Monday, August 26, 2024

table of contents

 i hope everything i'm writing here is just garbage because one of the things that make me sad is when something VALUABLE gets WASTED. so if what i'm writing here is not valuable, it can't be wasted therefore there is nothing for me to worry about.

top articles (photos and videos)

health and safety

investing and finance






US politics



philosophy and religion

home and auto




i enjoy writing for my imaginary readers. also it allows my consciousness or a virtual part of me to exist and float in cyberspace long after i'm gone. anyone can read my blog and it's like they are talking to me. it's just a 1 way conversation but my blog attempts to anticipate the responses and addresses them. whether my blog is good or bad, useful or useless, life has taught me these things don't really matter. i won't trade it for the world.

but the biggest reason why i write is:

just in case it might help someone

when someone reads my blog, IT DOES NOT BENEFIT ME. my mom told me to shorten my writings so that people will read it. i told her if i shorten my writings, it will be incomplete and useless. she said but at least people will read it. i told her the reason why i write is: just in case it might help someone. if i have a charismatic personality or i have a high status in society and i'm admired by lots of people, then i can help people by writing a few words of inspiration and cliches. i can even just post in facebook, "i'm sleepy, goodnight everyone" and it will lift up the spirits of hundreds of friends and family who are going through difficulties. it will get hundreds of likes and spark long pleasant conversations. 

solutions to problems are just as important as words of comfort and motivation. i'm just a moron but i think maybe complicated problems require solutions that require lots and lots of words to describe. an uneducated vegetable vendor in the slums will need to say lots of words to albert einstein warning him of the dangers if he uses the toilet in the dangerous slum. and maybe give directions to a restroom in a safer area. the uneducated vegetable vendor may need to describe various options such as having a cop or tanod accompany him for a small tip. or if einstein just wants to urinate, maybe he can just pee behind the trees. 

when my friends tell me they will only read my writings if i shorten it, that would be like einstein telling the vegetable vendor "i will only listen to you if you use only a few words". i know i'm a bad writer. i have poor grammar and spelling. but not reading what i write COULD be like einstein refusing to listen to the vegetable vendor because the vegetable vendor has poor grammar. it's not the vegetable vendor who will get mugged or stabbed if einstein does not listen. not all important information in this world are written in books and scientific journals. maost china was governed by a council of experts, each with multiple phd's, who were dedicated to helping their country. yet their decisions lead to millions dying in famine. but when they dispersed the decision making to the uneducated farmers, productivity improved and there was no more famine.

i understand human nature precludes us from listening or following people who don't have likeable personalities regardless of the merits of their message. 4 years before the covid-19 pandemic, bill gates was going around warning the world that a very deadly pandemic has a very high probability of happening and we only need to spend less than $100 million to build the infrastructure around the world that can immediately stop the virus in it's tracks (you can search his speeches in youtube). bill gates is not likeable maybe because of his dorky look. if bill gates had a likeable personality like clinton or obama, enough people would have listened to him and covid-19 would not have been able to spread. but then again, it was not bill gates who died or suffered the loss of a love one due to covid. but maybe all the sufferings from covid was still less painful compared to the pain of having to listen or follow an unlikeable person like bill gates. 

if you say my writings are too long, a taxi driver would say the same thing about college - 4 years is too long. well sure you could shorten an engineering degree to a 2 year vocational but it won't make you an engineer. my writings are actually too short relative to it's POTENTIAL value in people's lives. example, with my political writings, you spend 1 hour reading but save thousands of hours that would have been wasted watching CNN and fox news that only deteriorates your spirit and makes your soul dark and angry. of course my writings are not for everyone, just like college is not for everyone.

i'm not saying my writings are great. what i'm saying is, it's not the length or even the writing skills that matter. it's the value of the message. there is no such thing as a free lunch. great rewards can only come with great sacrifices. a college degree requires 4 years. if you want to become a better person in terms of political views and expression, you need to spend some time and effort reading my blog. we don't learn by facts alone. we need to feel it and the only way to feel something is to know the context or background which can take long for me to illustrate with words. humans don't act according to facts and knowledge alone. humans act according to feelings or emotions. serial killers know murder is wrong but they can't help it. our political views mostly comes from emotions yet we pretend our political views are based on our knowledge and logic.

i regularly update the articles as time goes by. so for example, i might mention an event that happened in 2020 in a 2014 article.

BBM is very happy

BBM is the HAPPIEST man in the world right now. when he went to davos, he had no choice but to sign up to the program the world's powerful elites offered him. if he did not sign up, the "machine" of the world elites would have sabotaged and ruined his presidency which is very bad for the philippines. bbm knew he is not popular and savvy enough to outmanuever the "machine" so he signed up to the program for the good of the country and also self preservation or else another mt manunggal diosdado macapagal plane crash or JFK/RFK or richard nixon would have happened to him. so bbm is doing everything the world's powerful elites is asking him to do and at the same time hoping the plan of the powerful elites would fail. and that's what is happening right now. it's a brilliant chess move by bbm. he is banking on the fact that the "machine" has weakened ever since the cold war ended. 

during the cold war, the "machine" had lots of TALENT because they were fighting a true evil - communism. talents are good people. talents only do bad things if it's necessary for the overall good. so the talents in the free world simply went to the private sector after the cold war, causing an explosion in technological advancement and economic growth since the cold war ended. 

nowadays, the "machine" does not have enough talent to stop anti-establishment REVOLUTIONS all over the world. duterte, trump, elon musk, kamala, tim walz, and the arab spring caught them off guard. it's amazing how CNN and NBC are firing silent indirect hits on kamala (maybe because she and walz refuses to be their puppet). they can't stop the anti-establishment revolutions going on in canada and europe. whistleblowers are propping up all over the place. a whistleblower just revealed that the "machine" was spying on former democrat star tulsi gabbard (maybe so they can quickly orchestrate a "plane crash" or "accident" in case she became too popular). the machine failed badly in trying to turn mindanao into another syria when they sent their ISIS agents to marawi in 2017. they were not smart enough to know respect for elders is also very strong in the filipino muslim's spirit, which allowed the hostages to escape (and also there is no oil in mindanao). trump's assassin was "coincidentally" in a blackrock commercial just recently in 2023. blackrock is the financial arm of the "machine". 

what is happening in DAVAO right now is just another natural reaction or push back to the manipulations by the "machine". the protesters in davao won't even know or understand anything that i just wrote here.

(for more of my knowledge bombs, click the "ian's knowledge bombs" title at the top of this article and choose any article in the table of contents that piques your interest. for more on this issue, click the black-adam article.)

Tuesday, July 30, 2024

tramph is stoopid

tramph is stoopid because he does not know kristians don't really mind if anyone performs a play about a gey djisus or makes a mockery about the last sapper.

i just watched this video by alternatino about open borders and it was very funny and spot on. it shows tramph is stoopid because he is acting as if meksikan children are just as valuable as wayt children. the truth is that only wayt people are valuable. tramph does not know that it is ok for thousands of meksikan gerls entering the boarder to be reyped by the coyotes.

besides, only 1% of meksikan children entering the boarder are reyped. 1% is a very small number. that's like saying he won't ride an airplane if 1% of airplanes crash. 1% is a very small number. he is just offending the people in the airline industry because he is generalizing that all airplanes crash. maybe he is just trying to wake people up to take a look at what really is going on at the boarder. but there really is nothing bad happening at the boarder because only 1% of gerls entering the boarder are reyped and they are not wayt gerls.

if you want icecream for your brain, listen to people who agree with you. if you want bitter vegetables for your brain, search "ian's knowledge bombs" in the internet and click "you-are-maga" in the table of contents.

