Wednesday, June 5, 2019

propaganda scapegoat of the left

we all know there are millions of people who are content and happy working for corporations. this totally destroys the left's narrative because for them corporations are tyrannical by it's nature. what makes politics so lucrative is you could always use propaganda as a scapegoat whenever your guess about human nature is debunked by actual events.

actually someone in the audience did question chomsky why there is a need to dismantle corporations when many people working for corporations already enjoy prosperity. he said that's a terrible argument because it would be like saying there is no need to free the slaves in the 18th century because their conditions were better than the slaves in the 17th century. he also said that the happy corporate workers are no different than the slaves with benevolent masters. i found his logic so stupid. first, there is a clear and much better alternative to slavery (freedom) while there is no better alternative to capitalism. second, there was no need to lecture the slaves for an hour that they would be happier if they are free. i'm sure most slaves would have easily chosen freedom if they were given the choice. on the other hand, most people nowadays are not choosing to work in a workplace democracy (co-op) even if they have that option. slaves did not have the option to be free without getting killed. moreover, people today have an option to start a small business. they can be an uber driver, a trucking owner-operator, a freelance handyman, or a school teacher. just take a look at this very successful e-commerce website called etsy where 87% of the company's 2.1 million sellers are women and most work out of their homes making personalized goods.

i've never heard of a corporate employee wishing they were uber drivers, school teachers or co-op members. they work for corporations simply because it's what they prefer because of their inborn personality. but no one in their right mind would prefer to become a slave. it's common for non corporate worker to be jealous of a corporate worker. i don't think a non slave would ever envy a slave. it's common for a person to be sad and even depressed that they did not get a corporate job they dreamed of. but i'm sure no africans were ever sad they got left behind by the slave boat heading for america.

as bad as a monarchy is, you can't even use it as an analogy to slavery. "game of thrones" is one of the most successful tv shows ever. all viewers have a king or queen they are routing for. i don't think a "game of slave owners" tv show would ever catch on.

it also baffles me why chomsky does not always include a discussion of the alternatives like libertarian socialism and co-ops when he makes a speech about dismantling corporations. it's a sign chomsky is being dishonest and trying to manufacture our consent. he knows that any person with common sense who would research about libertarian socialism will realize it's a crazy idea ( with regards to co-ops, he knows that people don't really care about those friday afternoon meetings where everyone gets to participate in the decision makings of the company. co-ops don't exactly give you 2 hour work days and 6 month vacations. i can't even find youtube videos of co-ops workers enthusiastically spreading the good word on how awesome it is to be a co-op member compared to being a corporate employee. instead, videos of americans showing how awesome it is to travel to white sand beaches and meet young girls in the philippines are getting millions of views. it's hard to believe americans are too stupid to realize wage labor is slavery even after they tasted workplace democracy. and if they are that stupid, then america will go up in flames if we have a true democracy. the left is basically destroying their own agenda.

another stupid analogy that chomsky keeps repeating is that corporate employees who are content are like our grandmothers who did not feel oppressed when they were living under misogynistic laws. again, our grandmothers had no other option but today corporate employees have many other options. also, many women today prefer to just stay home and be a house wife and many women i know never vote because they are just lazy or not interested in politics. i agree the misogynistic era of america is feather on the leftist's "good vs evil" cap. but i think it's a very tiny feather because almost every normal man has a woman as the most important person in his life be it their mother, wife or daughter. example, i cannot be happy unless i know my mother is happy. i mean women's liberation wasn't really a revolution it was more of an oopsy. it's like oops sorry mom i did not know voting on elections was really that important to you. the left just wants everything to be a good versus evil struggle.

chomsky also mocked america saying the nazis used american system of subjugating women as their blueprint. but i just watched a youtube video about the prohibition era and learned that women were the ones who started the prohibition and men were afraid of women during that time. i think leftist are just finding a way to make people angry at america. 

