Wednesday, June 5, 2019

inborn aptitudes and standards

table of contents:

0. introduction
I. happiness = aptitude - standards
II. aptitude  > environmental influence
III. selflessnes = aptitude - standards
IV. aptitude != value
V. uniform standards = cruelty


0. introduction

(if you were reading "knowledge bombs on inequality", just skip to the next section)

maybe in a sense we are really not that unequal where it matters the most. i'm not a rich person but i wouldn't trade my life with bill gates. it's possible for a rich person to be miserable and a poor person to be happy. there is no scientific instrument that can measure a person's content and happiness but it baffles me that my friends in the slums seems to be just as happy as me. many of my childhood friends were slumdogs so i hung out in the slums a lot. in the beginning i was like chomsky torturing myself trying to get my friends and their families to do the simple things that will make their lives better but they just laughed at me as if i was a lunatic. then i begun to realize maybe there really is no problem. a person's content or happiness depends on how well your inborn standards and abilities match

I. happiness = aptitude - standards

the reason why leftists look like fools to most people with common sense is that the left ignores the differences in human nature. one big difference is our inborn aptitudes or abilities. another is our inborn standards or expectations. our content and happiness depends on how well our inborn standards and inborn abilities match. usually in a mentally or emotionally healthy person, aptitude and standards would match or are compatible. i notice the root of most personal problems, unhappiness and discontent is when there is a mismatch or the standards are too high for someone's aptitude.

if my only goal in life is to become a doctor even if i have very poor memory then i will be miserable. i know many friends who are incompetent but are desperate to score big in business because many of their friends became very rich. they are not aware that it's like they are trying out for the NBA when they can't even play well in a street pick up game. this is why i know many happy poor people and many miserable rich people.

i would rather kill myself if i have to work as a security guard. all my life i always felt sorry for security guards because it's the most boring job. then i started to have friends who are security guards and they told me they actually feel lucky they don't have to do much all day. one of them told me he actually feels guilty because he gets paid for doing nothing while the other workers such as the janitor has to do a lot of work. maybe chomsky is making the same mistake i used to make when he thinks corporate workers are like slaves. i don't mind being janitor. i can be content and happy being a janitor all my life. so there really is no difference between me and a security guard in terms of content and happiness. where it matters the most, that is already equal outcome. my poor and rich friends can have the same outcome in terms of content and happiness. inequality is not a product of economic policies but a product of mental health. this is why i think the left is very stupid to strive for equal material outcome instead of striving for equal opportunity -

be aware that my theories are contradicted by marxists who assume all humans have the same standards or expectations -  these marxist are like scientists while i'm a quack intellectual. however, marxists have been so wrong on so many things -

i was watching this video - The Solomon Islands: a Failed State? (2003). at first i thought the situation in solomon islands was awful. but then i realized they were not suffering starvation. they can easily catch fish and plant vegetables. everywhere they look there are fruit trees such as bananas they can eat. they don't live in crowded stinky slums. couple that with their low inborn standards, of course they won't feel the need for a functioning government. the only problem is peace and order but it's possible their inborn standards don't really require the same level of peace and order that we require. so it's possible they are more content and happy than an average american.

II. aptitude > environmental influence

leftists and liberals don't believe there is such a thing as inborn aptitudes or abilities. when i was working for altera corp, my supposedly super smart leftist coworker named robert romano told me all humans are born with the same academic aptitude. luckily for him he can never be proven wrong because there is no instrument to measure inborn abilities so he can continue to believe poor education is caused by lack of government funding because of the evil republicans - to me it's such an amazing natural phenomenon how a person so smart can be naive on something suppose to be obvious. that is why i write these blogs. at least another smart person disagrees with him and agrees with me - Jordan Peterson: IQ, Race & The "Jewish Question".

i've seen ted talks about neuroplasticity. of course there are things we can do to change our brains. but i think the willingness to improve one's brain is also an inborn trait. i have a strong feeling the examples in ted talks were using neuroplasticiy so that their abilities will meet their standards. neuroplasticity can be used to meet one's standards but i don't think it can be used to change one's standards. neuroplasticity becomes irrelevant if one is already content and happy despite his/her brain deficiencies. i think changing a person's brain to be discontent living in the slums and strive for a higher standard of living could be like changing a gay person's brain to be attracted to women. you are not really solving any problem you are simply changing a person. neuroplasticity is also a double edge sword. we know what happens to war veterans who suffer PTSD. drug addiction is also another example of neuroplasticity.