(for more of my knowledge bombs, click the "ian's knowledge bombs" banner at the top of this article and choose any article in the table of contents that piques your interest)

Monday, January 22, 2024

carpark sharing app


PIT SENYOR !!! the grand parade is over but the PARTY has just begun. loud speakers, dancing, and fireworks everywhere !!! in the above video, i was riding a motorbike. but i felt sorry for those who rode cars to the main events. i'm sure they thought they can just drive towards the event, park their car once the TRAFFIC gets too congested, and just walk the rest of the way. the problem is there were no more places to park, and they can't turn back because of the traffic. so they ended up getting TRAPPED in traffic for hours, only to MISS the event.

my suggestment is to create a map where destination ZONES are color coded. destination zones should include main event locations and all areas where people can watch the parade or procession. for each zone, mark places in the map where people can PARK their cars. residential and business owners can earn money by offering their parking spaces.

maybe we need to hire EXPERTS or traffic engineers similar to the late dr. primitivo cal, our dean in UP college who also architected the jeepney coding system which is unique only to cebu city.

a norwegian consulting firm who solves traffic problems all over the world told dr. cal that cebu city had the BEST public transportation system in the world. no other city even comes close. they used indicators such as walking distance from dooorstep to available transport vehicle, time it takes to wait, cost, safety, travel time, number of rides, then walking distance again to the final destination. that is why dr. cal was very much against government buses because jeepney drivers and tricycle drivers are much better than the government in "smelling" or predicting where the passengers will be at certain times. a UP professor who believed in free market capitalism? fake news !!! fake news !!!

i never believed the norwegian consultants until i was in singapore and i had to walk 15 minutes everyday from my airbnbn to the next bus stop, then usually had to wait another 10 minutes to catch the next bus. i was dreaming of habal-habal drivers, trisikads, and tricycles waiting near the airbnb i was staying at. I WISHED SINGAPORE was CEBU-LIKE.

the experts might designate the parking spaces around mango avenue and ramos as one of the many PARKING AREAS for a plaza independencia event. ramos to plaza independencia might seem far, but it's actually just a 40-minute WALK. at least it's much better than getting trapped in traffic for many hours, only to miss the event. not to mention the stress and anxiety. walking is very good exercise anyway. besides, long walks and enjoying the good vibes and small outdoor parties around the city are part of sinulog tradition. it will also increase the vendors and businesses that will benefit.

there are many ways to IMPLEMENT this idea. parking attendants can be stationed around the city to give advise to motorists on where they can park. we can use large colored flags to show the status of parking spaces from far away - green for available, red for full. parking attendants can coordinate with each other via text messaging or walkie-talkie.

we can even create an APP for this. i'm sure our country has lots of developers who can spit out these kinds of apps in their sleep (e.g. my golfing buddies louie tapayan, elmo nazareno, cloyd dedicatoria, and jeff llanto). the parking attendants can just update the status of parking spaces via the app and the motorists can use the app for directions to the nearest available parking space. this would make cebu city penang-like (penang is the silicon valley of the east).

you might suspect i'm trolling because of my attempts to inject humor in my writings and videos. but that's only because good journalism is boring. to verify my CREDENTIALS, search "ian's knowledge bombs" in the internet and click "tech-innovations-by-a-dummy" in the table of contents to read my amazing innovations and problem solving achievements.

there is a good chance this idea won't work. but just like in business, golf, and life in general, you don't need to get it right every time. i learned this from reading the weekly articles of businessman bunny pages in sunstar. what's important is you persevere and continue to take manageable RISKS. amazon is the most successful company in the world. but if you look at the list of their failures, you might think they are the biggest loser. they had a long list of failures such as amazon fire phone,, endless, askville, amazon destinations, auctions, a9 search engine, etc ...

the question now is, would it be a COSTLY failure for the city of cebu if the app does not help solve the problem? maybe not. because there is a good chance the developers will develop the app for free because they know that if it works, they can generalize it so it can be used for festivals and events all over the world (e.g. the carnaval in rio de janeiro). the app can make them very rich. if government pays them to make the app, then the rights to the app will belong to the government so they lose the chance to become insanely rich.

i'm not an expert in POLITICS. but i think people will support you more even if you fail because it shows you listen to others and you are only interested in solving problems.

the parking areas for motorbikes should be nearer to the destinations for obvious reasons. i also think it is politically beneficial if you are PRAGMATIC and show a sense of care towards motorbikers and less affluent citizens in general. this is why raffy tulfo is now a top presidential candidate.

(for more of my knowledge bombs, click the "ian's knowledge bombs" banner at the top of this article and choose any article in the table of contents that piques your interest)

Thursday, January 11, 2024

tucker is wrong about cramer

pro-maga pundit tucker carlson recently criticized anti-maga jim cramer's BUY/SELL calls on stocks. tucker is like criticizing michael jordan for missing 50% of his shots. showing examples of cramer's bad calls is like showing clips of michael jordan missing shots. in this article, i will explain why tucker is wrong. this article highlights the tendency of magas to be illogical and misinformed. if you wish to be informed, read my other article: it will blow your mind.

cramer is actually the best teacher when it comes to investing. deciding when to buy and sell a stock is just a small part of the investment game. the difficult part in investing is finding a THESIS. cramer taught me how to find a good investment thesis and how to trade around it. investing is not really a stock picking game. it's more of a thesis hunting game. but the most important thing cramer taught me is how to know when a thesis is broken and get out of a stock entirely.

if you are a cramer disciple like me, you will actually be HAPPY if a stock you just bought immediately goes DOWN after you bought it. keep in mind everything you know about a stock is PUBLIC. that means after you confirm your thesis is good, that means the entire world also knows about it. that means the big money has already been made and the stock will most likely be stuck in a trading range for a while. 

i did get in very early in the AI bull market but it was just dumb luck. i bought nvda at $19 (split adjusted) on april 21, 2022. i did not know anything about the AI revolution at that time. the market including cramer was recommending a sell on nvidia because the US government was banning sales of its high end chips to china. i went against the grain and considered it good news. i speculated that the ban means nvidia's TECHNOLOGY is SUPERIOR which means it will eventually dominate the US market and offset any loss from the china ban. luckily, i was correct.

but you don't need a stock to skyrocket to make lots of money. you can make lots of money even if a stock stays within a range by RANGE TRADING the ups and downs. that's why cramer always tells you to first buy 1/4 of your intended position and buy some more as it goes down. so if you buy only 1/4 of your intended position and the stock immediately DOUBLES and gets stuck there for a very long time, you really didn't make that much money. but if the stock keeps going down and up within a range, then you make lots of money. that's why you should be happy if the stock you just bought goes down immediately. tucker does not know what he is talking about when he says most of cramer's buy recommendations goes down.

i usually have around a dozen theses. a thesis is like a life of a person. there really is no such thing as a correct or wrong thesis. they differ in QUALITY of LIFE. it's very difficult to know if your thesis is broken. usually, the stocks are already down 50% before you realize your thesis is broken and need to get out entirely. remember everything you know is public. so by the time you are convinced your thesis is broken, the stocks have already been crushed. but i never have to worry because i'm still making lots of money from my other theses. in investing, you don't need to be correct all the time. you just have to be correct most of the time

even if a thesis is BROKEN, it's very possible that you already made enough money trading the ups and downs. i think there was just 1 thesis where i did not make money. that was the renewable energy thesis in early 2010's. but i did not lose that much because i already made enough money range trading the stocks for 2 years.

my most important advice is to NEVER range TRADE a SPECULATIVE stock. speculatives are usually small companies with no profit. a speculative can be part of a thesis but you should only buy ONCE. never buy again if it goes down. if it goes to zero, let it go to zero. i never care if my speculative stock goes to zero because it's just 1% of my portfolio. however, you should always sell half every time a speculative stock doubles (it's called playing with house money).

investing is actually easy. just read my blog article: i haven't updated my investing blog in quite a while but the following are my theses that are still alive:

- AI (nvda, avgo, arm)
- glp-1/diabetes (lly)
- cancer (azn, mrna (speculative))
- medical devices (ew, isrg, geh)
- tik tok ban (meta)
- gig economy (abnb, uber, lyft)
- ecommerce (amzn, ebay, fdx, xpo, pld)
- cloud (goog, msft, crm)
- cashless society (v, ma) avoid fintech and paypal because too much competition
- 5G (aapl, vz, tmus, avgo, swks,amt, cci, mrvl)
- humanization of pets (zts, idexx, avoid pet stores and pet foods because they have no moat)
- oil and coal downtrend (fslr, alb, tsla, pcrfy)
- cybersecurity (panw, crwd)
- protein (tsn, cmg, wing)
- water (awk)
- legalization of marijuana (smg)
- life is short travel/leisure (ba,rcl,bkng,nclh,fun)
- dying movie theaters (nflx)
- filipino resiliency (ephe)

the following are my BROKEN theses:

