Wednesday, November 24, 2021

negative value conondrum

"what if to some people, giving a massage to a stranger is no different than an engineer typing on a computer or a caregiver changing the diaper of a bedridden patient? we will never know the answer to that question because there is no instrument or device to measure these things. we can only make our best guess." 

"leftists always brag that the most prosperous times of america was when the top income tax rate was 90%. that is true but the reason america was prosperous was because we just won ww2 and had supreme economic hegemony all over the world and everyone was buying american jeans and jucy fruit gums. america had very little competition thanks to our powerful navy that helped maintain the US hegemony as long as possible. so the rich still made boatloads of money even after paying 90% tax. that is not true anymore and it's obvious to anyone with commons sense that if we bring back the 90% top income tax rate, oligarchs will bring their businesses to other countries and american cities will become like detroit or chicago. nowadays, high-tax countries are getting bled to death, while low-tax ones experience stunning growth. ireland, whose economy grew by 12.5% after cutting taxes—faster than any other european nation—is one of the greatest tax-cutting success stories of modern times."


i discovered a brilliant way for idiots like me to learn history. i watch history channels in youtube that are over simplified for kindergarteners to understand (history scope, oversimplified, kings and generals, etc ...). but even if the videos are oversimplified, i still cannot absorb the information which means i'm even dumber than a kindergartener. but i found a way. first i listen to the audio in the car TWICE ( to ease the pain of traffic. then i watch the video and enjoy the pleasures of absorbing information that teaches me how humans and the world work. humans are really not that different from 2 thousand years ago. i mean that's just 20 full lifetimes and 1 lifetime is really not that long considering i'm 50 years old and i feel like i was just born yesterday.

the more i study history the more i feel like i'm living for hundreds of years. the only reason why i want to be alive a thousand years from now is simply to know how mankind is doing. example what clothes we wear, or if technology has finally made capitalism obsolete and if humans are competing for the honor of who gets to work the 4 hour a week job still required for society to function. then i realized i can actually already do that but IN REVERSE. i could simulate waking up every day for the past 2,300 years and reading the newspaper on what's going on around the world. i also realized history becomes more interesting if you imagine various world events in parallel instead of focusing on 1 geographical location at a time. example while napoleon was stubbornly and carelessly invading russia in 1812, filipinos who settled in louisiana after escaping from the manila-acapulco galleon trade assisted the united states in the defense of new orleans against the british. i am so embarassed to learn filipinos are white supremacists for siding with the slave owners. it's so amazing to wake up wishing slavery will end then a few decades later factory machines made slavery obsolete. that means there is a chance my libertarian socialist utopic dream will finally come true. right now it's like i'm playing in the NBA but my teammates are soccer super stars such as lionel messi, christiano ronaldo and ronaldino. in this article, i urge my teammates to wait for technology to naturally transform the NBA into the world cup of soccer.

history confirms my theory that morality is just a pretext for way of life of the powerful. i mean the most caring leftists i know even eat innocent cows and chickens even if there already are plant based alternatives. chomsky says animals have lower value because they have no responsibilities. does that mean humans with less responsibilities or intelligence have lower value? what's the purpose of responsibility? the importance of responsibility is that it sustains our way of life. the problem for leftists is that humans have very different ways of life. many americans strangely prefer paying lower taxes and small government even if it means many will suffer due to lack of social services. too many americans think the NBA and NFL is fun while soccer is boring.

leftists keeps focusing on morality and smart governing which sounds very good in theory and classrooms but don't mean shit in the real world. leftists can't understand why smart and caring americans would vote for george bush even if he was clearly stupid and evil. it's because george bush assures he these americans will protect their NBA way of life which is low taxes and more freedom even if it causes many to suffer due to lack of social safety nets.

elections are like choosing who you want to accompany you when buying a second hand car. if you need to go inside a dangerous slum to inspect the car and negotiate the price, you would rather choose your street smart uneducated disgusting friend who calls your daughter fat instead of your sweet and caring friend. so the question is, does america have dangerous enemies who throw gay people in jail just for being gay? does america have enemies that don't allow it's citizens to criticize the government and make bookstore owners disappear?

another example is i think it's actually moral to eat farm animals because if we don't eat them we won't breed them which means billions of cows and chickens won't have existed and enjoyed the greatest pleasures of life such as eating when your are hungry. besides every animal we slaughter will die soon anyway from old age. if i was a soul and given a choice to be born so i can taste ice cream and enjoy the beauty of the sunset but i will be murdered by my crazy mother at 12 years old, i will still choose to be born. i don't have children which means the crazy mother who murdered her children is a better person than me because at least her kids got to taste ice cream while my non existent kids never got to taste ice cream. by not having children even if i can easily afford to, what i'm doing is even worse then murdering 3 children.

it's not even about quality of life and economic security. the smartest and most caring people i know smoke cigarettes even if they know it can cause cancer. the turks managed to dominate anatolia (what is now turkey) from the very powerful eastern roman empire even if their nomadic herder way of life is more difficult than that of settled farmers. so the nomadic turks are like right wingers and the settled farmers are like leftists and liberals. i'm sure settled farmers at that time kept saying the turks are idiots for preferring a life that is less secure and more difficult just like liberals and leftists nowadays keep saying right wingers are idiots for preferring low taxes and less social safety nets (e.g. medicare-for-all).