there are people who grew up in a very bad home environment and still became very successful. on the other hand, a kid with weak genes can grow up in a perfect home environment, go to the best schools and still end up being a drug junkie sleeping on the sidewalk. president duterte was molested by a priest which is suppose to affect his future but he still managed to become president. oprah was repeatedly raped as a child but still managed to be very successful. 

so many great computer engineers never even owned a computer in high school and college (those born in the 60's and 70's and/or grew up in poor countries just like the filipino bill gates dado banatao - while there are so many who owned computers and high tech gadgets since they were in their mother's womb and went to well funded schools with state of the art facilities but are now working in starbucks. 

if i was given a scholarship to stanford or harvard, i would not have been a better programmer. i probably would have lost my self esteem and quit my dream to be a programmer. back in the days when C++ just came out, i took a class with my coworkers who were graduates from stanford, MIT, cal tech, etc ... the class quickly turned into a C++ scrutinizing session instead of a learning session. apparently my coworkers quickly mastered the ins and outs of C++ before the class even started. our instructor was a close friend of the creator of C++ (stroustrup) and every time one of my coworkers suggested an improvement, our instructor would say "that's a brilliant idea. let me write that down so i can talk to stroustrup about it". my coworkers were improving C++ instead of learning it. such freaks.

it is not lack of quality of education or quality of teachers or learning tools that made me a mediocre programmer. it's not even lack of motivation or hard work. i worked my ass off my entire school and career life. my inborn aptitude was simply not up to par. i was just very lucky i was able to work for 15 years in a job that was fun, challenging but not so difficult. i got to use my creativity and i was grossly overpaid. most of my successes were attributed to my good PR and street smarts, things that i did not learn in school -

on the other hand, college even become more of an obstacle for people with extremely high inborn aptitudes. that's why mark zuckerberg, bill gates, steve jobs, and larry elison dropped out of college.

of course competency can be improved but the willingness and ability to improve one's competency is also an inborn trait.

III. selflessnes = aptitude - standards

leftists tend to be selfless maybe because their inborn abilities are much higher than their inborn standards. donald trump and people like me are selfish because our inborn abilities are much lower than our inborn standards. i notice humans tend to feel others should be like them. our inborn gifts or talents can cause us to be bias towards certain political choices. it's a common habit of the left to impose their standards and way of life on other people because they think people are like them. i'm sure they will suffer immensely even just imagining being a wage laboror for a corporation. they will feel like a slave or a prostitute renting themselves to the corporation. but if people follow their logic, people will also feel sorry for chomsky for having to read all those books. they would rather die than be required to read all the books chomsky read. to them it's torture. so if i'm one of chomsky's audience and he says wage laborers are like slaves, i would use the same logic to counter his argument by telling him he was also a slave because he had to read many books to become a professor.

if all you need is a library card to enjoy your weekend you will be inclined to favor wealth re-distribution. craving for a yacht or lamborghini just does not make sense when you can have fun reading books which is more enriching, fulfilling and enlightening. a poor man with higher consciousness has a higher quality of life than a rich man with poor intellect. nobody really disagrees reading a book is always good for you but leftist intellectuals tend to disregard the possibility that maybe to most people, reading a book feels torturous.

in my case, my brain just stops comprehending and absorbing information after reading only about 3 pages. i need to rest my brain before continuing. reading a book is like climbing mt everest. thank god for youtube. the spoken word is now more powerful than the written word.  however i like wikipedia because it's like a UPOD stock (under promise over deliver). when i see that the thumb on the scrollbar is still in the middle, i'm like darn it i'm still halfway through. but then it turns out the bottom half of the wiki page are just footnotes. so i become ecstatic when i suddenly realize i'm done reading.

all my leftist friends have incredible talents that make economic security for them a non issue. my leftist coworker ridiculed me for being too fanatic and dedicated to digital logic when for him it's as simple as 1+1=2.  when i watched lord of the rings movie they felt sorry for me. they said i missed so much and i have to read the book to really enjoy the entire literary treasure. they will surely enjoy a socialist society while lesser creatures like me will surely be unhappy.

when i was in russia i was dating the daughter of a professor. i was surprised everywhere she went people knew her. she told me in russia professors are like celebrities. it's a leftover culture from their socialist days. this also proves another point - she was beautiful, i am ugly, but she dated me because i had money. which means in a socialist society guys like me who's standards of attraction are too high would be very lonely.

you would favor income redistribution if earning your income comes easy for you. this is why talented engineers in silicon valley, talented musicans, and gifted hollywood celebrities tend to be leftists. they don't realize the hard work and sacrifices others had to go through for lack of talent or natural abilities. chomsky is the icon of super talented musicians and hollywood celebrities like bono, REM, pearl jam, matt damon and ben afflec.