- coffee the legal drug (sbux) too much competition
- work from home (logi, docu, zoom)
- lng (lng) - get back in if trump wins
- warmongers (lmt, rtx) get back in if trump loses
- in-flight wifi (gogo)
- covid vaccines (pfe)
- programmable chips (xlnx, altr) not broken but no more pure play because xlnx was bought by amd and altra was bought by intc)

most of tucker's videos are awesome but his video about cramer is GARBAGE. this is why i feel sorry for podcasters, talk show hosts, and vloggers. they need to keep putting out stuff but there's really not much new stuff to put out there. so they usually end up being redundant and scavenging for scraps. they may be rich and famous but we all know that is not really important in life. same with musicians and film makers. the world has already ran out of new ideas. everything is just recycled. i actually feel more lucky because i never run out of exciting ideas to help mankind. my only problem is i don't have enough time to implement them all. cramer is also lucky because market dynamics are always changing so there are always tons of exciting new stuff for him to talk about.

if i'm always outperforming the big fund managers, why can't i be a fund manager and earn millions without risking my own money? because it's like me outperforming CONTAINER SHIP captain paca because i can turn my JETSKI around in 3 seconds while it takes 30 minutes for captain paca to turn his ship around. it's true i'm outperforming captain paca but i'm just riding a jet ski while captain paca is carrying tons and tons of goods. 

fund managers are SUPER SMART. they belong to a different league. i'm just like a parasite feeding of their very predictable moves. big fund managers cannot follow my strategy of range trading the small ups and downs because their trades have to be HUGE. example, if they want to include apple in their portfolio, it would take many days or even months to establish a position. that's because everytime you buy, there has to be a seller. and everytime you sell, there has to be a buyer. so if a big fund manager buys all at once, it will move apple's stock 10%. but if they are following my strategy of range trading the 5% ups and downs, the fund manager will end up losing money. 

also note that if you are buying apple, that means something good is happening to apple. and if something good is happening to apple, there won't be ENOUGH SELLERS. if you are managing a $500 million fund and you only buy $10k worth of apple, it would be useles. even if apple quadruples, your fund will only grow 0.01%. your clients are better off parking their money in US treasuries which are guaranteed to make 4% per year.

that is why i can't take money from friends who want me to play their money in the stock market. the more money i manage, the less i perform because i would need to BUY at prices HIGHER than the market price, and i would need to SELL at prices LOWER than the market price. 

also note that even if i make 20% a year and a big fund manager only makes 10%, the fund manager actually outperformed me. that's because stocks are only 25% of my net worth. because i'm dumb, i have to play it safe and DIVERSIFY across all asset classes. this means a 20% growth in my stock portfolio is only just a 5% growth in my overall networth.

the question now is, why won't many individual investors follow my strategy? actually i learned my strategy from jim cramer so i'm sure many individual investors are also using the same strategy. so then you might ask, isn't a CROWDED TRADE always a bad trade? the term "crowded" is relative. the number of investors using my strategy is still very tiny relative to the overall market. however, as more and more people follow my strategy, my strategy becomes less and less effective because my trades will become more and more crowded. 

but i don't think my strategy will ever become crowded because my situaion is very RARE. if you read the biographical articles in my blog, you will know i made my wealth from dumb luck. if i'm really talented, i would still be working right now so i won't have time to range trade. most people who retire early would have a nest egg that is too big to follow my strategy. if they limit their stock portfolio to let's say only 5% of their nest egg so that they can effectively follow my strategy, then it won't be worth their time because a 20% increase would only translate to a 1% increase in their nest egg. 

for the few who are in the same situation as me, most likely they won't have the discipline to follow my strategy. my strategy is actually very BORING. it's like watching hair grow. most people would rather play heavily in speculatives or do options trading. that's like gambling at the casino. as i said in my article "investing for dummies", whenever a successful trade makes me celebrate, that means i'm being too risky. i need to lighten up my trades or else i could end up getting hurt. my motto is "be boring".

(for more of my knowledge bombs, click the "ian's knowledge bombs" banner at the top of this article and choose any article in the table of contents that piques your interest)

jo koy has nothing to be ashamed of

golden globes did exactly what ricky gervais told them to do last year. although they are angry at ricky gervais. this just shows that if you tell people what they need to hear, they will hate you, especially if you turn out to be correct. as the saying goes - if you care about others, tell people what they need to hear. if you CARE ABOUT YOURSELF, tell people what they want to hear. that's a mark of a true leader. if you are a leader and at the end of your term everyone hates you, that means you have done a good job.

this is what jo koy should be saying to those mocking him for his poor performance in the golden globes:

"what was i suppose to do? turn down the offer because i'm not an A-list talent? if you need someone to mock, you should be mocking the conceit and arrogance of the hollywood elites.

the reason why i was chosen to host the golden globes was because nobody else wanted the gig. the reason nobody wanted the gig was because ricky gervais scolded and humiliated the hollywood elites last year. the elites are smart enough to be aware of michael jordan's "republicans buy nike too" mantra. the problem is their arrogance and conceit made it impossible for them to accept that millions of people disagree with their political views. so they became delusional and assumed it had to be the second coming of hitler, which made them believe it was justifyiable to throw michael jordan's mantra out of the window.

i am always grateful that i was blessed with talent which gave me the honor to entertain millions of my fans, earn millions of dollars and give economic security to my love ones. to those mocking me for my poor performance, don't you know there are hundreds of millions of people out there toiling in factories, farms, and construction sites just so that their family will have something to eat? if any of them are given the opportunity to host the golden globes, do you honestly think they would turn down the income opportunity of a lifetime that could send their kids to college? do you think they would care about the negative reviews afterwards? instead, you should be mocking the golden globes and hollywood elites and congratulating the factory worker for practically winning the lottery.

in every industry and profession, there are always levels of competence, talent or abilities. am i suppose to be bitter and unhappy that i am not a top talent? or should i just be grateful i have millions of fans who consider me funny? if i cannot meet your standards, i say good for you. but is it a bad thing that there many different human beings with different standards? robin williams was a top talent and i'm sure he would have gave a historic performance if he was the one hosting the golden globes. robin williams had very high standards. he even married the very beautiful cousin of ian crystal's aunt dr. luz torralba from bohol. but where is robin williams now? why did he commit suicide? meanwhile, search in youtube "vice ganda" and look how happy her low standard fans are.

the golden globes is just entertainment. it's not important. meanwhile, the current leader of the free world whose decisions affect the lives of billions of people cannot even complete a sentence and you are ok with that? shame on you people."

jo koy's performance met the standards and expectations of his fans. i personally enjoyed jo koy's performance and thought his jokes were funny. mocking jo koy is as stupid as mocking a construction laborer for not being as smart as an engineer. i remember we filipinos used to be huge fans of local basketball stars named samboy lim and jojo lastimosa. if they played 1 game in the NBA, we would have been so proud and excited to see them play even if they won't score any points.

there is absolutely nothing wrong with people having different standards. mocking jo koy's fans and vice ganda's fans for not having the highest standards is like mocking a soccer mom who celebrates when her 7 year old son scores a goal. it would have been stupid for jo koy to not accept a gig where he gets paid a lot of money for doing something where nobody will get hurt no matter how bad he performs. if jo koy did not accept the job, i would be mocking jo koy for throwing away the opportunity to make filipinos proud and throwing away money that could contribute to the economic security of his love ones. i reviewed the history of top youtubers mocking jo koy, and many of them never mocked or condemned the current leader of the free world who accepted the job even if he knew he is too old for the job. even if he knew his decisions can affect the lives of millions of people, and there are many candidates in his own party like TULSI GABBARD who can do a much better job and would have prevented the carnage going on right now in ukraine and middle east. you also can't blame or mock the golden globes for hiring jo koy because they did try to hire A-list talents. the reason why the A-list talents declined is because hollywood was humiliated last year when ricky gervais exposed them for being hypocrytes in the past award shows. jo koy's hiring is just a ripple effect to the hollywood elites tolerating and being dear friends with the monster harvey weinstein, who they all knew was sexually harassing women for decades. they were also supporting corporations that are guilty of immoral labor practices abroad. yet, they had the nerve to belittled the political views of many americans who just wanted to stop useless wars that is bunkrapting the nation and resulted in hundreds of thousands of deaths and sufferings, including thousands of our very own men and women in the armed forces. the job of the golden globes host is to make jokes, but how can a hollywood elite perform jokes in front of the world when they know that they themselves are currently the butt of the jokes worldwide? they already know that people have woken up and opened their eyes to the hypocrisy of the hollywood elites. jo koy delivered a very good performance considering his talent level and the amount of time he was given to prepare. if anyone deserves to be mocked, it's the hollywood elites and those mocking jo koy.

