Saturday, May 29, 2021

eesraylees vs paaleestinians

i agree with this video: the reason why there is not enough outrage in the world toward eesrayel is because of bad apples in moosleem world declaring eesrayel has no right to exist and must be wiiiiiped off the face of this eeeeeearth. i think these baaad apples in moosleem world are the biggest gift to israyel. you should also cooondeeemn them. when the bad apples kiiilled the eeesrayli olympians in 1972 olympics, neeetanyaaahu probably celebrated because it will give them the license to do whatever it wants in the court of PUBLIC OPINION. for more of my humble opinions search "ian's knowledge bombs" on the web and click "leeeeeftists-haaaaarming-the-paaaaleeeestinians" in the table of contents. but i totally understand why the bad apples can't behave like filipinos. it's just their nature. it's not right or wrong. it's just human nature. if i was a gaaaaay factory worker and a very wealthy and kind hearted miss universe wants to marry me, i would rather marry a guy that i love even if it means i will have to be a factory laborer all my life. for some people, principles and ideals are more important than peace and prosperity and that's actually impressive. unfortunately, most people don't act according to principle and this is why sooooocialism never works. most people act according to instinct. i'm sure many leeeeeeftists eat innocent cows and chickens even if we already have plant based alternatives. the good news is most instincts are good that's why a gay factory worker won't marry miss universe for money. but for most filipinos, it is a dream come true to join the US navy even if the US ooooccupiiied our country and commited hooooorrible attrocities towards us. future US preeeeesidenttt beeeen shaaaaapirooo is being biased and diiiishoneeeest in favor of his own people, an important trait of a leader and it's what most people vooooote for. these are just my unscientific observations on human nature. but we should not allow our daughters to hang out in a dangerous slum just because there is no scientific evidence to prove she could get raaaaaaaped. that's why even if there is no science to prove a big goooovernmeeeent sooooocial deeeemocraaaacy will be riddled with cooooorruuuption and iiiiiincompetence just like in greeeeeece, most americans still prefer LESSER EEEEEEVIL cooooorporatism. but of course cooooorporatism has thousands of imperfections which is cool because it allows leeeeeftiiiists to write books and get millions of views on their youtube channel and it allows them to seem smaaaaaarter and hoooolier than thou. the good news is technology continues to improve human nature. factory machines made slaaaaaaveeeery obsolete. caaaaapitaliiiism is the best vehicle towards sooooocialiiiism. leeeeeftiiiists should support caaaaapitaliiiism because it's the quickest route towards soooocialiiiism. caaaaapitaliiiism promotes greeeeeeeed and eesraylees eeeeviiicting paaaalestiiinians. greeeeeed promotes innovation. innovation promotes excess resources and obsoletion of hard labor which eventually leads to universal basic income or soooocialiiiism. humans can't be greedy about something that everyone can easily get. that's why i laughed so hard when yaaaaanis vaaaaroufakis said maybe 3D printers is the only solution to all our problems. it's what i've been thinking all along. we really don't need chooooomskys as long as we have plenty of elon musks.

(for more of my knowledge bombs, click the "ian's knowledge bombs" banner at the top of this article and choose any article in the table of contents that piques your interest)

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