after learning about the wars and conquests of history and whole cities being massacred, it's obvious that a human being can even have a lower value than that of chickens and cows if that human being is a threat to the way of life of another human being. hitler and the confederates of the american south did not lose because they were the bad guys. the good guys simply turned out to be more powerful. the reason why the nazis took over germany was because there was no corporatism so the competent jewish minority did not have an opportunity to lobby for some senators to protect them. corporatism has lots of negative but the positive overwhelms the negatives because it actually prevents tyrants from gaining full control. if we change the system, IT'S POSSIBLE the new powers would become tyrants just like in george orwell's animal farm except there's no checks and balance in place for us to do something about it.

i'm like an uneducated vegetable vendor warning einstein not to go in the slums because he might get mugged. i fear war and chaos that's why i'm writing this to prevent war and chaos. leftists are the good guys. but for me power should always trump morality because if an invading army is raping my wife and daughter i don't think i'll say to the rapists "haha jokes on you because you are the bad guys and we are the good guys". this is why i fear living in a society governed by leftists who are too idealistic and principled to build a powerful military (the soviets were actually right wing state capitalist psychopaths). however, i also fear living in a society where there are no leftists to provide checks and balance. this is why i'm writing this because i fear leftists are in danger of being crushed. i hope i'm wrong because many of my dear friends and family are leftists.

nixon resigned because he knew law and order is very important. it promotes peace and prosperity for his kids and grandkids and prevents our country from turning into syria. besides, the current american system already protects nixon's way of life and the way of life of his family anyway. today, the more lethal and competent right wing psychopath minority are praying the violators responsible for the steele dossier will get away with it. leftists like AOC should pray people will go to jail for the steele dossier because in a game where there are no rules, the bad guys have an advantage. if americans ignore the steele dossier it can be used by the right wing psychopath minority as a pretext that it's ok to cheat elections and maybe even do some assassinations here and there. that would surely crush the leftists. keep in mind these psychopaths have no problem killing thousands of innocent civilians with their drone strikes. and many americans will be totally fine with it because it protects their way of life anyway just like chomsky eating innocent cows and chickens. if you just learn history, it's just human nature to ignore atrocities if it is what it takes to protect their way of life.

power does not necessarily lie in the hands of the majority. a competent psychopath minority can easily obliterate the majority composed mostly of homer simpsons (not che guevarras). this is probably an understatement or more of a complement to the leftist FOOT SOLDIERS of america. the 17 year old psychopath overpowering a mob of adult protesters is a good snapshot of things to come if the leftists don't read this article and heed my advice. one of the mob that got shot molested 5 preteen boys so more like herbert the pervert. the other went to jail for strangling his brother and kicking his sister. the other did not have the guts to shoot first because he is a good hearted leftist so he got shot. the leftist protesters were rallying around jacob blake who they labeled as a hero but turns out to be a domestic abuser who sexually assaults women and who is stupid enough to resist arrest and hold a knife despite all the news about racist cops. meanwhile the 17 year old psychopath was already training to be a medic, lifeguard, cop, firefighter and cleans graffiti as a pastime. that's scary. 

history tells us that the military tends to side with the highest bidder. this is why billionaires don't stop working hard to increase their wealth. it's not because they are greedy. it's because they are smart. the innocent children of the tsar of russia were massacred by leftists not too long ago after the communist revolution. if these types of threat don't exist, i'm sure the koch brothers don't mind if their $90 billion becomes $50 billion after paying more taxes or helping the environment. they are smart enough to know they won't suffer if they only have 100 ferraris instead of 200 ferraris. it's not like they will need to set their thermostat at 80 degrees during hot summers to save on electric bill. or they will have to settle for prime rib because they can't anymore afford fillet mignon. or they will have to sleep on a harder mattress because they can't afford to sleep on a softer mattress. but any smart person who learns history knows that if you are hated and accused by so many people as an evil person, you better have enough money to keep the military on your side. 

chomsky is the most humane person i know but even he gave a thumbs up to the 1936 revolution in spain where the libertarian socialists tortured and killed thousands of catholic priests and burned churches. my mother goes to church everyday and i'm sure she would rather burn than be forced out of church. my father dedicated his life to helping poor farmers and taught them farming techniques that increased productivity and helped them climb out of poverty. this angered the communist guerillas because the farmers had no more incentive to join the insurgency so they massacred the people working for my dad. luckily my dad was not around during the massacre. my dad was on the nightly news for weeks and cops were stationed outside our house to protect my dad. i was just a kid and i wasn't able to sleep well for months.

the question now is, if america is divided into a left wing and right wing country, which country would jeff bezos and elon musk choose? i think they will side with people who are anti union. i think the competent psychopath minority of america are just pretending to be woke and support democracy because it is currently convenient and profitable for them. jeff bezos is only supporting $15 minimum wage because it will cause many small businesses to fail which increases the market share of amazon. i also saw a youtube video about the cruel treatment of amazon warehouse workers. jeff bezos support laxed immigration laws because immigration is a source of cheap labor. i think the geniuses in silicon valley will choose the right wing country. i think the left wing country would end up becoming like detroit or chicago or what is going on right now in south africa. the right wing country will be like texas. the left wing country would be like a body without a head just like in south africa where blatant corruption caused the competent psychopaths from all races and tribes to move out of the country. my blog is better than george orwell's animal farm because although he is correct that the oppressed will become the new tyrants, he failed to to mention the side effect which is brain drain or the smart animals will migrate to a different farm.

the good news is the main goal of capitalists is higher profit which requires prosperous customers and productive workers. workers cannot be productive if they are unhealthy and low energy so legislation that helps workers such as the the ban on working 16 hours a day actually helps capitalists. it's a symbiotic relationship. amazon also has competition so their abuse has to be limited. and if all capitalists collude to abuse workers to a point that crosses a threshold, then workers can start or join coops.