(for more of my knowledge bombs, click the "ian's knowledge bombs" banner at the top of this article and choose any article in the table of contents that piques your interest)

Saturday, October 14, 2023

you are maga

update 8/17/24:

(udpate to my blog article "you are maga") here's why i think kamala will beat trump by a LANDSLIDE. both the democrat and republican parties have an ESTABLISHMENT faction and anti-establishment faction. bush, clinton, obama, mccain, romney, and biden all belong to the establishment factions and are puppets of the evil warmongers. they essentially belong to the same team. notice BERNIE SANDERS is anti-establishment. he is even against open borders because open borders is really a republican koch brothers policy designed to enrich the establishment donors at the expense of low skilled american workers. bernies sanders is essentially MAGA. anne coulter, one of the most infuential maga, even said she will vote for bernie sanders in 2020 because trump failed to build the wall. note that joe rogan has also been a supporter of bernie. also recall the fox news townhall meeting where the maga audience were shockingly cheering for bernie sanders. the democrats recently admitted that they RIGGED the 2016 primary against bernie sanders. bernie would have won the primary against hillary. this shows that the anti-establishment wing of the democratic party is the majority. why in the world would they want hillary who was clearly less popular than bernie? i really believed TRUMP would eventually become a puppet of the evil warmongers. but the facts clearly showed i was wrong. even if trump loses the election, it's amazing how he got this far with the mainstream media, big tech, and the deep state working non-stop to take him down since 2015. i think the main reason why trump has gotten this far is that he was always going up against an establishment candidate. establishment candidates are actually very unpopular. the only reason why they win is because of mainstream media and deep state propaganda. i don't think trump is personally against the establishment. he is just a businessman. he saw the opportunity before everyone did. what kept him going was that he was confident he has a chance to win as long as he is going up against an establishment candidate. notice in the beginning ron desantis was ahead of trump in the polls. but as soon as the voters realized desantis was just another establishment candidate, his rating suddenly crashed. the reason why kamala is beating trump is simply because kamala is NOT an ESTABLISHMENT candidate. i don't think kamala will become a puppet of the evil warmongers. first of all, she was picked as VP just to check the DEI boxes. the evil warmongers did not expect biden would be a zombie before the 2024 elections. notice when biden was showing signs of rapid cognitive decline, the media kept showing polls that kamala had a lower approval rating than biden. at the same time, the media was desperately trying to prop up gavin newsome. when biden dropped out, it took a while for obama to endorse kamala because they were still trying to see if they can replace biden with an establishment puppet. kamala's candidacy is a huge blow to the establishment. now they have no choice but to support kamala. but be on a lookout for any SABOTAGE by the mainstream media and deep state. they want her to win against trump, but they also don't want her to be a popular or successful president. experts say it's really not that hard for any american president to achieve world peace and make america great again. the challenge is maneuvering around the corrupt establishment and evil warmongers. i watched a richard nixon interview where he exposed the establishment machine. he said the reason why the establishment in DC took him down was that he was trying to pursue world peace. what really blows my mind is that nixon was replaced by someone who was NEVER ELECTED. president ford never won any election. he was just appointed. btw my mom used to work as a medical transcriptionist and she once transcribed for president ford.

i'm praying kamala harris will be our next president. i can hire the undocumented migrants that just crossed the border for my RCFE (nursing home) business. that would be a windfall of profit for me because they are happy with a much lower wage compared to legal employees. also less headache for me because no need to process w2s and complying the mountain of bureaucratic regulations. if trump is president, i would literally go to jail if i do that. if kamala is president, i would be considered a hero for helping the migrants.

my SECION 8 rental business would also be safe. when trump was president, section 8 funding was cut so i had to go through the headache of finding renters and collecting rent. i did not have any income for 5 months because i wasn't able to find renters. i got a renter only after i lowered the rent which was much smaller than the section 8 rent. with section 8, the government does everything for me and the money will magically appear in my bank account every month.

but i'm not really angry at TRUMP because he is actually the GOOD GUY. i was wondering how my section 8 tenant got free housing even if he was young and healthy. he told me he had adhd which i'm sure was not true. after section 8 funding was cut, the screening process became stricter and you can't abuse the system anymore. magas are not really against welfare programs. they are just against abuse of welfare programs. government overspending is not good for the future generations especially with our out of control debt and budget deficit, that's why i'm also setting up our family corporation and estate in the philippines such that when my nieces and nephews are 50 years old, they will be economically secure no matter what.
if you want icecream for your brain, listen to those who agree with you. if you want bitter vegetables for your brain, search "ian's knowledge bombs" and click "you-are-maga" in the table of contents.

update 8/13/24:

kamala harris is now leading the polls and is poised to win by a LANDSLIDE. this is bad news for the evil war mongers. but it's the best the warmongers can hope for because they think they have a bigger chance flipping kamala to their side. the puppets of the warmongers obama and pelosi tried their best to replace the entire biden-harris ticket but failed. it would also be easier to assassinate kamala if she does not do what they say because it won't result in a civil war.

kamala's rise in the polls proves my theories. i've been saying all along that we are all maga and the only way to beat trump is to adopt his COMMON SENSE policies. that's exactly what kamala is doing right now. but the common sense policies will hurt the pockets of the evil warmongers that's why biden never adopted trump's policies. the arguments the democrats were giving were just plain stupid. it's as if they were saying we should not brush our teeth because hitler brushed his teeth therefore brushing our teeth would mean we support hitler.

it's too early to tell, but i don't think tim walz is a PUPPET of the evil warmongers. he refused to be deployed to iraq when he was a national guard because he was against the war. 

my only concern with kamala and walz is COMPETENCE. but as long as they have good advisers, it would be better than having a president who is very competent but does not have the best advisers. as i keep saying in my blog articles, there really is no difference between having a monkey as president and a smart person as president as long as the advisers are good. you don't need to be smart to pick good advisers. 

the problem with the biden presidency is that their advisers are operatives of the evil warmongers. experts are saying it's not really that hard to negotiate with the NUCLEAR POWERS to achieve FRIENDLIER relations but the powerful evil warmongers are doing their best to prevent those common sense negotiations. let's hope a harris-walz presidency would be as effective as trump was in maneuvering around the deep state and in taking giant steps towards world peace.


if you are anti-maga, just go through each of the FACTS in this article and tell yourself if you agree with them or not. note that most of the facts in this article are from anti-maga outlets such as CNN and new york times. then try to figure out the logical flaw in my OPINIONS. i know it's something you don't want to do. but going to school was also something you did not want to do. imagine what you would be right now if you did not go to school.

an anti-maga was asked if he will DONATE his house to the poor. he said yes. he was also asked if he will donate his car to the poor. he said yes. then he was asked if he will donate his chicken to feed the poor. he said no. when asked why, the anti-maga said, "because i don't have a house and car but i have a chicken". ask yourself the last time you donated half of your hard earned money to the poor? do you want to donate half of your hard earned money to help the needy? if the answer is no, then you are basically angry at magas for not wanting to do something you also don't want to do.

