youtube. i first saw this back in 2012 because i'm a fan of the comedy central roasts). i feel sorry for president trump and jeff ross because they can only fantasize about ivanka while i actually dated ivanka:

of course it's still creepy for me to be around these young kids. but nature always works that way. it's never perfect. it's always just a middle ground or compromise. beauty and truth lies in the grey area. that is why leftist and right wing ideologues who desire theoretical purity have caused millions of death and suffering. it is wrong to assume all of us are like jeffrey epstein. you need to learn the concept of "amount" or "levels" or "spectrums" or "probabilities" or "lesser evil".. avoid the binary mentality that everything has to be either a "yes or no" or "black or white" or "full stop or full throttle".

the bottom line is that without me my scholars could easily become drunk junkie bar girls. that is why communism failed because it was trying to be too perfect without acknowledgement, acceptance and understanding of human imperfections.

pedigree is also very useful. as i mentioned in, humans don't function well in a flat structure (e.g. true democracy). pedigree provides an instant hierarchy recognition system. example my 14 year old scholar was jailed recently. she has been with me for 3 years. i was hiding her from her parents but her dad finally found her so he took her and used her to sell meth. her dad was relying on the law that minors never do hard time they just go to juvenile hall. i was worried she might be sexually abused in jail because of her rare beauty so i immediately visited her to show the cops and the inmates she has a high pedigree backer. humans naturally fear and respect other humans with higher pedigree. it's an important survival instinct. it's like if you feel you will break your neck if you will do a back flip on a bmx bike, then chances are you will break your neck if you do it. similarly, normal human beings are instinctively aware that if you mess with a high pedigree chances are you will be sorry.

there is also a phenomenon about pedigree that blows my mind - of all the 7 billion people in the world, how come i've never seen a high pedigree person living in the slums? there are high pedigree homeless people in the streets but it's more of a mental illness. but you never see a normal high pedigree person who simply has been out of luck and ended up poor and living in the slums. we know there are many high pedigree people who are poor but it can't be just a coincidence that i never see one of them living in the slums. i know normally they have friends and relatives who will help them. but i've frequented the slums for 40 years and i would expect that i should see one fall through the cracks. i've seen mothers who murder their babies but it's amazing i've never seen a high pedigree person living in the slums.

related to this phenomenon there is a direct correlation between the living standards of a country and the average pedigree of it's people. even if greece is suffering an economic crisis and people are suppose to be suffering poverty, on average the greeks still have a much higher living standard than the filipinos who is suppose to be experiencing an economic boom right now. the strength of society also depends on it's pedigree. i think i'm the only one who notices that the reason why the philippines is improving significantly is because we are the beneficiaries of the high pedigrees fleeing the oppression in communist china since the 1950s.

here's a video that demonstrates the concept of pedigree. The Genius of the Filipino Poor | Thomas Graham | TEDxADMU. this video also proves intellectuals are ignoring a very big factor or concept when it comes to how society works - pedigree. tom was treated specially not because he was white but because he had high pedigree. tom cannot comprehend why in the UK he would not welcome a stranger because he belongs to the top echolon of the pedigree hierarchy. i know the pedigree concept is very difficult to grasp for many people because it's not something you can measure or describe concretely. it's something you just feel. i can only explain it using examples. so for example, if halle berry or chomsky gets a flat tire and appears in tom's doorstep asking for help i'm sure tom will be mesmerized by their charisma or pedigree and tom would be very honored and happy to invite them and stay for the night. but if it's a low pedigree english bloke i'm sure tom will turn him away. allow me to go off topic and say leftist might also say the "mutual aid" spirit of filipinos prove socialism might work. but to me it's more complicated than that. it's like saying i can run fast and shoot 3 pointers therefore i should be able to play in the NBA.

(for more of my knowledge bombs, click the "ian's knowledge bombs" banner at the top of this article and choose any article in the table of contents that piques your interest)

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