chomsky is a thousand times smarter than me so i trusted him when he said workers today are like the slaves of the 18th century who thought there is no need to end slavery because they were much better off than the slaves of the 17th century. chomsky also retweeted abraham lincoln's tweet that said corporate workers are different from slaves only that it's temporary. but slaves did not have other options and today any american is free to start and join a workplace democracy like a coop. the only possibility is that either chomsky is wrong or leftists are really just right wing trojan horses under the payroll of corporate oligarchs because they never start a youtube channel promoting the joys and wonders of coops. i don't even know a leftist who is a member of a coop or is starting a communist community such as the quakers of pennsylvania even if it's the closest thing to their utopic dream. that would be like me dreaming of playing in the NBA then magically i gained the skills and athleticism and got offered to play in the NBA but i refuse to play.

the only explanation is that the homer simpsons need psychopaths like mr. burns to lead them. maybe humans are still like an ant colony that needs hierarchy in order to function. heck world war I and II were really just the proletariat selling their souls to the highest bidder and butchering each other. the elders in my family have very admirable academic and career achievements and are very good at working within a hierarchy. they all have high status in society while i'm just a cockroach. they are excellent managers at the companies they work for. they know how to treat people below them and above them. but when it comes to managing the family properties all of a sudden they all act like little children. that's because there is no clear hierarchy between siblings. i had to step in and luckily a court judge issued an order declaring me as the administrator where i have supreme power to decide everything or else they would have self destructed and millions worth of inheritance would have been auctioned by the government due to inheritance and property tax penalties.

my advantage is i'm the least educated in the family. managing family properties is as simple as 1+1=2. so when a 1+1 issue arises, i immediately jump in and enthusiastically answer 2 !!! because that's all i have and that's all i know. smart and highly educated people feel very uncomfortable with a 1+1 issue because they can't show off their amazing knowledge and abilities. they also have a hard time believing it's that simple so they start suspecting foul play and they end up complicating things. the next thing you know the entire family is in chaos. not only did i fix the problem of the family properties, i quadrupled the value of the entire estate overnight. 52 hectares of our property did not have road access so i negotiated with the property owners in between our properties that we will give them access to the national road if they give us access to our properties. the other property owners were so happy because it was a win win situation. thank god i read bernie sander's book, "the art of the deal".

this is why bernie sanders who was just a mediocre college student and a carpenter successfully built the ice skating rink in new york ahead of schedule and under budget while the more educated and humane leftists and liberal democrats failed big league. bernie simply hired the best contractor and gave good incentives. 1+1=ice skating rink. the left thinks incentives are racist and evil because we should always assume people act according to principle and therefore don't need incentives. also, children don't need an ice skating rink all they need is a library card which is free. they can enjoy reading just like chomsky's childhood. it baffles me why people don't vote for bernie even if he promises free stuff.

similarly, when a right winger named adam corolla who never even went to college says america's problems can easily be solved if parents "make breakfast for their kids", the left goes crazy because it can't be that simple. if joe rogan says a "human that has a penis is a male and a human that has a vagina is a female", the left gets triggered because it can't be that simple. or when jordan peterson says "clean your room" or when ben shapiro debates college kids on 1+1=2 issues, the left starts bragging that if only those 2 simpleton right wingers debates highly educated leftists with multiple phd's, the leftists will mop the face of the right wingers on the floor. yes that is true right wingers are idiots but that does not mean they are wrong when they say 1+1=2 or a human with a penis is a male. if we let the leftists govern, it would be like the scientists and experts with multiple phds governing maost china and causing millions dying from famine. but when the scientists and experts dispersed the decision making to the uneducated farmers, productivity magically increased.

leftists keep bragging that true leftist intellectuals can easily destroy right wing stars in a debate. of course that is absolutely true because a debate is a morality contest. that's like bragging that lebron james don't know how to play soccer. that's like bragging mozart knows more about music than the beatles because the beatles cannot compose music for the orchestra. that's like bragging that the rules official in golf knows more about the rules of golf than tiger woods. the black slaves and native americans were the goods guys. being the good guy is never the main objective in real life for anyone with common sense. being the good guy is only an objective during political debates. ghandi was a good guy and i'm sure he would never have allowed america to develop nuclear weapons if he was to decide. imagine a world where america don't have nuclear weapons while it's enemies have nuclear weapons. that would be a wet dream for leftists. it angers me that future president ben shapiro insists on playing the morality card. stop it mr. future president !!! you are just giving ammunition to the destroyers of our country.

leftists think poor people are the good guys. that's because leftists are usually gifted with intelligence, talent, looks or charisma so regular folks tend to behave their best around them for fear of losing their friendship. the special talent or intelligence of leftists also makes them prone to living in a bubble surrounded by the most humane individuals in the world such as the university or academic bubble. but even if chomsky lives in a slum area to study human nature, chomsky will still be naive on true human nature because folks will be in their best behavior. they will never throw their used motorcycle oil in the river in front for chomsky. the reason why i have a deeper knowledge of human nature is because i'm just a cockroach and nobody is ashamed to be naked in front of a cockroach. nobody is ashamed to show their true personality or true nature in front of me. i have lots of entertaining life experience examples in my blog.