most of us are magas by nature. the difference is pro-magas VOTE according to who they are while anti-magas vote according to who they want to be. no human is perfect. we all have imperfections. another difference is anti-magas don't want to ADMIT their imperfections, while pro-magas accept their imperfections. it is perfectly fine to vote for biden and celebrate if biden wins even if deep inside you know you are maga. just like i enjoy eating meat even if i know it's wrong. just like a person smoking a cigarette even if he/she knows it's wrong. but it won't do you good if you go around telling people that smoking is good. accepting your imperfections that are out of your control is the KEY to HAPPINESS.

while i was eating steak during lunch, my vegetarian co-worker told me eating meat is evil because there are already plant based alternatives. i told him that i agree with him. he told me i have no moral values because i still enjoy eating meat even if i know it is wrong. i told him MORALITY is USELESS in the real world. if an invading army is raping my wife and daughter, i'm not going to laugh at the rapists and say, "haha the joke is on you because you are the bad guys and we are the good guys". when you say "rape is immoral", what you really mean is you don't want your daughter to be raped. we want thieves to go to jail because we don't want to get robbed. that's more self interest than morality. morality only becomes useful if there is a God who punishes those who are immoral. but my co-worker was an atheist.

the IRONY is that it's the anti-magas who mock RELIGIOUS people. i see many anti-maga podcasts in youtube making fun of religious people not knowing that there are so many anti-magas who are very religious. they are self destructing and alienating their own teammates. even if an anti-maga is not religious, there's a good chance his/her parents are very religious and anti-abortion. so the anti-magas in youtube are mocking their parents for believing on something that has no scientific proof.

the anti-maga pundits are also making it a CRIME to practice strong FAMILY VALUES. meanwhile, the conservatives are failing to point out that many careers only become possible or lucrative in a good economy. but the world economy will collapse if humans don't produce enough babies. even if population is growing, society will still collapse if the children don't get good parenting. why not just attack trump for his anti-christian behavior and immorality in the past? why did the anti-magas demonize the kansas city chiefs kicker who preached about family christian values in a graduation speech at a christian school? do they not know that many in the democratic party are devoted christians with strong family values? anti-maga bill maher said it best:

religion is part of HUMAN NATURE. only 7% of the world's population is atheist or agnostic. i think this is one of the reasons why more and more anti-magas are realizing they are maga. more and more blacks and hispanics are voting maga because the anti-magas keep mocking their christian faith. the black coach of the world champion celtics who is a very devoted christian was recently asked a race based question. he silenced the room when he said he only cares if a coach is christian or not, not the skin color.

on second thought, maybe we don't need strong family values because the government can just collect sperm and egg donations and grow children in a lab. they can even CONTROL the rate of POPULATION growth and dictate the genetic pie chart based on the forecasted needs of society. example, if we need less engineers and lots of laborers they simply produce lots of babies from the laborer donors and less babies from engineer donors. the government can hire social workers and psychologists that would raise the children. it would be ok for biden to smell the hair of these children be these children are like lab rats with no loving parents.

even if trump wins, i think magas will lose. trump may be rising in the polls but the EVIL WARMONGERS are WINNING the chess game against the magas. the puppets of the evil warmongers in fox news are emphasizing the economy, border, and crime as the reasons to vote for trump. but the reality is that the economy is just a cycle that the president has little control over. trump is just lucky he is always at the right place at the right time. the issues related to border and crime can be solved by reversing the woke policies with a stroke of a pen. the woke policies were just designed to fuel the culture war, divide the country, and divert peoples attention away from the biggest issue.

the biggest issue is the $TRILLIONS WASTED and millions of DEATHS and sufferings due to the manufactured and unnecessary WARS orchestrated by the evil warmongers in the republican and democratic party. this issue dwarfs all other issues. fox news is a TROJAN HORSE that is currently using the minor maga objectives to drown out the core maga objective.

when hollywood celebrities started eating bugs, i felt it was another ploy to trigger the magas and make americans fight like chickens in a COCKFIGHT. the sudden striking down of roe-v-wade out of the blue also seems to me it was a ploy to trigger the anti-magas. these ploys allow the evil warmongers to continue their corruption unnoticed. the good elements of the pro-magas and anti-magas should stop falling for these divide and conquer schemes and be laser focused on stopping the deep state from running amok. imagine how embarrassed the hollywood celebrities would be if we start asking the celebrities, "how much are the evil warmongers paying you to eat bugs so that magas will be triggered and we start fighting like chickens in a cock fight so that they can continue their $trillions worth of corruption?".

magas have no intention of eliminating the evil warmongers. the evil warmongers are our most IMPORTANT TEAMMATES. they are like the center position in a basketball team. we are actually very lucky that our evil warmongers are the best in the world when it comes to protecting a country. the problem is right now, they are also the point guard and forward. dwight eisenhower's fears came true.

when trump entered the political arena, i never understood why anyone would support him. even until now, i think his crusade to have obama produce his BIRTH CERTIFICATE was silly. i don't think anyone should care if a president was born on mars as long as he/she is doing a good job. i also realized that obama was just as silly as trump for not immediately taking the high road. i thought it was strange that obama was taking too long to produce his birth certificate. now that we know obama is just a PUPPET of the evil warmongers, i suspect the warmongers used the opportunity to add to their many schemes to divide the country and divert people's attention away from their $trillions in corruption via manufactured and unnecessary wars that was causing millions of DEATHS and SUFFERINGS. you have to be an idiot to think trump's mean tweets is a bigger issue compared to the millions of deaths and sufferings due to unnecessary wars, not to mention the domino effects such as the out of control national debt and budget deficit. this is when i realized that we are all maga.

the mainstream media puppets of the evil warmongers (e.g. cnn and msnbc) demonize maga as being greedy and not wanting the government to assist the poor. but after doing lots of research, i realized it's just propaganda. the reality is maga and the tea party movement just wants the budget balanced and the NATIONAL DEBT controlled. i realized the evil warmongers and their mainstream media puppets are really the biggest HINDRANCE to the common sense welfare programs because these programs need money. the trillions wasted on unnecessary and manufactured wars could have been used for common sense welfare programs. i now realize maga is really just a synonym for common sense.

i still feel trump's personality is unfit for the presidency. i also know many hardcore magas who agree that trump is DISGUSTING. i don't think magas really love trump. i think magas are just using trump as a tool to achieve their goals. anyone with common sense would allow a convicted thief to stop a rapist from raping their daughter. trump was booed by the maga crowd during a rally speech when he was advocating for the covid vaccines. this means trump is not really a maga leader who brainwashes his maga supporters. cnn was gloating when the maga crowd booed trump, not aware it was destroying their "magas are brainwashed by trump" and "trump is an anti-vaxxer" narrative.

having a bad person as a HERO is not something new. george washington was a slave owner so logically he is way way more evil than trump. yet george washington is one of the greatest heroes of america. many anti-trumps and anti-magas are devoted catholics even if the catholic church tortured gay people for 200 years.

trump is just an OPPORTUNIST hoisting the maga flag to take advantage of the fact that people are starting to WAKE UP and realize that clinton, bush, obama, mccain, biden and romney all belong to the same team. the venerable democrat tulsi gabbard and highly reputable and respected LEFTIST/anti-trump journalists such as glenn greenwald and matt taibbi are saying that the establishment democrats and republicans are just puppets of the evil warmongers. they say that the democrat vs republican battles and CULTURE WARS are just manufactured FAKE theater meant to divert people away from the corruption of the power elites. the majority of americans actually agree on most issues. those who agree that biological men should be allowed in girls bathrooms and compete in women's sports are actually a tiny minority. if you don't think biological men should be allowed in girls bathrooms and compete in women's sports, then you are maga.