after the dismantling of corporations, it's clear that the left's end game is to not allow the school teachers, truck drivers, uber drivers, free lance plumbers, etc .... to own properties (e.g. chomsky's advocacy for libertarian socialism). that means they don't even have the credibility to be commenting on wage labor or corporate tyranny in the first place because their end game is more totalitarian and tyrannical. if i were a leftist, i would at least emphasize the non aggression principle (NAP) every time i talk about dismantling of corporations. i would promote co-ops but i would also emphasize that change should only happen through enlightenment. it should be voluntary and with zero violence. otherwise people with common sense will run the other way every time leftists open their mouth.

there are aspects of human nature that are too strong to be influenced by propaganda. chomsky saying "our goodness is being suppressed by private power" is like saying a gay person's homosexual urge is being suppressed by propaganda. i don't think america's individualism and psychopath personality is a result of propaganda. i don't think there was propaganda when we enslaved black people and decimated the native americans. at first i though americans are just coward bullies taking advantage of people who can't defend themselves. then i realized americans are also willing to kill each other. true bullies never stand up to equally powerful people. bullies don't sacrifice their life but 650 thousand died in the civil war. we are even willing to kill and die for other people's freedom. how much more our own? 400 thousand americans died in WWII. and recently we killed hundreds of thousands of innocent vietnamese and iraqis over nothing. maniacal psychopath much?

i do agree that propaganda is being used to trick americans in supporting it's imperialistic wars and cover up it's atrocities. i agree that is something we all should address and i'm thankful to the left for spearheading the effort. i also agree america's consumerism and materialism is enhanced by the PR industry. but chomsky overreaches and claims that NFL football was created to keep us passive so we don't try to dismantle the corporations. that's just ridiculous because sports is very popular everywhere in the world. there is no TV and radio in the remote mountains in the philippines yet the men there are insanely passionate about cock fighting. propaganda did not influence nelson mandela's love for soccer. chomsky idiotically claims that if there was no NFL then we would pay more attention to more important matters. i laughed so hard when i heard him say that because we would be killing each other if there was no NFL. when there was no NFL, we decimated the indians, then enslaved black people, then killed each other in a civil war. without the NFL, red necks would probably lynch me because of the color of my skin. without the NFL, leftist leaders would be murdered by psychopath capitalists whose property rights are threatened. maybe the reason why the middle east is so chaotic is because there is no NFL but i have no science to back this up. soccer may be popular in the middle east but soccer does not satisfy a psychopath's killer instinct urges. psychopaths like to watch 300 lb men battling each other for a few seconds a time and not 5'7" fairies lightly jogging for 2 hours.

i think chomsky says these things because he is working with the koch brothers to undermine the movement to address climate change and end US atrocities. because if i was a dictator with a brain, i would hire someone like chomsky to be my main opposition or dissenter who would also say crazy things to undermine the opposition. same way i would be happy when a preacher has 5 mistresses and steals from his congregation because it undermines his influence. as yanis said, nobody would be a afraid of him if he was a leftist lunatic.

i don't know what it is with settlement societies like america that makes them more psychopathic. is it hereditary? maybe, because it's just a few generations ago that we completed the decimation of native americans. israel i understand because they are still in the process of wiping out the palestinians to expand their territory. contrast this to colonialism where they needed the local population to be their work force. that's probably why former colonizers such as spain, netherlands and france are more humane than america.

it's not just americans and israelis. the reason why true socialism hasn't work is that humans in general are psychopathic. propaganda did not influence the shias and sunnis who are killing each other. propaganda did not cause the maori to decimate and enslave their moriori cousins.

it also baffles me that there are enough rich people on the left who could pool their money and start their own TV network or cable channel but they never do it. it should not be that hard for rich chomsly fans such as bono, REM, pearl jam, matt damon and ben affleck to start their own left wing media to counter any right wing propaganda.

i even think propaganda is a blessing in disguise. the philippines is very lucky we succumbed to US propaganda or else we would be like venezuela, iran or gaza -

(for more of my knowledge bombs, click the "ian's knowledge bombs" banner at the top of this article and choose any article in the table of contents that piques your interest)

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