Saturday, March 30, 2019

my new deal

leftists should realize that thousands of americans gave up their lives to fight hitler. if freedom is more important to most people than human life, that means people would rather die than starve, which is what will happen if we drastically cut our carbon emissions to zero as what greta thunberg proposes.  chomsky is right that humans are suicidal maniacs. but that doesn't mean greta and chomsky should give up just because humans don't share their priorities. what baffles me is why the word thorium hasn't come out of greta and chomsky's mouth in all their talks about climate change. greta and chomsky are what i call "climate change realistic solutions denier" (, Why I changed my mind about nuclear power | Michael Shellenberger)

there is already so much that individuals can do to combat climate change and improve our personal healthcare and education (thus MY new deal). it baffles me why the left does not do enough to educate people on the things we can already do irregardless of government policies.

i suspect drinking pepsi and eating lemon meringue pie everyday also has something to do with high healthcare cost in america. maybe getting pregnant before graduating high school is what causes poverty. maybe weatherizing your home, putting solar panels in your roof or buying an electric car will combat climate change. solar roofs and electric cars are already affordable. but i never hear these things from the super intellectuals from the left so maybe there really is nothing individuals can do to improve their lives and combat climate change. maybe the solutions for climate change and improving our lives is all in the hands of the government.

politics is entertaining and fun. but now it's not fun because of climate change is a serious issue. i do not want to run through speeding traffic blindfolded just because i am not sure i am going to be hit by a car. i just wish intellectuals will focus their energy on real climate change solutions instead of just caring about their agenda and demonizing the other side. i saw this video where chomsky says china is leading the world in addressing climate change even if america is drastically reducing it's coal power plants while china is building coal plants in the middle east. i agree with chomsky's stance on climate change but he is doing a horrible job in educating the public. good thing ted talk in youtube has a trove of information on creative ways to combat climate change.

there is so much we can do as a people without government help. maybe mass planting of trees all over the world. MIT scientists can develop carbon dioxide removal technologies. i never even hear leftist speakers encourage their audience to buy an electric car or solar roof. the government can't do everything. the people also need to make their own sacrifices.

buying electric cars is already enough to kill the oil industry and make the koch brothers richer because their auto glass and electronics division will benefit. or they could just invest in renewable energy. if not then i really feel sorry for the koch brothers because their net worth will go down from $80 billion to just $20 billion and they will be sleeping on the sidewalk. the billions the koch brothers make on medical supplies that saves lives won't be enough to rent an apartment.

the solutions are already in people's hands. instead the left only wants to say things that makes powerful elites look evil. it seems to me so far only conservatives are making sacrifices because i suspect bill o' reilly was booted out of fox news because he was pimping tesla on his show.

what baffles me about the left is that their solutions always involves government programs which can easily be ruined by incompetence and corruption. the US government can't even make a website the works ( if we are as competent as the people in scandinavian countries then of course the left's proposals would be a good idea. but you have to be a moron to think other countries including america are as selfless and competent as the scandinavians and germans. i think america is in the borderline as i analyzed in that is why i still value the left's opinions.

there was the new deal, there is now the green new deal, but there's always been such a thing as "mother nature's deal". there are already natural solutions built into human nature or instinct that makes our lives better. the biggest is family values. raising children prevents an inverted pyramid. the young takes care of the old. but how can that happen if there are many old people and not many young people? it's also the only way to make free healthcare work where the young and healthy takes care of the sick who are mostly older people. it's not just age. if you have a child who is born with a mental defect and cannot function in society, who will take care of him/her when you are too old? mother nature's answer is that if you have 3 children that you raised well, chances are the other 2 will be successful enough to take care of your unlucky offspring. the solution of the left is for the government to take care of those who can't take care of themselves. but as we see in venezuela and greece, it's not guaranteed.

nevertheless, i actually agree that there has to be a certain amount of government welfare. i just disagree with the left on the amount or level of government welfare. but what really baffles me about the left wing and right wing ideologues is that they only promote half of the solution. family values and government welfare are like batman and robin. they don't really conflict with one another. everything that chomsky says is true but it's not what he is saying that makes him an ideologue. you never hear chomsky and the left promote family values even if it's a very good complement to the leftist agenda. same way i get baffled why the left never praises our military and celebrate our advanced weapons. it does not conflict with their advocacy against corruption in the military industrial complex and US atrocities. the left is just ruining their credibility on other important issues such as climate change. imagine if you are known to be a fan of our patriot missiles and stealth fighter jets and suddenly you rant about the missile gap scandal. people will actually listen to you and take you seriously.