i was backpacking in russia and the owner of the hostel who was adored by everyone because he was so cool put a gun on my head for refusing to drink a glass of vodka. i told him alcoholic drinks give me soar throat but he just didn't care. if i had charisma like chomsky, kyle kulinski or jimmy dore the hostell owner would have kissed up to me like he did to other cool backpackers. 

also if you are highly intelligent or have very good acting skills or you are an extremely talented musician, it's very easy to make a living so you won't mind giving 50% of your income to help the poor. this is why professors, hollywood celebrities and rock stars tend to be leftists. but i've never met a leftist with no talent and intelligence who had to sacrifice blood, sweat and tears for many years before finally achieving economic security and prosperity. highly intelligent and talented leftists just needs to imagine themselves in a situation where they have to work 8 hours a day for the rest of their life in a job they hate. would they wan't to share a big part of their hard earned income to support a welfare system that could be abused by corruption and lazy people? i don't think so.

the bottom line is that even if corporate capitalism is immoral, it's the way of life that the stupid but more powerful group of humans prefer just like obama preferring to smoke even if he knows it causes cancer or chomsky eating innocent cows and chickens even if there already are plant based alternatives. chomsky says the reason he is not a vegetarian is because he has no time to think about it. that's exactly the same justification for psychopath right wingers - they don't like to give their extra income to the poor because they would rather buy a jet ski.

but i think it's actually the capitalists who are suffering from this immorality. when i was working in america i heard that my dear childhood friends in the philippines were working as security guards. i became so sad and got worried thinking my friends are suffering because i would rather kill myself than work as a security guard because it's so boring. i can't even stand for 2 hours doing nothing imagine doing it 8 hours a day for the rest of your life. but when i visited them turns out they were the happiest people in the world. they even felt guilty for getting paid a lot of money for doing nothing. they really loved their jobs. meanwhile i was working as an engineer in silicon valley but i was always, sick, depressed, and stressed out. turns out i was the one who is pathetic while my poor childhood friends are the lucky bastards.

wealth is not the only factor for happiness. when i visited germany i got scared i felt like i was in a psycho thriller movie because nobody was laughing and smiling. unlike in the philippines where every where you look you always see happy people laughing and smiling especially in the slums. i think it's because the universe is telling them they are lucky they even exist when they are not suppose to exist. their parents had nothing to eat. solution? pop out 9 kids. just imagine you have nothing to eat so you impregnate your wife 9 times. it's hard to believe but it's what actually happens all the time in a 3rd world country. 

leftists scream the system is a failure and should be changed whenever there is poverty and suffering. i watched a speaker in ted talk who said poverty is the root of child trafficking and prostitution. i think child prostitution can be solved overnight if couples who don't have the means to feed their kids won't have kids. but i think philippines is the richest country in the world in terms of QUANTITY OF LIFE PLEASURES. japan and germany have no child prostitutes but they are actually pathetic because it's like they murdered hundreds of millions of children by not giving them a chance to be conceived and taste ice cream just because their potential parents were afraid of economic inconveniences. i'm sure if those potential kids have souls they would be screaming to their potential parents, "NOOOOO !!! please don't put on that condom i don't care if i have to suck a foreigner's dick i just want to be born and enjoy the pleasures of ice cream" (no pun intended).

based on my observation it seems to me that happiness is the default state of poor people that's why they remain poor because they are already happy so they have no motivation to change their life. i also think competent psychopaths are cursed because suffering is their default state and they need stimulation just to feel normal. maybe it's the reason why bill gates continued to hang out with jeff epstein even if epstein was already charged with child trafficking. bill gates was willing to destroy his marriage just so that he can relieve his sufferings. i think what is making poor people miserable is that processed sugar is killing the precious gut bacteria that produces serotonin.

chomsky worries about the sufferings of corporate workers because a corporation is not a workplace democracy. but maybe his worry is as foolish as corporate workers feeling sorry for chomsky for having to read all those books. example for me reading a book is so painful i would rather kill myself than be forced to read all the books that chomsky read just to survive.

maybe there is really nothing to worry about. where it matters the most, there already is some level of equity between rich and poor. although 26 thousand die each year in america because of lack of health insurance, that number can be greatly reduced with an information campaign to reduce processed sugar intake. i watched many ted talk videos about gut bacteria and learned that it's only recently that scientists discovered processed sugar is even more harmful than cigarettes. it destroys the precious gut bacteria that produces serotonin which keeps us happy, energetic and healthy. the harm done by processed sugar has a domino effect. lack of serotonin makes us depressed, lowers our motivation to work which can lead to drug abuse, diabetes and many other side effects such as heart disease. this is why i started an advocacy to promote sauerkraut and gut health in the philippines -

the things i learned in ted talk is science. unfortunately, this advocacy only requires information and awareness campaign. the left won't be interested unless it involves government spending and regulations. i'm starting to notice the left does not really care about people or improving society they just care about their ideology and virtue signaling. if there is a health craze or revolution, healthcare costs will be so low such that america can easily afford medicare-for-all. but then again, i don't think this is what leftists really want. just keep in mind that even if there is medicare-for-all, you can still suffer from illness and you can still die if you don't exercise and eat right.

it also baffles me that the left never discuss or even mention other climate change solutions such as nuclear energy, carbon capture, tree planting and greening of the desert that i saw in ted talk. it's as if the left does not really care about climate change they are just using it as a tool to promote their ideology and take down the oil industry.

the opportunity for prosperity and happiness is in the hands of every american. any american who works even just part time and earns minimum wage can live better than the kings and queens that existed throughout history. just read the play that i wrote - 

but america has a big problem. the homer simpsons are being brainwashed by leftists into thinking they are being oppressed and they should vote to change the system and make america more like norway and sweden. although these countries have high standard of living and index of happiness, the bad news is that swedish and norwegian are actually right wingers. 

