Thursday, September 2, 2021

validation from alex jones

it's nice to know joe rogan is echoing my blog in the echo chambers of yt and spotify. for a long time i thought i was just weird because nobody every agrees with me. but i'm astounded at how he is the #1 podcaster all over the world and his opinions are very similar to mine. he just got a blockbuster P100 million contract form spotify. 

i checked out joe rogan's yt channel long time ago but i thought his channel was not for me because his guests and topics were mostly about UFC or MMA fighting and i'm not really a fan of these sports. i only watched the popular ones like his interview with elon musk. but lately my go to outlets for news and information (krystal and saagar, ben shapiro, kyle kulinski, jimmy dore) have been shocked at the $100 million contract joe rogan got form spotify. the stars of internet dark web were praising joe rogan. so i got curious and started listening to joe rogan. i only listened to a few clips so far because i only listen to podcast formats when driving a car and nowadays i usually drive a motorcycle. my mind was blown when i realized joe rogan's political brain is wired like mine.

example in the last 10 years writing my blog i've been screaming at leftists to use their influence to encourage people to eat healthy because it's the prerequisite to happiness and happiness is the prerequisite to benevolence and a certain percentage of benevolent personalities in society is a prerequisite to successful leftist style egalitarian societies like sweden, norway or canada. when the pandemic started i even launched a public awareness campaign that all households in the philippines should have a jar of fermenting cabbage (sauerkraut) - instead leftists are saying americans suck. americans are racists. chomsky mocks the americans by saying 3/4 of americans believe in the devil and religious miracles. a government is just a reflection of the people. leftists want big government to have more control of our lives. that means leftists want racist religious bigots controlling our lives. normal people with common sense like me notices these things. people who have diabetes are still going to suffer from the disease even if there is medicare for all. yes of course medicare for all is great. but exercising and avoiding processed sugar is more important than medicare for all.

i've always felt like i'm just a cockroach but for the first time in my life, i felt validated when joe rogan was screaming that instead of demonizing each other about the covid issues we should be encouraging and TEACHING people to live a healthy lifestyle because 74% of hospitalized covid patients are obese.

i know the role of the internet is to validate even the most horrible people. i mean horrible people can always find an alex jones on the web that would validate their twisted beliefs. but there is a big difference. alex jones is being condemned by 100% of leftists and 90% of conservatives while joe rogan is being praised by a huge percentage on opposite sides of the spectrum not only for his success but also for his pragmatic views. normally once you reach the top everyone will find a way to destroy you or bring you down. 

another example is that my friends and family sometimes advice me to stop calling myself an idiot because it destroys my self esteem. but after only watching a few clips of joe rogan, i already came across 2 occasions where joe rogan was vehemently insisting he was just an idiot.

another example is ever since i saw krystal and saagar in youtube around 2 years ago, i was very impressed how 2 people from the opposite sides of the spectrum can have a very healthy and cordial discussion that is very informative. i immediately updated my blog article "politics-for-dummies" to make them a model of what 've been advocating for in my blog. lo and behold rogan is also praising krystal and saagar for the same reason.

for a very long time i always thought i was an anomaly. but i firmly believe my pragmatic philosophy will help end the silly cultural wars and turn them into healthy productive discourses. example i don't think anybody will ever debate me in my lifetime because i'm just a cockroach. but if my dream were to come true and someone will feel pity for me and actually waste time debating me, my objective in the debate would be to lose the debate. if i win the debate, i will be sad because that means i did not learn anything and i just wasted my time. if i lose the debate that means i learned something. my objective in the debate would be to try my best so that my opponent can convince me that my opinion is wrong. sadly for me, i don't think i can ever be proven wrong because my core opinion is indisputable but moronic, which is when something becomes an issue, we are all just making our best guess and most of the time it really boils down to arguing which color is more beautiful. we can only respect each other's opinion and when we do that there is greater probability for a compromise and peace. and if we can't reach a compromise, at least we kill each other with respect and acceptance. just like we eat innocent cows and chickens without hating the innocent cows and chickens.

i even thought i am delusional for believing my philosophy should be taught in schools. i think the reason why logical and pragmatic thinking is not taught in schools is because it is incompatible with both the religious and leftist advocacies and school systems mostly fall into only 2 categories - religious or leftist. 