tulsi gabbard was vice-chair of the democratic national committee and was a member of the foreign affairs and armed services committee. she served 2 tours of duty in iraq. she is obviously a hero and a patriot. the things she say are legitimate insider information. she is not some whack job spewing conspiracies. many across the political spectrum highly respect her. magas love heroes and patriots that is why she was a FRONTRUNNER in trump's pick for VP. however, the DISGUSTING puppets of the evil warmongers in the mainstream MEDIA demonized tulsi by saying she is an agent of russia. keep in mind tulsi was a democrat when she was demonized by the anti-trump mainstream media. fortunately, the vast majority across the political spectrum are waking up and that's why the media arm of the evil establishment such as cnn and msnbc are collapsing. fox news suffered a 20% drop in viewership after they fired tucker carlson who is a hardcore maga.

tulsi and tucker are on opposite sides in most issues but they recently have been TEAMING UP to stop the evil warmongers in the republican and democratic party from destroying america and the world. this viral video of anti-trump leftists basically making fun of trump's enemies says it all: NYTimes' Bari Weiss Melts Down On Joe Rogan's Show!. also watch this: Krystal Ball Shuts Down Tulsi Smear In Real Time. keep in mind the folks in the video supporting tulsi are anti-trump leftists. they are not fox news talking heads. if REPUTABLE pundits across the entire political spectrum are mocking and condemning trump's enemies, that means trump's enemies are really bad people.

unless you are an idiot, you have to agree that even the WORST PRESIDENTS would still do a few things that are good. if you believe trump is a bad person with many bad policies and too few good POLICIES, why not vote for a good person with many good policies? tulsi is basically that person. anti-magas don't really oppose tulsi's policies. the reason why anti-magas hate tulsi is because she included a few good policies of trump, even if those policies make so much sense. no matter how i look at it, it's really the anti-magas who are self-destructive and crazy. it's like hitler saying 1+1=2 so in the math test you answer 1+1=3 because you don't want to be a hitler supporter. it's like learning hitler brushes his teeth so you stop brushing your teeth and let your teeth decay because you think brushing your teeth means you support hitler.

if you watch a hitler movie, you might think that for sure you would be a SCHINDLER if you lived in germany at that time. but keep in mind germans are smart and decent people, yet millions of them still became nazis. so it's possible that being anti-maga is like being a nazi in ww2. trump wants everyone to own guns and have more freedom which is the opposite of what hitler wanted. trump wants world peace which is the opposite of what hitler wanted. if i was living in the south during the american civil war, i would have believed all the propaganda against abraham lincoln and i would have believed he was evil. fortunately, nowadays we can easily verify in the internet if something is true or not, and this is what this article is all about.

when trump insulted the vietnam war hero senator john mccain, i thought trump was a disgusting lunatic who deserves to be in a mental hospital. but then i learned mccain is a notorious warmonger who always defended the interests of the arms dealers and oil sheikhs. mccain is partly responsible for the thousands of UNNECESSARY DEATHS and sufferings in UKRAINE. the following is a video of mccain instigating the overthrow of a democratically elected president. i used to live in ukraine so i know there really is no difference between having a russian puppet as their president and a president aligned with the west. it's like choosing if a local person or a foreigner gets to rape your daughter. we now know after the fact that mccain was just gaslighting the world when he said putin needs to be stopped in ukraine before he invades other countries. we now know that russia cannot even occupy kiev. russia can successfully invade and occupy an area of ukraine only if the majority in that area wants to be part of russia. if putin occupies an area where the majority wants to be part of russia, isn't that democracy?

jeffrey sachs is a geo-political EXPERT, economics professor at columbia university, bestselling author and UN advisor. he is anti-trump but in the following video, he says biden has destroyed ukraine and is partly responsible for the half million ukrainian deaths: Jeffrey Sachs: Biden Has DESTROYED Ukraine, More Funding Would Be INSANE

trump's success is not because he is smart. most of trump's policies are just COMMON SENSE. you don't need to be smart to realize that the most important issues facing america are the trillions wasted on wars and corruption, the national debt, budget deficit, rising crime and unsecure border. people don't really hate trump's policies. they just hate trump. trump's enemies have to be super smart because they need to figure out a way to convince more than half of the US population that trump's mean tweets is a bigger issue compared to the trillions wasted on wars and corruption, the national debit, budget deficit, rising crime, and unsecure border.

experts say that PEACE in the MIDDLE EAST is actually easy to achieve. the challenge is to maneuver around the very powerful evil warmongers in the republican and democrat establishment. the abraham accord between israel and the saudies that trump brilliantly maneuvered is a historic big step in bringing peace in the middle east. here's a CNN report saying trump is unpredictable and impulsive because he did not consult his national security team when he ordered the withdrawal from afghanistan. but anyone with common sense would figure out that trump was just being smart for suspecting that the members of his national security team could be puppets of the evil warmongers.

i think the only reason why biden followed up on TRUMP'S ORDER to withdraw from afghanistan was because it would be a every damaging optic if the left would be angry at him for not following up on trump's order. that would make trump clearly the good guy. i think anyone with a high school degree would have orchestrated a smooth withdrawal. i think the catastrophic withdrawal was deliberately orchestrated by the evil warmongers to punish biden for following up on trump's order.

when i was working in silicon valley, i was having lunch with the SMARTEST PEOPLE in the world. they were graduates from top schools such as mit, berkeley, cornell, carnegie melon, etc... they were praising bill clinton and mocking george bush. i asked them what clinton did that bush would not have done, and what bush did that clinton would not have done? nobody was able to give an answer. ever since then, i would use the same tactic to easily embarrass and burn anyone DEBATING any presidential election. obamacare was just another antidote to prevent universal healthcare. every president had different approaches but the goal was the same - to prevent universal healthcare.

but now, i can't use the same tactic anymore because trump has done many good things that no other president would have done. he is the only US president who did not start any war. before i learned the facts that i'm writing in this article, i believed anyone who supported trump has poor judgement. it was obvious from his behavior that he was unhinged and he was dangerous for the world. as it turns out, the russian pee tape was just a hoax and there was no evidence to the blatant lie that he was a russian asset. instead there is very strong evidence that trump made significant strides to bring us closer to WORLD PEACE. trump even tried to befriend the north korean leader. he would have been successful but china did not allow it. while obama and biden wants to punish julian assange, trump is considering pardoning him. even elon musk, who obviously has no shortage of good judgement, now says he won't vote for biden. not voting for biden is an indirect way of supporting trump. 70% of tesla buyers are democrats. elon musk is willing to lose billions in tesla sales because he knows the biggest issue is deaths and sufferings due to the unnecessary wars.

even if you live in the philippines, you should be praying trump wins. julian assange's WIKILEAKS files have exposed what the evil warmongers are capable of. i have a strong feeling those foreign ISIS fighters who suddenly appeared in marawi were orchestrated by the CIA. if mindanao turns into a mini syria, it would be very profitable for the arms dealers. luckily, respect for elders is too strong a filipino value to be brainwashed out of the radicalized muslim youths. just watch the following video:

luckily, the soldiers in the 1986 EDSA revolution were smart enough to know it was useless to shoot at each other. they knew there won't be a difference no matter who is in power. or else we would have become syria. but once billions of dollars worth of OIL and GAS starts flowing out of the west philippine sea (wps), things could be different. the evil warmongers can easily seduce a few colonels in the military to get a small piece of the pie and next thing you know all hell breaks lose. splinter groups in the military will have a huge stake to fight for. this is probably far fetched. although being rich in oil is usually more of a curse than a blessing, it has not happened to indonesia, whose people have a similar temperament than filipinos. i'm also confident that BBM won't be manipulated by the evil warmongers into crossing some red lines with china. but my worries would be more far fetched if the evil warmongers lose the election. unfortunately, the evil warmongers are TRUMP'S ENEMIES so it's difficult to hope they will lose.

just recently, biden is starting to follow trump's policies regarding the BORDER because his handlers finally realize that being maga is just basic human nature. before that, biden's handlers tried to deceive the americans by passing a bill that is supposed to secure the border but they also added lots of other items in the bill that they know magas would never accept. so when the magas in congress turn down the bill, they can say that it's the magas who are not interested in securing the border. they quickly realized that americans cannot be easily deceived and their deception only caused trump to rise in the polls. americans know that there are executive orders biden can issue without the approval from congress that will solve the border crisis. because trump did it successfully. even if biden will simply re-instate trump's executive orders that he rescinded, it would be enough to solve the border crisis. americans are aware of this. that's why trump is rising in the polls.