we could end up in a failed democracy like greece whose corrupt government kept depending on financial capital instead of industrial capital just so they keep getting elected. everyone including leftists agree that egalitarian policies such as socialism or social democracy can only succeed if enough people act according to principle. so the question now is, are americans in general hardworking and benevolent enough like the swedish and norwegians for social democracy to succeed? or are we more like greece?

based on what i keep hearing from the liberals and leftists in the democrat party that americans are racist and the government is corrupt, i don't believe americans are fit for a social democracy. chomsky also mocks americans saying 3/4 of americans believe in the devil and religious miracles. just look at the low american test scores probably caused by corrupt or incompetent teacher's union. look at the anti vax problem that is prevalent across all races and political spectrum. obamacare gave us a clue on the individualism of americans. in 2015 about 6.5 million people chose to pay the penalty rather than sign up for obamacare. that's a significant amount of healthy people who refused to make that extra sacrifice so that poor sick people can get healthcare. this does not bode well for a social democracy.

it blows my mind that everyday the leftists are screaming our government is corrupt therefore we should give more of our hard earned income to the government. and the left also keeps calling people who don't want to pay high taxes idiots. in what world do beggars call the person they are begging from an idiot? i watched majority report and the leftists were calling michael dell an idiot for not wanting to pay 50% tax despite being a billionaire. one of the leftist was an MIT professor. michael dell did not invent anything he just sold computers. the MIT professor should also have the ability to sell computers and be a billionaire so he can set an example and pay 70% tax. why wouldn't he? amazon started off by just selling books. leftists love books. why wasn't it them who sold books online and grew the business to become billionaires so they can pay $15 minimum wage to their employees? remember that dell, amazon, facebook, etc ... creating something out of nothing. there are thousands of ultra smart leftists who have the capability to do what these billionaires did. maybe instead of just complaining maybe a leftist should make billions and pay 70% tax to set an example. donald trump also created his billions out of nothing. he never inherited any of his wealth. if anyone can prove i am wrong, i will have my penis cut off.

leftists always brag that the most prosperous times of america was when the top income tax rate was 90%. that is true but the reason america was prosperous was because we just won ww2 and had supreme economic hegemony all over the world and everyone was buying american jeans and jucy fruit gums. america had very little competition thanks to our powerful navy that helped maintain the US hegemony as long as possible. so the rich still made boatloads of money even after paying 90% tax. that is not true anymore and it's obvious to anyone with commons sense that if we bring back the 90% top income tax rate, oligarchs will bring their businesses to other countries and american cities will become like detroit or chicago. nowadays, high-tax countries are getting bled to death, while low-tax ones experience stunning growth. ireland, whose economy grew by 12.5% after cutting taxes—faster than any other european nation—is one of the greatest tax-cutting success stories of modern times -

what's also mind boggling is that the left keeps promoting george orwell's novel animal farm which warns if there is a change of system the new leaders would become the next tyrants. the left also supports the unions whose corrupt leaders are more likely the ones who will hold high government positions if america becomes a social democracy. the situation is actually worse than animal farm because at least in the novel the new leaders started out as the good guys. why would anyone want to be governed by the jimmy hoffas? at least the corporate oligarchs needs us to be prosperous so we can continue to buy their products. and we can take down any powerful oligarch when they fail to deliver what we want. i mean sears, GE and oil companies used to be so powerful now their stocks are in the toilet. the defense oligarchs were also forced to leave afghanistan because it's what the americans wanted.

another bad news for the left is that norwegians and swedish people are actually right wingers. they prefer to give their hard earned money to the government to make their life more secure with social safety nets simply because THEY TRUST THEIR GOVERNMENT AND FELLOW CITIZENS ARE NOT CORRUPT. i've been backpacking for many years and i always ask swedish, danish, norwegian and german backpackers if they are willing to pay high taxes if they live in other countries and their answers are always a RESOUNDING NO. 

it is also a dream for right wingers to one day become like norway and sweden because they have a balanced budget, low debt and a trade surplus. i'm sure many right wing libertarians will support medicare-for-all if we first cut down wasteful spending and balance the budget. so basically president bernie was a big leftist because his policies were geared towards turning america into sweden and norway. sweden and norway have also been deporting refugees recently. bernie wanted NATO to pay it's fair share. he wanted japan and saudi arabia to pay us for protecting them. he wanted to cut the trade deficit. he wanted america to be a big oil producers like norway. bernie even tried to stop military exercises with south korea to save money. this is what angered the defense oligarchs and deep state to the point that they made up fake stories that russian operatives were paying iraqis to assasinate americans and bernie was just ignoring the problem. it's almost like bernie and julian assange belonged to the same camp when it comes to foreign policy.

what's really funny is that if leftists were to balance the budget, they would first cut military spending. but i learned in wikipedia that weapons development is actually a small part of the budget. a huge part of the budget goes to paying the salaries, benefits and pensions of active and retired soldiers. a huge percentage of americans are also employed by the US military. the US military is almost like universal basic income but with a purpose. the military makes america almost like a socialist country with their free housing and free college benefits. so it seems neocons are actually bigger socialists than leftists if leftists want to cut the military budget. 

