Wednesday, January 30, 2019

my trump jokes

table of contents:

joke #1: trump is helping the shithole countries
joke #2: trump = progress
joke #3: trump is the biggest gift to illegal immigrants
joke #4:  trump is a libertarian socialist


joke #1: trump is helping the shithole countries

people who flee a shithole country are usually the competent ones. brain drain is very devastating to a shithole country because the people fleeing are usually the rare few who can help fix their country's shitty situation. therefore, by preventing haitians from coming to the US, trump is helping haiti.

joke #2: trump = progress

women have been sexually harassed even during obama but only now do we have the women's march and #metoo movement. school shootings have been going on since obama but only now do we have mass protests for gun control. this means if you want our country to improve you should vote for a disgusting person like donald trump. never again should you vote for an amazing cool black president like obama. people are afraid to protest when we have a cool black president for fear of being branded a racist. it's all about optics. even if you are not protesting against the president, the optics looks as if you are using the issue as an opportunity to make the president look bad.

joke #3: trump is the biggest gift to illegal immigrants

i'm always worried about my dear friends and family in the states who are illegal immigrants. that is why i was so pissed when obama and the democrats controlled both white house and congress and they did not even lift a finger to give amnesty to my dear friends and family. now that trump is president, the bullshit democrats are forced to fight for amnesty, not because they care about illegal immigrants but because they hate trump and it's the only real common sense weapon they can use against trump. so now if democrats win the white house in 2020, they will finally be forced to give amnesty to my dear friends and family.

joke #4: trump is a libertarian socialist.

when technology is so advanced such that most of the jobs are automated, then human society has no choice but to be libertarian socialist. trump cut corporate taxes so corporations can spend more on research and development and shorten mankind's path to libertarian socialism.

(for more of my knowledge bombs, click the "ian's knowledge bombs" banner at the top of this article and choose any article in the table of contents that piques your interest)

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