magas come in different flavors. i disagree with other magas who want to deport hardworking ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS who've been paying taxes. but democrats are also hardcore magas because obama was the deporter in chief. the children in cages photo were even taken during his administration. i used to have golfing and basketball buddies who were illegal immigrants. we celebrated when obama won and the democrats controlled congress and senate because there was no stopping them from giving amnesty to illegals. but the democrats never did anything to give amnesty to illegals. the following is a video of obama showing he is maga. although i think obama was just following marching orders from his evil warmonger bosses. at that time, it was the republican farm owners who lobbied for unsecure borders to get cheap labor. so the evil warmongers used it as an opportunity to divide the country and ordered their puppet obama to fight for a secure border:

even trump's arch rival during the pandemic, governor andrew cuomo, now realizes he is maga:

the democrat governor and mayor of new york also realize they too are maga:

i believe that CLIMATE CHANGE is the biggest issue threatening mankind. you might think anti-magas care about climate change. but why are the anti-magas demonizing elon musk, who is by far the biggest contributor to solving the climate change? anti-magas claim that magas are science deniers for not supporting biden's renewable energy policy. however, there is now consensus among the scientific community that NUCLEAR ENERGY is the SAFEST and FASTEST way to solve climate change. carbon capture, desert greening, and mass planting of trees are also feasible. but the anti-magas are not pushing for nuclear energy and other feasible solutions. 

as it turns out, biden's renewable energy policy was pushed by DONORS and lobbyists of the renewable energy industry. although nuclear energy is part of every president's energy program, the biden administration is not making it the major solution to climate change. that's because nuclear power is very efficient so there's not much money to be made in the industry. a nuclear powered aircraft carrier can go 50 years without refueling. as it turns out, trump is a bigger supporter of nuclear energy compared to biden:

elon musk condemned trump when trump pulled out from the PARIS climate ACCORDS. now, elon musk agrees with trump that the solutions being pushed by the power elites to address climate change makes the problem worse. germans have been collecting firewood for heating because gas prices have gotten too expensive. france's fuel tax resulted in the violent yellow vest protest that lasted for 1 year and 4 months. french people realized they too are maga.

argentinians also realized they are maga so they elected MILEI, the argentinian trump. anti-magas thought milei was an idiot like trump but now experts are surprised milei produced the first fiscal surplus in recent history and is slowing down inflation:

milei reminds me when trump scolded the europeans by saying something like "what's the purpose of america spending lots of money to protect you guys when you will just pursue policies that would make our enemy putin richer?". he told the europeans to buy lng from america instead of natgas from russia. the holier than thou oxford educated elites of europe ridiculed trump's LOW INTELECT. now, it is proven that trump was right after all. i agree trump is a low intellect but as it turns out, foreign policy is really not complicated. 

every group have bad apples. just like there are pedophile priests and democrats who are communists, of course there are RACIST magas. cnn tries to portray trump as a neo-nazi. but cnn has an article about trump condemning the kkk. cnn was even gloating when the kkk fired back and condemned trump. which confused me because why would cnn be gloating over something that destroyes their narrative? maga leader marjorie taylor green also disavowed white nationalists. people are starting to wake up and notice the blatant lies against trump. michael rapaport, a long time trump critic, is angry he was blatantly misled to believe trump was a white nationalist:

the bad apples in anti-maga are the socialists and crazy woke who wants biological men to compete in women's sports and enter girl's bathrooms. the difference is the leaders of the anti-maga never denounce their bad apples. the anti-maga leaders even PANDER to their bad apples. the anti-magas even ELECT socialists to congress. on the other hand, the pro-maga leaders DENOUNCE their bad apples. if you are anti-socialist, you are maga.

the puppets of the evil warmongers in the mainstream media also try to portray magas as MISOGYNISTS, even if many prominent maga leaders are women, such as candace owens and marjorie taylor green. the leader of maga europe is le pen, who is a woman. a maga wave is spreading across europe because europeans are starting to realize they too are maga.

as it turns out, it's the anti-magas in hollywood who tolerated the misogynist monster harvey weinstein for decades even if they knew he was harassing and assaulting women. the folks in CNN were a bunch of pussies too afraid to come forward. they were basically covering for the monster. it was the pro-magas in fox news who ignited the ME-TOO movement. the anti-magas scrambled but all they could dig up are a porn star and a very weak evidence of rape by trump, which pales in comparison to bill clinton's rape allegations. hollywood is so embarrassed at the exposure of their hypocricy to the point that none of them wants to host an award show anymore (

the reason magas forgive trump for bragging he grabbed women's pussies is because it's pretty much the kind of stuff guys say in bars or while playing golf. so it was just guy talk unlike clinton who literally stuck a cigar inside a young intern's vagina in the oval office. what is unforgivable is PEDOPHILIA. therefore, what anti-magas should keep showing is the following picture:

the problem is the most powerful anti-maga are the CLINTONS and they are afraid magas might retaliate with this:

allegedly, trump was a customer of EPSTEIN. epstein trafficked underage girls and women with master's degrees which he hooks up with billionaires for marriage. allegedly, trump met his wife melania through epstein's human trafficking business. anti-trumpers should share this video to reveal to the world that baron trump is a product of human trafficking: "He's Not Being Honest!" - What's Elon Musk's Connection To Jeffrey Epstein? the video also traces elon musk's ties with epstein. 

anti-magas usually show off SCANDINAVIAN countries such as norway, sweden, and denmark as their models for their humane ideals. but even the scandinavian countries are starting to realize they too are maga because they are now deporting their migrants:

magas are not some fringe crazy people that the mainstream media try to portray. in fact, the GOATS (greatest of all time) of the popular sports are magas or at least not anti-magas. these goats are loved by millions of people. in the anti-maga world, if you don't openly condemn trump, then you are considered maga. michael jordan is loved by maga because of his "magas buy shoes too" mantra. the goat of golf jack nicklaus openly supports trump. the most powerful puncher in history mike tyson openly supports trump. the anti-magas found a way to foolishly align the goat of tennis djokovic as maga for his anti-vax stance. what's eerie is that djokovic bravely stood up to the power elites and was willing to give up the goat crown after being disqualified in the australian open for not being vaccinated. but then he won 2 more majors and is now the undisputed goat.

the goat of nfl tom brady was caught with a maga hat in his locker. when brady was considered washed up and shipped to a losing team, he miraculously won 1 more superbowl. i think it's trump's LUCKY CHARM because the mavs just got clobbered in the nba finals and their owner mark cuban is very anti-maga. i wanna say i'm just cherry picking but it's so eerie that anti-trump prophets always seem to go down one after another without trump even lifting a finger. michael avenatti is serving a 19 year prison sentence. alec baldwin got arrested for punching someone over a parking spot. he did not heed the karma warning and continued to mock trump so he later accidentally shot someone on set and is now being charged with involuntary manslaughter. micheal cohen served a 3 year prison sentence, and fani willis' corruption got exposed. fauci's lies have also been exposed and there are now lots of strong evidence that could land him in prison. keith olbermann has faded out of the picture. cnn and msnbc's ratings continue to plummet. new york times and the washington post are losing tons of money. chris cuomo, don lemon, and brian stelter got fired from cnn. mehdi hasan and trevo noah lost their lucrative jobs. governor andrew cuomo had to resign because it was found out he sexually harassed women.

meanwhile, prophets who tend to align with MAGA are overwhelmed with SUCCESS. examples are rogan, tucker, and pbd. the presidential candidate of argentina, milei, was demonized for saying good things about trump and he was dubbed as the "argentinian trump". but instead he won the election. and now economists and experts are shocked and impressed at argentina's improvements under the argentinian trump . i don't think it's luck. i think the reason is because most people are maga.