cutting the military budget is also a very smart strategy for leftists to ruin public support for medicare-for-all. americans may support medicare-for-all but they don't want to be governed by a bunch of people who seems to side with their enemies. i mean you never hear a leftist praising our men and women in the military. while learning history, the bravery of soldiers in all the wars never cease to astound me. you can condemn atrocities and at the same time praise our soldiers and be thankful of our advanced weapons. the term "defunding the police" is also a genius way to ruin public support for medicare-for-all. why not call it "police reform?". i really feel leftists are under the secret payroll of the oligarchs. couple that with trying to take our guns away, it's as if the leftists are trying to figure out the best way so that it would be easy for criminals to invade our home and rape our daughters. the left keeps praising chomsky even if his ideology is to take away our right to own property. the left condemn US atrocities but at least the US pays the saudis for the oil and not just steal it. the left is doing it's best for them to have a value lower than that of cows and chickens to americans with common sense.

but the #1 most genius way the leftists are ruining support for medicare-for-all is to make it look like they support open borders. any sane person with common sense knows that open border is just lunacy. it's amazing to me how a leftist brain works. they know many americans with common sense agree we should give amnesty to hard working illegal immigrants who have been paying taxes for many years. so the left decides to ruin the life of illegal immigrants by making it look like they support open borders. if the left wants to gain credibility, they should flock to the border to help prevent illegal immigrants from entering but at the same time display posters and banners advocating to give amnesty to illegals who are already in the country. that would impress a lot of people. the left should hire me as their strategist. 

we now have cheap technology that can easily make government spending transparent. this prevents waste and corruption and it might even balance the budget and make medicare-for-all a reality. i laid out the details of my idea in my letter to my brother running for city councilor -

anyone with common sense should love living in a SUCCESSFUL leftist society such as socialism or universal basic income. the good news is that technology has always and will continue to move mankinds towards a more generous or egalitarian society. machines made slavery obsolete. yanis varoufakis even said 3D printers is our biggest hope to have true democracy and equality because we won't need big capital to manufacture something. smart phones and the internet makes it much harder for neocons to commit atrocities. 

IN CONCLUSION, there's overwhelming empirical evidence to suggest that the homer simpsons are actually the luckiest people in history despite their imperfections. i also feel in my humble opinion that the left is doing it's best to destroy that. it's true that american policies look harsher and meaner in paper compared to the policies of less imperfect people such as norwegians and swedish. but the generous and lenient policies in places like detroit and chicago has proven that these liberal or democrat policies will just cause more suffering in the long run just like in greece. it's just basic math. it's as simple as 1+1=2. if a business is required to provide free dental benefits to it's employees, and there is another place on this planet where the government do not require a business to provide dental benefits, that business will simply move out and the employees will lose their jobs.  

of course i could be wrong. we are all just making our best guess. it's like betting on the stock market. not even the smartest person can predict the direction of a stock or the market. we have no choice but to make our best guess. not making a guess or not participating in politics is just as consequential. just like not investing in the stock market and keeping your nest egg in a savings account is even a bigger gamble because inflation will destroy your nest egg and in 20 years you will be poor. so if you read this article and you laugh and say you are not interested in politics and don't want to be involved, your inaction is actually just as consequential. what you need to do is simple. just share this article to your friends and family so everyone can agree to disagree and we can live harmoniously despite our political differences.

although my writings sound very disgusting and offensive, i think it's what's in the minds of most common sense and freedom loving americans. they just have difficulty articulating. this explains why they didn't vote for bernie sanders even if medicare-for-all have overwhelming majority support. the inability of americans to articulate the things i'm saying here is the reason why leftists continue to mock right wingers as morons even if anybody with common sense feel it's actually the other way around. leftist policies looks perfect on paper. sharing your wealth and helping a fellow human being sounds awesome. but in reality, it's very complicated and involves a lot of factors and variables that's impossible to scientifically measure and quantify. example, there really is no device or procedure to measure happiness or discontent. but the good news is that because humans are too complicated, what needs to be done becomes simple. just clean your room and make breakfast for your kids. just like cancer is too complicated to cure but what needs to be done if you have terminal cancer is simple - just get chemo and get your affairs in order. 

another simple thing we can do is trust the right people. everyone keeps focusing on improving or fixing the system. but in my humble opinion, we should stop examining the system. instead we should focus our attention on WHO TO TRUST. any system will succeed if you trust the right people. any system will fail if you trust the wrong people. in every aspect of a person's life, almost all failures and suffering can be traced to trusting the wrong people. and almost all success and prosperity can be traced to trusting the right people. just look at taiwan and singapore who was ruled by a dictator for decades but they have a very high quality of life and happiness index. on the other hand millions suffered and starved to death in maoist china despite having more humane policies simply because they trusted the communists instead of chiang kai shek. chiang kai shek was a murderous dictator but he TRUSTED western powers so his country  benefited from the cold war propaganda race. the west propped up taiwan to make it look like communism is shit and democracy is awesome. the 2008 crisis happened simply because we blindly trusted the bond rating agencies. there is nothing wrong with the system. just keep your investments diversified and you will be fine.

leftists are the good guys but the reason why their policies usually end up in more suffering is because they tend to have the desire to go against common sense opinion because it makes them feel they know something everybody else doesn't and it makes them feel superior. 

anyone with common sense knows that nothing is perfect and everything and everyone has some imperfections. the trick is to weigh the pros and cons that impact your way of life. example, everyone knows the imperfections of israelis such as illegal expansion of settlements. no one claims israelis are saints. but it's so obvious to anyone with common sense that palestinians should just TRUST israelis and bow down to them and not worry about right to vote on elections. this will SURELY give them economic prosperity and security and their children will have a bright future. but of course leftists will say you are an imbecile moron if you say these things. leftists would rather TRUST hamas and the PLA even if they jail gay people just for being gay. i know many filipinos friends who went to work in israel and stayed there for good because they love it there. yes they can't vote but WHO GIVES A FUCK ABOUT RIGHT TO VOTE if your family already enjoy economic prosperity and security? 

