Thursday, May 9, 2019

democracy is overrated

no this is not a trump tweet.

the overwhelming majority of iranians would vote to throw gay people in jail just for having sex. THAT'S DEMOCRACY !!! democracy cannot protect the minority from the tyranny of the majority.

democracy is just a cool term we can throw around in political discourse and the academic world but in the real world, it's a useless concept. the powerful group will always control society. the left thinks the majority has the power. maybe in norway and sweden but not if the majority is composed of homer simpsons. the homer simpsons uniting to topple the mr burns or powerful elite is like soldier ants from different colonies uniting to topple their queens. i know it's immoral for the few to have control of the majority but again morality is useless in the real world because native americans and the slaves were the good guys and i don't want to end up like them.

i agree with chomsky and the left when they say america is not a true democracy. most important decisions are made by a small group of powerful elite, not the american majority. the US is the leader in technology ( let's say a company developed a medicine that alleviates the pain of a very common and painful illness. of course in a real democracy the people would vote to make the medicine free. but little do they know that it would cause the company to cut their R&D and stop the development of another medicine that would cure the illness for good. that is why when the left and chomsky tries to provoke anger by telling people we don't have a real democracy and our votes don't really matter, normal people with common sense will feel the left is just promoting their agenda and don't really care about society.

for the left, democracy is the holy grail.  for the left, democracy is a moral virtue and should be the ultimate goal. but for us normal people with common sense, democracy is just a means to an end and our end is food on our table and riding jet skis. that is why the left's strategy of provoking anger by telling the people that america is not a true democracy is not working. when the left tells the people that their votes don't really count and their opinions don't really matter, the homer simpsons of america just shrug their shoulders and continue to enjoy watching NFL while drinking beer.

when my genius leftist coworker in silicon valley was condemning apartheid in israel, i thought he belonged in a mental institution. any normal person will consider that a mental disorder because any normal person will consider staying alive is a more important virtue than democracy. news flash: nelson mandela never called for wiping out the white south africans. democracy is good for south africa but would be suicide for israel. true democracy is a luxury that can only be enjoyed by a selfless society where everyone cooperates and respects each other. my coworker was smarter than me so at first i thought i was just missing something. good thing my opinion was reinforced by the supposedly anti israel new york times -

chomsky cites a surprising study that shows propaganda is less effective on uneducated people and more effective on educated people. but i don't think it's really surprising. if a child wants to eat ice cream everyday and you say it can cause diabetes, the child will scream "i dont know what is diabetes i just want my iceream damn it !!!". similarly, the child and stupid leftists are screaming "i don't know what is greek austerity, corruption or national debt. i just want my free healthcare and free college damn it !!!".

the poll says that a majority of americans favor universal healthcare. of course. everyone is also in favor of owning a private jet if it was given to them for free. but if it turns out the cost of making a private jet is less than the cost of making a car, then people would really want to own a private jet. if it is true that medicare-for-all will save us $5 trillion in 10 years, then of course we should have free healthcare. that should be the argument. instead the left is ruining their credibility by saying "healthcare is a right". people with common sense will be worried that they are supporting the agenda of stupid people. doctors need to study in medical school for 10 years and the research and development of medical drugs and devices cost a lot of money.  people with common sense are aware that it is not a right for a human to have something that is expensive. the human rights activists in the jungles of the amazon are not there because the natives are not getting free medical care from jeff bezos. on the other hand, true human rights are free. it does not cost anything for anyone to not rape another person. so we all have the right to not get raped.

the majority will always prefer social spending over military spending. that is why a true democracy gets wiped out in a few seconds. then the left will say true democracy would have worked if it was not wiped out by external aggresssion. that's as ridiculous as saying we would have won the baskeball game if we scored more points.

chomsky says americans are very racist. thank god america is not a true democracy because i have brown skin. thank god james madison and our founding fathers had the foresight and foreskin to ensure that the minority has a way to protect itself from the majority by electing their own senator in a representative system of government instead of a true democracy. if germany had corporatism, the jews would have elected senators to protect them -

it's also baffling how chomsky immediately shuts you down by saying human behavior cannot be scientifically studied therefore we should ignore the observations of human nature that are not compatible with a socialist society, yet he would not hesitate to make generalizations of human behavior that would make america look bad such as racism. i don't think anyone would argue that racism exists in america but chomsky is being a hypocrite.

chomsky also tweeted that 3/4 of american believe in religious miracles. why would he want our country to be in the hands of people he considers racist morons? a true democracy can easily be hijacked by the pat robertsons and billy grahams of the world. another proof that leftists have a poor instinct for self preservation.

fortunately, no system can ever be perfect so the left can always gather together where they point out the imperfections of the current representative form of government and have fun calling the supporters of the current system evil morons. i think leftists can be more effective activists if they make it clear that they are improving the current system instead of wanting to change it to a true democracy, which can only be achieved through true socialism or libertarian socialism.

chomsky says a truer democracy will save us from nuclear war and climate disaster. to me the opposite is true. a hierarchical structure will be more effective. this is evident with the reversal of ozone hole. for me davos is the real united nations. i would rather rest my hopes on the fact that billionaires love their children too. they have more to lose if climate change affects everyone. if all climate change does is gradually submerge coastal cities and make alaska and siberia arable for agriculture, i don't think they will give a damn. but leftists are saying climate change will affect everyone. it's also not that hard to let the sausage fest of these maniacal psychopaths listen to what needs to be said. just let an attractive 16 year old swedish girl speak. she will easily outshine bolsonora in davos.

the flat hierarchy of a true democracy may seem ideal but i really believe it would be a disaster based on my experiences with my elders. my elders are super successful and super functional if they work in a hierarchical structure where they have bosses above them and minions under them. but in a flat structure, all of a sudden they miraculously transform into stupid kids - maybe it's because our biological nature is like that of an ant colony.

the most successful socialist institution in the history of mankind, the US military, is successful because it has a clear hierarchy. imagine if the US military was a democracy or flat hierarchy.

simply knowing what is ideal or right is not enough. polices have to be compatible with human nature. the pros and cons of conflicting or COMPETING moral values and human desires have to be carefully considered. you can't just call for the dismantling of corporations just because it's true that all workers want to participate in the decision making. it's true that i want a jetski. i can afford a jetski. but there is no way i'm ever buying a jetski. you need to consider other people's priorities. don't just focus on a specific desire as if there are no other competing desires or alternatives.

be careful what you wish for. as society becomes more democratic because of internet and social media, more and more trumps, dutertes, bolsonaros and brexits will win elections. bernie sanders might seem like a leftist fave but i think they will be disappointed with his anti immigration or nationalistic stance.

the truth is that there is such a thing as decent and indecent sub-worlds and the indecent sub world is the overwhelming majority - i also mentioned how in the philippines, democracy backfired on the left - right now duterte has a whopping 80% approval rating and even liberals in america are baffled - Elections In The Philippines | Patriot Act with Hasan Minhaj

i keep saying in my rants that it's not the system, it's the people's competence that is the big factor. there is much less democracy in singapore compared to the philippines. a benevolent dictatorship ruled singapore for 31 years yet they don't envy other more democratic countries. venezuela had a much better democracy but their society still collapsed. on the other hand, highly democratic nordic countries are prospering. therefore it's the people, not the system.

let me close this rant with my own joke: yanis says capitalism will eat democracy. but chomsky said america is not a democracy. how can capitalism eat something that does not exist?

(for more of my knowledge bombs, click the "ian's knowledge bombs" banner at the top of this article and choose any article in the table of contents that piques your interest)

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