Wednesday, June 5, 2019

stealing from your grandkids

we must realize that america already has $20 trillion in debt, and recklessly adding more to our debt is tantamount to stealing from our kids and grand kids who will be the ones to suffer if the debt becomes insurmountable. this is what happened in greece, who by the way is a social democracy with free healthcare and free tuition. i'm not saying a social democracy is bad for america. maybe it can be good. i'm just saying it's not automatically a good thing, and we still need to do due diligence.

i used to think it's just a myth that the policies of democrats tend to lead to big government welfare state. i remember president clinton's famous speech: "the era of big government is over". i also remember then senator obama accusing the bush administration of borrowing too much from china. but when democrats had majority in congress during obama's first term, it was so easy for me to rent out my 2 vegas houses to section 8 government assisted housing. there were so many section 8 beneficiaries looking for a house to rent. after the rise of the tea party and republicans taking back congress, all of  a sudden i can't rent my houses to section 8 anymore. the young and able beneficiaries lost their section 8 benefits and the amount of monthly rental assistance from the government was cut. it actually caused a lot of difficulties to my rental business but instead of being angry at the republicans and tea party, i did some research and learned that abuse of welfare system is tantamount to stealing from future generations. you can easily make the argument that it's actually the democrats who are evil. it's hard for me to say republicans are also evil because those who really needed and deserved government assistance did not lose their benefits. perception is not always reality.

(for more of my knowledge bombs, click the "ian's knowledge bombs" banner at the top of this article and choose any article in the table of contents that piques your interest)

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