Sunday, February 24, 2019

biographical expose on the evils of capitalism

(knowledge bombs for the week ....)

i watched the video "inside china's ghost cities". reminds me of vegas at the bottom of the housing crisis when i was buying super cheap used appliances through craigslist. the sellers were usually squatters in the ghost villages with very elegant houses just 30 minutes north of vegas. i heard rumours the newly built beautiful houses were going to be demolished to decrease supply and stabilize the prices. that was 2010 but now i checked satellite images in google maps HOLY SHIT LOOKS FULLY OCCUPIED with lots of cars parking in the side street (the residents are probably clutterers like my tita jane and my parents who fills the garage with junk so the car has to park outside).

here in cebu i just played golf last week in alta vista with a guy named adrian cempron who told me he bought 10 of those houses before the crash and when the crash happened he bought a 9mm gun because he was planning to commit suicide (small world because he is golfing buddies with my tenant in vegas named bong fernandez who claims he is the cousin of my best friend in elementary school alfie borres. bong also says he is the nephew of our late family lawyer francis soza).i also had some high school batchmates who speculated but they only had 2-3 houses so it wasn't that painful. me i never got sucked in the frenzy because when i heard the fed chairman and the president barking "there is no bubble" or "there is no problem with housing" i felt like riding a plane and the pilot was shouting "the plane is not going to crash !!!". i was like why would they say that? that means there is a danger because in my 10 years as an investor they never said that. did you ever ride a plane and the pilot shouts "the plane is not going to crash"? of course not becasue that would be weird or that means something is seriously wrong and they are trying to calm everybody down. so instead i was telling everyone "SELL EVERYTHING !!!".  if the president and the fed chairman were right right and the markets did not crash, it's not like the market would suddenly double and i would miss out on the move. the situation was a no brainer - huge downside potential and zero up side potential.

as usual people did the opposite of my advice including my father because i have negative charisma so my dad also bought property right before the crash. ouch !!! people told me i was just paranoid and they would rather listen to the president or fed chairman who has all the information than to an uninformed moron like me. meanwhile i was liquidating all my stocks in preparation and when the crash happened i was shouting in facebook "BUY BUY BUY !!!" and of course again everyone did the opposite. they were selling.

nowadays i help people by convincing them to do the opposite of what they should do. my mom is inheriting a building in colon worth about a hundred million so i advised her to not sell because cebu might be in a bubble due to over building. i told her to sell only after a real estate crash so you will continue to be poor, or sell when you are too old or diagnosed with cancer so that you won't have time to enjoy your millions. geographical diversification is bad so don't sell it and buy bonds or property in america so that when china starts flexing it's imperialistic muscles in the philippines your children and grandchildren won't have anywhere to turn to.

i invented a trick that i'm sure no one will ever follow. let's say you are inheriting P50 million or $1 million worth of assets in the philippines. liquidate and transfer 50% to inflation protected US treasuries just for safety. then choose one of your children living in america as the punching bag and let him/her buy a house through a loan. if there is a crash, just let your kid vacate the house and declare bankruptcy anyway you could always loan them the money if they need to get a loan and they will one day inherit your US treasuries (which should be in a living trust or else the government will bite 50% in taxes after you die). then use your US treasuries to buy a new house. this time it's much safer because the prices have already crashed. if there is no crash and the value of the house has gone up considerably (maybe years later), secure the equity by selling the house. transfer the profits to your family fund that is part of your living trust umbrella. then buy another house and wait for the next crash. it's also hitting 2 birds with 1 stone - your children in america will never be homeless and your family has something to turn to when philippines is in trouble.

i made so much profit in the US housing crisis it even dwarfed my losses when i was young, stupid and big headed to think i'm just a normal person who can get married and have kids just like everybody so i married a nice woman from my hometown cebu and my wife immediately started applying for credit cards under my name and maxed it up with gold jewelry i didn't know this was happening until she ran off with an iglesia ni cristo royalty and left me with the debt. nowadays, i realize how amazing my friends and classmates are whenever i meet them in person i feel like i'm meeting a celebrity i become star struck. only now i realize how awesome it is to be a normal person. i learned to accept my unorthodox life, doing my best to be healthy by building up the bacterial fauna in my stomach by french kissing many beautiful college girls. one JK (joshi kosei) visited me the other night. she forgot to wear her school uniform she was like "please !!! please !!! i'm in a hurry i don't have time to go home and get my school uniform". i'm like, "nope !! my rules are strict, you have to be wearing your school uniform".

i'm just kidding i actually rescue these girls and feed them when they have nothing to eat. cabbage is so healthy for their digestive system it also prevents bad breath when you kiss them. they love me because they say i have a kind heart. it's a very uncomfortable experience. that is why i hate trump's enemies like hollywood brainwashing kids to become sex objects. of course trump is also a disgusting misogynist but why demonize someone for something you also do on a much larger scale? check out this video - this only happens in rich countries like japan. in the philippines, teenagers never sell themselves only adult women sell themselves. that is why i'm planning to move to japan. JUST KIDDING !!!

(for more of my knowledge bombs, click the "ian's knowledge bombs" banner at the top of this article and choose any article in the table of contents that piques your interest)

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