experts say 10% of the population have a low IQ such that they can't be trained or educated to do any work. not even join the military. but for me these lower 10% is actually a blessing and very important to society. they can do household chores and babysit the kids of their LOVE ones who'se IQ is high enough to find a job. a good example of this is south korea where their government welfare programs such as free healthcare is sustainable. they only have 20% income tax. in america, the left weaponizes the lower 10% for political gain and seduces them to depend on the government. what's worse is the leftist policies causes the lower 10% to expand by encouraging someone in the 20% to be on food stamps.

the speech of this supposedly low intellect actor is more powerful than all of chomsky's speeches combined - Ashton Kutcher Speech - Teen Choice Awards

the left is participating in the march towards the cliff by lumping their climate change solution with free healthcare and free college tuition. that's like begging for your life and demanding a cheese burger at the same time. i think the koch brothers celebrated when they saw the green new deal. maybe ernst mayr was right when he said higher intelligence may not be favored by selection.

the reason why the new england patriots are incredibly successful is because they just have few simple plays that they practice to perfection. i suggest the green new deal get rid of free education and bernie sanders simplify his message to:

"free healthcare and nobody's taxes gets raised"

if the claim of the left is true that free healthcare will lower cost and generate a surplus, then why are they causing distractions to their message by barking about inequality? normal people don't really care if there are gazillionaires as long as we are given opportunities to succeed in life ( actually it should be shameful to be concerned about inequality because that's tantamount to envy or jealousy.

maybe the green new deal is just a negotiating tactic. example, if i was israel i would occupy a huge swath of land even if i just want half of it. then after a lot of fighting i would concede the other half and let the palestinians celebrate thinking they brought israel to it's knees.

i also suspect the green new deal is designed to help the koch brothers buy some time. a feasible climate change initiative will be supported by republicans and democrats because although it will hurt the oil industry, the job losses will be offset by the boom in the renewable energy industry. the mayor of san diego is a republican yet his city is leading the charge towards 100% renewable by 2035. this is clear proof that we all share the same hopes and aspirations.

why won't the koch brothers just invest in renewables and still make lots of money? i'm not really an expert but maybe it's because they have billions and it will take time to rotate their investments from oil to renewables. they need buyers for billions of their oil investments and right now you have to be stupid to buy oil because it's a declining industry. they can't just make small purchases because it won't have a significant effect to their portfolio. luckily there are many suckers who can be manipulated by fake rise of oil prices and propaganda. but it takes time. they also need sellers to sell billions worth of renewable investments. luckily there are many investors who can be manipulated by propaganda and market manipulation to sell. but it takes time. so the koch brothers just needs to buy some time and delay a practical and bipartisan climate change initiative. luckily for the koch brothers, the green new deal is too drastic and controversial and serves as a good distraction to realistic solutions that could hurt their net worth.

here's a perfect ingredient for a delightful conspiracy theory: ocasio cortes did not exactly decide to run for congress she just responded to an ad by a group that was searching for their best candidate for congress. her group is even proud of it and posted a video about it - Before Alexandria Was Known As AOC, There Was A Movement That Recruited Her To Run. ocasio cortez's staff should also be smart enough to know the oil industry right now is fragile and it just takes a little push to tip it over. if the green new deal is lean and focused on realistic solutions of climate change without the free healthcare and free education bloat or baggage (, it would have a very good chance of destroying the oil industry.

there is so much americans can do to improve their health. we just need creativity to make people think eating healthy is just as cool as throwing a perfect spiral. personalities can't be changed but culture can. the personality to want to be cool can't be changed but we can change the definition of cool. we can manufacture people's consent into thinking algebra and eating probiotic foods is cooler than a 3 pointer in basketball.

i'm confident the climate change issue is solvable. you might be horrified when you read this - but it's just a portrayal of what will happen in the absence of drastic action. in reality, solar power and electric vehicles are rapidly on the rise. other efforts such as building rail systems and weatherproofing homes will even be a boon to the economy. we also have some cards left in our arsenal - greening of the deserts (How to green the world's deserts and reverse climate change | Allan Savory), mass planting of trees and carbon dioxide removal technologies ( if it's possible to terraform mars, wouldn't it be easier to remove carbon dioxide from our atmosphere?