i mean just look at the hawaiians and alaskans. they are not fighting for independence. i'm sure if a leftist were to decide they would want hawaiians and alaskans to fight for independence even if it results in unnecessary deaths and suffering. i'm sure if it gets some traction it's easy for leftists to virtue signal and call anyone who disagrees with them colonial puppets or collaborators. americans committed a lot of atrocities towards filipinos but our instincts told us it's better to just forget the past and cooperate with the americans. just look at the 1986 edsa revolution where the soldiers decided to shoot at the coconuts when ordered to shoot people because they thought, "why kill a fellow filipino when it's obvious everything would be the same whoever is in power?", turns out they were absolutely right. God bless those soldiers.

jose rizal will roll over his grave because of what i'm about to write. ladies and gentlemen, i ask jose rizal for his forgiveness, to rollover, and listen (Roll Over Beethoven - Chuck Berry LIVE). 

the philippines is a leftist's worst nightmare. any idealistic person would go crazy living in the philippines. all my idealistic and highly academic friends are constantly traumatized by the WAY OF LIFE choices of their fellow filipinos. i told them they should feel lucky that filipinos make the wrong choices because if we become like sweden and norway then they won't have maids and drivers and they will probably just be a truck driver because there will be too many people competing for illustrious careers. they post in facebook bragging they just had a home massage service. average people in norway and sweden cannot afford such luxuries. of course in general i want philippines to be prosperous but if filipinos vote for bad candidates during elections, i just look at the glass half full and feel lucky because that means when i'm 92 years old i can still get a beautiful 22 year old girlfriend.

night public high schools even teach massage as an official subject. the teachers love it because they can get a massage from students for only P50 ($1). although the day public schools in the philippines are world standard and has none of these crazy stuffs. pragmatism is the strength of the filipinos. we admit imperfections are natural. so we find the middle ground and find beauty in the grey areas of life. i've noticed people who seek theoretical purity are doomed to a lifetime of unnecessary and foolish misery.

idealists might think night high school in the philippines is like an jeff epstein academy but the fact is being a masseuse could be the only hope for many of these night high school students to prevent them from working as drug dealers or bar girls where they are magnetized to drugs and prostitution. my super super smart leftist coworker in altera corporation in silicon valley named robert romano told me all kids have the same academic aptitude and potential and that poor education can only be a result of bad environment and quality of education. he says there is no such thing as genetic or inborn aptitude. leftists are the smartest people in the world that means whoever thought about night high school for kids with very low aptitude must be a hitler incarnate. this is one of the reasons why i feel so strongly that society will implode if very smart and idealistic leftists govern. luckily for the world, the things i'm saying here is 1+1=2 so it's what most people also feel.

what if to some people, giving a massage to a stranger is no different than an engineer typing on a computer or a caregiver changing the diaper of a bedridden patient? we will never know the answer to that question because there is no instrument or device to measure these things. we can only make our best guess. 

filipinos are aware we don't have what it takes to manufacture automobiles or invent highly profitable products. it is a dream for most filipinos to go abroad and be the caregivers and domestic helpers of the world. many of my friends and family including my siblings are nurses in america. it's a dream come true for filipinos. i've worked in silicon valley for 15 years and i strongly feel filipino nurses are happier and higher sense of work gratification than silicon valley engineers. helping people in need is more gratifying than computer programming. my plan was just to take a 2 year sabbatical from my computer programming career. while helping poor people during my sabbatical i realized it makes me much happier so i decided to retire for good. i'm not a good person. helping the poor is actually a selfish desire because it gives me a sense of purpose in life. 

luckily there are no leftists in the philippines brainwashing the poor with useless principles, dignity, and entitlements or else the poor people i'm helping would be angry at me because i'm only giving 20% of my wealth and not 50%. filipinos would have hostaged 50 americans during the 1986 edsa revolution and would have become like iran. 

one of the reasons why a leftist society never works is can you imagine a society where greedy psychopathic entrepreneurs are just low class citizens while the selfless academics and bureaucrats are the ones with status and prestige? that would be like a golf tournament where people are getting autographs from the rules officials but they ignore tiger woods and even hate him for monopolizing the major championships. 

i was in lviv russia just after perestroika and i was dating this young girl who was the daughter of a professor. i was surprised why everyone in town knew her. she told me in russia, professors are like celebrities. that's why everyone in russia at that time was highly educated and knowledgeable but i had to wait in a very long line just to buy roasted chicken. i told my girlfriend we should start a roasted chicken business because it would surely make money. my girlfriend replied, "do you want to die? the owner of this roasted chicken store will kill you.". i also learned at that time that pedophilia is legal in the the US because i petitioned her for fiancee visa and the US government approved it even if she was only 16 years old. so she visited me in the US and was able to stay for 6 months before her visa expired. crazy !!! which reminds me now that the flight restrictions have been lifted i need to visit the US to visit jeff epstein's grave and pay my respects.