we learn mathematical logic in school but we are not taught how to apply it in the real world. maybe some schools teach it for 30 minutes as if they just want to check a box and hope you will forget about it even if logical thinking dominates our entire life. logical thinking and pragmatism is the enemy of ideologues (religious and socialists). most teachers and people who run school systems are ideologues. it's very rare to have a teacher who is not an ideologue.

fortunately most of the complicated logic has already been done for us and written in books so if we have the ability to memorize the thousands of conclusions or the output of complicated logic we can look like a genius to other people. but when facts change and you will have to reconnect the dots or do your own deductive reasoning, you will make a mistake.  but you will continue to look like a genius because either your followers also can't connect the dots or you are a very likeable person and people will just blindly follow you.

as a caveat to my philosophy, i dedicated a chapter in my blog proving that logical thinking is overrated because memorization and knowledge is more important in society. anyone with poor logic and photogenic memory can become a suma cum laude or a star lawyer or doctor. even chomsky is regarded as the greatest living intellectual and intellectuals say he is just as smart as einstein. yet chomsky wants to take away our right to own properties and do business with one another which is crazy because that would be like making it illegal to eat innocent cows and chickens because there already are plant based alternatives. 

another example was when my highly educated mother, my aunt and our governor were touting a steam inhalation therapy (tuob) to prevent covid. there is nothing wrong with encouraging people to do tuob because there is no scientific proof that it does not work which means it's possible that tuob could work. and if you have no other alternative, it's actually smart to do tuob because there is nothing to lose and possibly something to gain. but their reasoning had a logical flaw that could have been easily avoided or obvious to them if only schools train students on JUST A FEW logical principles. they proved tuob works by citing a few people who did tuob and got cured of covid. which is dumb because the estimated infection fatality ratio of covid-19 is less than 1%. which means it's very possible to have thousands of people infected with covid drink their urine and end up recovering. you can't say drinking your urine cures covid. 

the doctor that the governor had a spat with that went viral in social media also made a logical error. the doctor said tuob is dangerous because it's not scientifically proven which is dumb because almost everything we do in life is a guess or probability call or not scientifically proven to actually work. example when we go to church or pray there is no scientific evidence god exists but we do it anyway because it gives us hope.  or when we get married, buy a stock or start a business we have no clue it will succeed. heck even the top scientists of WHO said in the beginning that masks don't work or covid does not transmit from human to human. but logical thinking is overrated because there was nothing that the doctor and our governor said that caused harm to society or themselves. logical thinking only prevents unnecessary personal conflicts born out of poor reasoning.  and maybe arguments and spats are a good thing because it stimulates us and makes us feel alive. so go head and berate this facebook post so you will feel alive. 

i always feel religious conservatives and socialists belong to the same category - they both aspire for something that is not scientific. there is no scientific proof that a human being will work hard even if the outcome is the same or they can take anything they need from the communal storage. at least with religious conservatives nowadays most of them agree with separation of church and state. that's why religious conservatives and libertarian atheists like me belong to the same party and we are compatible with each other. but most socialists want to deprive everyone the right to own properties and do business with one another. socialists want to confiscate our properties that we built with our own blood and sweat. socialists can't just behave like quakers in pennsylvania and setup their own community to live the life they want to live without bothering others. socialists want workplace democracy but they won't start coops or work in coops. they just want to dismantle corporations. it's beginning to be clear to me that socialists themselves don't want to live the socialist way of life they just want to force all of us to abide by the decisions of the homer simpson proletariat majority (libertarian socialism) or be ruled by incompetent and corrupt jimmy hoffas (big government socialist democracy e.g. greece). 

i feel tramph and bye dean supporters, right wingers and left wingers are like cocks in a cockfight. the good news is anyone has the freedom to become an independent by choosing any of the 2 methods:

1) the enjoyable way - listen to joe rogan's pod cast
2) painful way - read my blog. search "ian's kowledge bombs" on the web and start with "politics-for-dummies" in the table of contents. 

if a nazi invented the toothpaste and toothbrush, does not mean we should never brush our teeth. i may be a horrible person, but that does not mean the things i write won't benefit society. it also does not mean just because you are super smart and super caring like karl marx your good intentions won't cause millions of deaths and suffering. 

--- update:

(for more of my knowledge bombs, click the "ian's knowledge bombs" banner at the top of this article and choose any article in the table of contents that piques your interest)

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