republicans are not against nuclear energy, which would have a much more significant impact than wind and solar (Why I changed my mind about nuclear power | Michael Shellenberger). here's how to think of the carbon dioxide emissions avoided by tesla cars versus clean sources of electricity:

A nuclear reactor replacing coal = 541,353 Teslas.
A nuclear reactor replacing natural gas = 294,041 Teslas.
Natural gas replacing one coal plant = 98,940 Teslas.
100-megawatt wind farm replacing natural gas = 8,267 Teslas.
Five-megawatt solar farm replacing natural gas = 320 Teslas.

this shows that nuclear energy is our best hope. we risk a few people but save the entire human race. we ruin a lot of places where we dispose nuclear waste but it prevents us from entering the dark ages.

when push comes to shove, it's not that hard to rid our diets of cows to eliminate cow farts. i think the rise of temperature will be limited to 3 degrees. it will not be abrupt. affected areas will naturally and gradually adjust. they will bear less children and gradually migrate to better places. as the articles says, pre-historic plagues trapped in ice won't survive the thaw. they can only be revived in laboratories. it doesn't say that the occurrence of diseases currently happening in the tundra are caused by prehistoric plagues. what if those diseases have always been happening even without global warming? the article just ruined it's credibility. the only thing worrisome is the feedback loop of "ocean acidification". but the article does not say at what point this can occur. i don't think it's that bad or the scientists won't bother breeding and repopulating the reefs with heat resistant corals -  Scientists Are Breeding Super Coral That Can Survive Climate Change

what makes me less worried about climate change is that many smart people like elon musk are not freaking out. i'm sure elon mush loves his children too. musk recently increased his personal donations to "protect the house", a political action committee dedicated to keeping the republican party in charge of congress.

i also believe that promoting probiotics such as kimchi, sauerkraut, yogurt or miso soup will have a significant impact in solving mankind's problems. if people are healthy there is less cost on healthcare and more money and resources can be dedicated to climate change solutions. there was a time when only south korea and germany was having a great economy while the rest of the world was in trouble. i though maybe it had something to do with sauerkraut and  kimchi. my belief was re-enforced by the ted talks i watched in youtube. just search "ted talk microbiome" if you want to learn more about this latest discovery that could be revolutionary.

there are also many things that get me worried that leftists are not mentioning. if america drastically cuts fossil fuels in america it might cause developing countries to consume more because fossil fuels will become abundant and cheap. i wonder how leftists fell if we colonize other countries just to force them not to use fossil fuels.

i feel the videos i see in youtube that tries to raise awareness on climate change will only make people complacent. nobody really cares if the people of kiribati will have to slowly migrate to nearby countries with higher elevation such as fiji and samoa (Kiribati: a drowning paradise in the South Pacific | DW Documentary). people will only care if a climate change can one day cause a surprise giant tsunami that will wipe out coastal cities such as los angeles. the video should at least spend a few seconds on the recent US climate change report that warns thousands of people could die, food will be more scarce, and the US economy could lose hundreds of billions of dollars -- or, in the worst-case scenario, more than 10% of its GDP -- by the end of the century due to climate change.

i don't even think apocalyptic predictions are enough to scare humans into action because the "climate change apocalypse is competing with our own personal apocalypse (". just imagine all humans born 150 years ago are now all dead.

i don't agree with chomsky's opinion that having a truer democracy or dismantling neoliberalism will give us a better chance in solving climate change and averting a nuclear war. in fact based on my experiences in life having a truer democracy will just cause more wars and sufferings. human nature is not designed to function in a flat hierarchy as i explained in my rant neoliberalism was able to solve the ozone hole problem so i don't see why it can't solve the climate change problem.

i also think it would help if climate change advocates would be more specific. don't say "fight climate change". say "buy an electric car", or buy a solar roof. there is a mad race to develop renewables and electric cars because whoever gets there first will be a gazillionaire. this is only possible in a capitalist system. the left's solutions such as dismantling corporations or libertarian socialism will also solve climate change because humans will become too poor to afford driving cars. but we will also be too poor to afford food ( yanis' proposal where labor unions will implement renewable energy projects could easily be a disaster because union leaders can just as easily be corrupted as the EU cartel.

the mecca for "my new deal" is ted talk. just search for any topic you are interested in youtube and add the key word "ted talk".  ted talk also contains many brilliant solutions to climate change.