if you make good income but have to struggle for it, then usually you would be against wealth redistribution, high taxes or big government. the workers of nissan texas voted to kick out the unions maybe because they are afraid their hard earned contributions might be wasted by the corrupt unions. however the leftists who don't have to work hard for every penny are dumbfounded. they blame it on corporate assault or propaganda. which baffles me because it should not be that hard for bono, REM, pearl jam, matt damon and ben affleck to start their own left wing media. there are enough rich people on the left who could pool their money and start their own TV network cable channel (

then there are those who are not competent enough to earn good money no matter how hard they work. obviously they would vote for income redistribution and big government social welfare programs. this might seem like a humane idea but actually it's not that simple. those working hard and earning good income might decide to depend on welfare programs too. it might also tempt the government bureaucrats to lazily use printed money to pour money into the social programs because it gets them elected. they will avoid industrial capital which requires hard work. this is why greece is now suffering. at least with low taxes the competent people are more resilient to government screw ups and there would be less suffering in the long run. the competents have more freedom to save or start small businesses that can give jobs to the incompetents. of course there would still be those who fall through the cracks and i understand this is what leftists can't accept. there is no simple solution. opinions on the left and right about economic policies are both valid. i just feel sorry for those who are not aware of what i'm ranting her because they will ruin precious relationships quarreling about politics. they get a nervous breakdown when their party loses an election. the good news is that it's very lucrative business for pundits like limbaugh, jimmy dore, fox news, democracy now, etc ...

if you are a type of person who never experienced economic struggle because of your inborn talents, just ask yourself, what would your life be right now without that talent? what would your life be if it takes you 10 minutes to read a page in a book and after 3 pages your mind stops to comprehend and you start getting a headache? if you are a hollywood celebrity, what would your life be right now if you can't sing, dance or act? let's say the best job you can get is a warehouse man moving boxes all day. imagine you only get 15 minute breaks every 2 hours. it pays well, and you even have health insurance from your employer. do you really want to pay 50% tax so that those who do not work hard can get welfare subsidies like food stamps and free health care? if a big chunk of your income would just go to the possibly corrupt, incompetent, and inefficient government, wouldn't you rather just quit your sucky job and depend on government welfare?

IV. aptitude != value

liberals and leftists idiotically believe anyone can be educated to a level equal to that of an engineer or an accountant with the right guidance, environment, and quality of education. my parents used to have this mentality but i successfully changed their mentality to be realistic and practical. my parents used to teach at a public school in a mexican-indian farming community in indio california. they were always worried and frustrated that their students were too slow. they believed that with the right teachers and guidance their students can be as smart as the private school students they used to teach. it was affecting their happiness so i convinced them there really is no problem because if those kids grow up to be truck drivers or plumbers, which earns a lot of money and provide a good quality of life for their families, they have already done an amazing job as teachers. therefore they only needed to teach basic math. trigonometry and algebra are not that important. the fact that they are even attending class is already a big win.

my parents thought i was the hitler incarnate. i'm sure social justice warriors and liberal snowflakes will be traumatized and run to their safe spaces from my racist hate speech. first of all, what's wrong with blue collar jobs? i mean the country will collapse without them. you don't need to master calculus to be a truck driver. and guess what? truck drivers can earn twice more money than a public school teacher. so my parents were worried that their students will grow up to earn twice more than what they are earning???? that's funny.

of course a child with indian or mexican farm worker parents can grow up to become a lawyer or a scientist that finds a cure for cancer but their abilities are detected very early at childhood and they are immediately given full scholarships at the top private schools. and of course life is not all about academics and professional careers - uneducated blue collar workers can also live happy meaningful lives. so the negative reaction of my thesis is moronic.

don't equate or confuse value with intelligence. a plumber coming home to screaming kids excited that daddy's home is just as awesome as a lawyer or doctor. the quality of life of a person does not only depend on a person's wealth or abilities.  there are so many other factors, the most important of which is emotional/mental health which i mentioned earlier ( i idolized a lot of engineers in silicon valley but there were also some that i would rather be a taxi driver living in the slums than be in their shoes because i knew they were suffering because they had a slight mental illness.

don't assume everyone is as smart as you. not only that, you should be happy not everyone is as smart as you. i remember my aunt complaining that her maids are dumb. i told her she should be thankful that her maids are dumb because if her maids are smart, chances are they would be the masters and she would be the maid. i always hear people complaining about dumb people. i always tell them they should be thankful because if everyone is smart then chances are you would be driving a taxi or working in a factory.

imagine a person as smart as chomsky working as a security guard or truck driver. that's why people with an IQ higher than 125 are banned from entering the police force because they will just suffer from boredom. the world will be less happy if everyone is smart because someone still has to man the assembly lines in the factories or drive the taxi. i know in a libertarian socialist society the boring work is shared. maybe i'm just an idiot but to me that would be a logistical nightmare. plus there are too many boring work. also, school was torture for me and if my outcome would have been the same or i can just get what i need from a communal storage, there is no way i would have gone to school. leftists won't probably believe me because they think all people are like them but i think they are just living in a bubble.