filipinos are also white supremacists. but if you look at things from our perspective, you will understand why we are white supremacists. we grow up being told by our elders that we should be proud to be a filipino because a filipino invented the armalite rifle. as if that's not enough, pacquiao arrives in the scene and catapults filipinos to world supremacy. now imagine you are a filipino and one day you decide to look at the achievements of other races to see how it compares to ours. i think your head will explode. the usual criteria is the inventions that helped mankind. so of course the white race is #1. arts and sports is very important to filipinos so the black race will be #2. i know philippines is a nationality not a race and the asian race probably has more achievements. but that's not how we think. we are aware of the evils of european colonialism and hitler but the criteria is how it affects our lives TODAY. golden state warriors fans celebrated their recent championships even if the warriors sucked for many decades. the arabs did invent writing, mathematics, agriculture, metallurgy, astronomy (sumerians and babylonians) but those things are already obsolete so they are last place.

if a leftist scolds a filipino and says white supremacy is evil, the filipino will reply, "so it's perfectly fine for a city to celebrate an NBA championship even if basketball is a useless game ??? but it's wrong to celebrate achievements that saved millions of lives and raised the quality of life of billions of people? does that mean our elders were evil for teaching us to be proud to be a filipino because we invented the armalite rifle?". does that mean filipinos are evil for celebrating our world supremacy in boxing? it's true filipinos are not white but lebron james and anthony davis are not from LA either so why did los angeles celebrate their recent championship? besides, if the left says the jeffrey epsteins of the world can choose and declare to be a woman and go in the girl's bathroom, why can't filipinos declare they are white? 

of course i'm just kidding. as chomsky said, TERMS IN A POLITICAL DISCOURSE ARE AT BEST NOT MODELS OF CLARITY. chomsky is such a great literary artist. i'm a big fan of john oliver and there was this episode where he blasted tucker carlson for saying, "what does white supremacy even mean?". but then john oliver never even explained what white supremacy really means. i was waiting for john oliver to say something like, "hey tucker you moron, let me define for you what is white supremacy ...". but he never did. so funny. tucker and john oliver needs to learn from chomsky so they don't end up looking like fools.

i think leftists are starting to get it. i recently saw an episode of a leading leftist kyle kulinski where he says he is sick and tired of cultural war and woke bullshit. kyle said the wokeness bullshit is the reason why republicans recently pulled off a miracle in the virginia gubernatorial election. 12 years ago i was playing golf with republicans and they were complaining obama will drown their kids and grandkids in debt. i told my republican golfing buddies that republicans are just as guilty as democrats when it comes to national debt. i also told them most people support fiscal responsibility, but anyone with common sense will be afraid to be governed by bigots who prevents 2 gay people who love each other from getting married. i advised them to start a movement that advocates for fiscal responsibility and also support gay marriage. so they started the tea party movement which obliterated the democrats in the 2010 midterm elections. when i saw a youtube video of trump flirting with rudy giuliani dressed in drag, that's when i knew democrats were screwed in 2016. trump probably read my blog.

just like my security guard friends are happier than me, i also strongly feel the homer simpson americans are happier than norwegians and swedish people. i always hang out with scandinavians when i go backpacking and all they do is complain about everything. that means the reason why they have high standard of living is simply because they have high standards. high standards is a double edged sword that's why norway and sweden have way way higher suicide rates than many poor countries such as the philippines. i know scandinavians have much higher happiness index than americans. anyone with common sense knows that america is not perfect. but the reason why america is a dream immigration destination compared to canada and the UK despite not having universal healthcare is that it offers the best opportunity and freedoms. italy's public health care system was overwhelmed by the covid-19 pandemic but new york's hospitals never came close. the hospital ship was even empty. i arrived in america 30 years ago with just $300 in my pocket and in just 15 years (age 37) i was able to own 5 rental properties and live the rest of my life with absolute freedom. i could never have done that in norway and sweden.

right now a majority of americans vote against social democracy. but if the left successfully convinces the homer simpson majority to vote for a social democracy, look out. this can easily happen because promising free stuff is very attractive and leftists have dominion over schools and universities. the mind of the youth is like a sponge they can easily be brainwashed. i don't think the competent psychopath minority will ever allow a social democracy. i think there's going to be violence, chaos and lots of suffering. i think the competent minority will win against the homer simpson majority. i pray to God i am wrong. the good news is i'm just a moron and these are just my opinions. and as i said, technology will naturally, peacefully and slowly transition america into a social democracy or UBI. it's always been the trend or direction of mankind based on our history. i hope the left will focus more on personal reform such as exercise, refraining from processed sugar, and making breakfast for your kid instead of system reform. the government policies and benefits does not make anyone healthy. the food we eat is what makes us healthy.

it all comes down to WAY OF LIFE. leftists are simply people whose way of life is such that morality or principles are more important than health, freedom, and even more important than life itself. from a certain perspective, most people actually find that admirable. but unfortunately, from the real world perspective, that's very dangerous to the way of life of most people. from the real world perspective, leftists have lower value than cows and chickens to the competent psychopath minority.

(this article is an update based on recent events to the abstract of my main pseudo dissertation -

(complete list of my knowledge bombs -

P.S. i'm not mocking the homer simpson proletariat. although i'm more educated and have a healthier lifestyle than homer, i don't have a marge in my life. it's easier to get educated than find true love. besides in terms of bragging rights homer practically will have a harvard or stanford degree via lisa. a family is 1 unit. lisa's accomplishments are homer's accomplishments. the left have failed to promote family values even if it does not conflict with their advocacy of helping people. this is another thing that makes homer nervous about the left gaining power. 

(for more of my knowledge bombs, click the "ian's knowledge bombs" banner at the top of this article and choose any article in the table of contents that piques your interest)

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