my new deal is not just about climate change. activists should educate people that the opportunity to be happy in life is already in our hands. i wrote a poem and play about to better express my opinion -

a change in culture would be more realistic and effective than dismantling the neoliberal system. example, this is a very bad video - - because tyrese was born with a very rare musical gift/talent. a good example is someone with the same background or childhood as tyrese and is now working as a bus driver or a janitor or a  mailman rasing a happy family. not all of us are born with immense musical talent or even the ability to finish college. but most of us can work at a decent job and live a happy decent life. it's very bad to mold society into associating success with owning mansions and luxury yachts. success should be associated with maximizing one's full potential and each one of us have different potentials. setting unrealistic goals like starring in blockbuster movies is a recipe for disaster and an easy path to drugs and alcoholism. it should start with setting a SMART goal. S=specific, M= measurable. A= achievable, R=(relevabnt), T= time-bound.

people should also be reminded that robin williams, michael jackson and whitney houston ended up with miserable lives despite their immense wealth and success.

the video can be  very inspiring. but it's a double edge sword, especially to his target audience which is poor inner city folks like east LA. it could lead to false expectations and disappointments which can be a trigger to  using or selling drugs on the streets and a source of unhappiness. i just feel this video inspires people to win the lottery or something. it's like a lotto winner making a video inspiring people to buy a lottery ticket because he also won the lottery. career or job is more of a personality you are born with than a choice. just like most people nowadays still ignorantly believe being gay is a choice and not something you are born with.

i always wanted to be a doctor but my memory was just so poor it would have made me miserable having to struggle all my life if i pursued a career in the medical field. a source of unhappiness is assuming all our personality is a choice, so we make the mistake of ignoring human nature. we become depressed and confused why certain people act a certain way instead of understanding and accepting their genetics and help them with their handicap instead of giving them false expectations. or worse - quarreling with them (root source of family conflicts). a better video would be to show how cool it is to be a bus driver, a janitor, a factory worker. we should have videos that teaches people to be proud and honor these very honorable occupations the same way we honor our soldiers. maybe the lives of poor urban folks will improve.

buf of course it's never that simple. unfortunately, there are certain areas in the emotional health spectrum that cannot be helped. you can only do so little to mold a child. a child's character is 90% genetic health. a child born with normal emotional health will still grow up to be happy and successful even if raised in a poor abusive environment. a person born with unhealthy emotional and mental health  but raised in a perfect environment will suffer all their life. emotional problems can never be cured, they can only be managed. happiness is like height, color of your skin, sexual orientation. it's something you are born with.

i posted this on the chomsky groups on facebook:

saudi aramco, the largest oil company just went public. i FEEL this is good news because MAYBE it means the powerful elites of the world are finally starting to abandon oil or transition to renewables or nuclear power. they need suckers like the pajama traders or pension funds of poor people to buy their oil holdings so that they maintain their wealth and power. the only way to do that is go public because for them to sell, someone needs to buy. my hope is that all the propaganda against climate change and the oil price manipulation is not because they are climate change deniers but they just need pete buttigieg to buy them time for suckers to buy their oil wealth so they can use the proceeds to invest in more promising industries of the future such as renewables, electric cars, plant based protein (e.g. beyond meat), cloud and AI technology, CDR technology (carbon dioxide removal), 5g, fintech, biotech, diabetes medical devices, etc ... the power elites did solve the ozone hole problem (albeit when it started to threaten the northern hemisphere where the powerful countries are located) but the freon industry is just miniscule to the oil industry or the power elites didn't lose that much money and power by doing so. when the power elites have offloaded enough of their oil wealth, that's when fox news starts demonizing fossil fuels and promoting renewables or nuclear and it will be the pajama traders and pension funds who will be left holding the bag and lose a lot of money. this is still injustice but at least organized human society will survive. i put my money where my mouth is. i shorted oil services on march and in just 5 months it went from $17.5 all the way down to $11. i am aware that investing means participating in the evil capitalist system but as chomsky said, it won't help people if he goes to montana and live in the mountains. chomsky needs money to visit and help the peasants of southern columbia. i have more thoughts on climate change that i think the left are ignoring - (note i'm a libertarian but i agree with the left on climate change, US atrocities, and medicare-for-all)

(for more of my knowledge bombs, click the "ian's knowledge bombs" banner at the top of this article and choose any article in the table of contents that piques your interest)

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