V uniform standards = cruelty

leftist activists who stopped child labor in poor countries caused more harm than good. they didn't know that nike was actually the savior for those kids. super intellectuals and idealistic people are too naive to know that for some people, giving a massage to a stranger is like typing at a computer. they can't comprehend that we are born with different standards. for some people, having the opportunity to work as a massage therapist is a dream come true. for many people, academic activities are too painful and tough. for people like me, reading a book is like climbing mt everest. for many of my coworkers in silicon valley, reading a book is more pleasurable than snorkling in the great barrier reef. they think prostitution is a failure of government instead of realizing it could be a vital part of the human ecosystem. it gives the super incompetents a means to survive and the emotionally and mentally defective competents a means to satisfy their physical needs so they don't become jack the ripper and murder people. the intellectuals sitting on their high horse demonize or look down on these people even if in reality it's just the luck of the draw a person is born a certain way. "shame on you for going to a strip club. you should instead read a book because it's more pleasurable." that's like saying "shame on you for having sex with another guy. you should instead have sex with a woman because it's more sanitary and pleasurable".

i was shocked my schoolmate commented on my fb post that my high school keeps a record of our IQs. then i realized i went to school in the philippines. in america where democrats control the school systems, they don't believe there is such a thing as IQ because they believe all students have equal potential and we just need more government funding to develop a student's potential. democrats are so stupid. republicans are way smarter because i was playing golf with a republican who believed in the bible that earth was created 6 thousand years ago so i told him why he would believe this when there are fossils that are millions and even billions of years old. he told me that he believes god created the universe 6 thousand years ago WITH ALL THE FOSSILS IN IT. as soon i heard it i fainted. when i woke up he told me he was just kididng and how on earth can anyone interpret a YEAR in the bible as earth's 1 full rotation around the sun before the earth and sun were even created? so god probably meant 1 billion years when he said "year".

if i was a teacher, what if i get a record of all the IQ of all my students? then i motivate them differently or measure their expected performance based on their IQ? so if a student fails all his test and is getting kicked out i may be congratulating him for a job well done because based on his IQ it was clear the student still did his best. maybe inspire the kid to be a truck driver or something that fits his capability. leftists will think i'm a hitler incarnate for categorizing people. this is why left's unrealistic ideology and blundering efforts to do good has caused millions of deaths and sufferings.

people say we should stop giving awards to honor students because it makes other students feel inferior, i say giving awards is more destructive to the honor students because it gives them a false sense of superiority and they will not attend the school reunions because it's hard for them to accept that many of their delinquent classmates are insanely more successful than them in the real world. people tend to focus on the surface and ignore the hidden realities. when fox news was denouncing the immorality of spring break celebrations i said, "you idiots only 5% gets to do the immoral stuff and it's actually a very good character development experience for the other 95%. normal guys like me would go, oh shit not even the fat ugly chick would hook up with me i better head back to the dorm and study hard because becoming successful in my career will be my only chance of scoring a hot chick".

i saw this post in one of the chomsky groups in fb:

Optimism is a strategy for making a better future. Because unless you believe that the future can be better, it’s unlikely you will step up and take responsibility for making it so. If you assume that there’s no hope, you guarantee that there will be no hope. If you assume that there is an instinct for freedom, there are opportunities to change things, there’s a chance you may contribute to making a better world. The choice is yours.
Noam Chomsky

this was my comment:

fortunately mankind has always been improving in some ways (maybe worse in other ways). but lack of hope is not what's slowing down progress. it's lack of discontent. we all have different standards and expectations and in the past i was like chomsky where i go nuts on how my poor friends and family are not doing anything to improve their lives now i realize i was the fool because it turns out they are just as content in life as i am. they simply have lower standards. if chomsky says corporate employees are like slaves only that it's temporary, then many of my friends in the slums would feel sorry for chomsky for having to read all those books because for them reading just 1 book feels like torture or feels like climbing mt everest.

(for more of my knowledge bombs, click the "ian's knowledge bombs" banner at the top of this article and choose any article in the table of contents that piques your interest)

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