GUTFELD is less talented than other talk show host but he is the king of late night. maybe it's because he is the only pro-maga while all other talk shows are anti-maga. but i think the gutfeld show is a scam. the reason it has high ratings is because many anti-magas watch it. anti-magas consider the gutfeld show a suspense thriller. anti-magas believe gutfeld is a racist. of course gutfeld has to be a racist because he is a republican (why would you not believe the people in cnn and msnbc who have oxford and harvard degrees?). there has to come a time when gutfeld will slip up and show his true racist colors and he will have a falling out with tyrus. every time tyrus is absent from the show, which happens often, anti-magas would start celebrating with cocktail parties because they believe gutfeld finally said something racist which angered tyrus, only to be disappointed when they learn tyrus just went on a vacation. also, many people tune in to gutfeld only to hear kat timpf's laughter. i have a compilation of kat timpf's laughter and i listen to them while driving.

if trump has a lucky charm, why did he lose the 2020 election? actually, if he wins in 2024, losing in 2020 would be the LUCKIEST thing to happen to him. as i said the ECONOMY is just a cycle so inflation would still be very high right now even if trump won in 2020. so his "good economy" record would have been tarnished with a bad economy on his second term. the WAR in ukraine and israel would still have happened so his "no wars started" record would have been also tarnished. rampant CRIME that is ravaging democrat run cities right now would still have happened because the president or the federal government has no jurisdiction on enforcing state laws.

if trump won in 2020, he would have gone down as the most racist president in history for closing the BORDER because we would never have had a point of comparison on what really happens if we don't secure the border. the situation has gotten so bad right now to the point that even democrats are the ones crying to secure the border.

if trump won in 2020, he would have participated in pushing to VACCINATE children and those who already had covid. he would have been branded as just another puppet of the biotech and pharmaceutical oligarchs because it is now proven it was not necessary to vax children and those who already had covid. he would have been on the wrong side of history because now it is scientifically proven that vaccinated people can still be a transmitter. it would have been the anti-magas cheering when djokovic sealed his GOAT crown. instead, it was the pro-magas cheering for djokovic.

even if a MONKEY wins the 2024 presidential election, the economy would still recover because as i said, it's just a cycle. the wars in ukraine and israel would probably end. americans including the anti-magas are now fed up with the rampant crime so even if a monkey wins in 2024, the democrats would still be forced to be stricter in enforcing the laws. so it would seem like everything was good under trump. then trump loses the election and everything goes bad. then trump becomes president again everything is good again. but i think the same thing would happen even if trump is a monkey and biden is the smartest person in the world. trump is just someone who is always at the right place at the right time.

FREEDOM is the root value of maga. the objective to stop unnecessary wars is really just a branch in the tree of freedom because it balances the budget and lessens the need to raise taxes less taxes means more freedom to choose what you want to do with your hard earned income. the reason freedom is controversial is because it competes with other moral virtues.

magas want the freedom to own GUNS, but anti-magas think legalizing guns is more dangerous. i don't know who is right or wrong. the only thing i'm sure of is that trump is the only fascist dictator in the history of mankind who wants everyone to own guns. in the philippines, it is legal to carry a gun and it's not really an issue therefore filipinos are maga.

the freedom to not take the covid VACCINE can also be dangerous because you could end up killing someone else. although it is now proven that a vaccinated person can still be a transmitter, we did not know yet at that time. anti-vaxxers are not smart for getting it right. they just got lucky their GUESS turned out to be correct.

trump's operation WARP SPEED on the vaccines was a smart decision. it helped the pharma companies produce the vaccines much earlier. it was ONLY PFIZER who did not take government funding to develop the vaccine, but pfizer now admits they benefited immensely from the guaranteed government purchase of the vaccines. knowing something you are producing will be sold out immediately is always a big help. even the anti-trump news outlet vox agrees it was a huge success:

after doing lots of research, i can say that the high COVID DEATH rates in the US was mainly due to the high obesity rate. hospitals never reached full capacity. nobody was turned away from hospitals, even the uninsured. if you read the articles on why the US had higher death rates compared to other countries, most of them say trump was to blame. however, the articles were written before the facts, or before the studies were conducted. if you read the articles written after the studies were conducted, none of them say trump was to blame. even the supposedly anti-trump outlets such as pbs: ironically, studies show that it was the covid hero of the anti-magas governor cuomo who made "unnecessary and significant mistakes":, note these articles are from anti-maga or anti-trump news outlets.

trump's mistake was not taking the virus seriously in the beginning. but so did the scientists in the WHO who initially said covid cannot be transmitted from human to human and there is no need to wear masks: strong evidence now shows that masks cannot help prevent the spread of covid. there are studies that show it helps but they are nonrandomized studies and flawed observational studies. i actually learned this from CNN. just watch the following video clip from cnn:

studies show that most of the preventable deaths were due to lack of VACCINATION. but it was the magas who were anti-vaxxers, not trump. the magas even booed trump after he encouraged them to take the vaccine.

the guardian published an article blaming trump for 40% of the deaths. it points the lack of HEALTCARE COVERAGE as the main reason. but trump offered free health coverage for all covid patients during the pandemic. the article implies that trump is INDIRECTLY responsible for the preventable deaths because he opposed universal or single payer healthcare. however, joe biden and literally all the presidents in the history of the united states also opposed universal healthcare. even obama opposed universal healthcare.

even anti-magas are anti universal healthcare. in countries that have successful universal healthcare, it is a REQUIREMENT that strict REGULATIONS be imposed to force people to be healthy. but when new york started banning supersized soda drinks, the anti-magas were the first to oppose the measure. trump is actually a good role model for healthy lifestyle because he does not smoke and drink. i think america is catching on to trump's healthy lifestyle because they are taking mounjaro and ozempic so that they will lose their craving for alcohol and junk food. that's why the stocks of alcoholic beverage companies are crashing.

biden and the puppets of the warmongers said trump told americans to inject or drink BLEACH. but that's not true. here are the facts: besides, studies show that no one really drank bleach: if anyone did drink bleach it would be joe biden's fault for falsely telling americans that trump said so. besides, even if you did not drink bleach but you are the type who drinks bleach just because trumps says so, you would probably be a darwin awardee at some point in your life anyway (

trump did promote IVERMECTIN. however, at that time, there were no studies that proved ivermectin was ineffective in treating and preventing covid. and many doctors were prescribing it and saying it was effective. ivermectin dosage for humans does not kill so it was a good call. even before covid, human grade ivermectin was already safely taken by BILLIONS of humans. in the stock trading world, it's called zero downside, potential upside. there were no studies yet proving it's ineffectiveness. if trump said to take ivermectin instead of the vaccine, then you can say trump was responsible for many of the covid deaths. but trump was also touting the vaccines. 

according to this cnn article, the FDA even had to SETTLE a LAWSUIT by doctors who claimed their practice was harmed because of the fda's tweet saying "“You are not a horse. You are not a cow. Serious y’all. Stop It.”: it's true that fda has not approved ivermectin to treat covid. but the fda has also authorize doctors to prescribe ivermectin to treat covid. this means ivermectin is not lethal and trump is not directly responsible for the ivermectin related deaths. 

however, i think trump is INDIRECTLY responsible for the ivermectin related deaths because he did not warn people not to order ANIMAL GRADE ivermectin over the internet. i also think the fda and the puppets of the evil warmongers are partly responsible because they should have at least educated people that if they do take ivermectin, to make sure it's not the animal grade. but they were too focused in destroying trump and the magas so they tried to make it look like there was only the ivermectin for horses. so those ordering over internet thought the horse grade they were ordering was the same one joe rogan was taking. here's a video of CNN's chief medical correspondent dr. sanjay gupta acknowledging that cnn should not have lied about rogan taking horse de-wormer:

even former star host of CNN chris cuomo, who once SHAMED people for taking ivermectin, now admits he is taking ivermectin because he has long covid: i suspected this article was fake so i watched the video in youtube and verified it is true: "You Should Apologize" - Joe Rogan Vindicated in Heated Debate Over COVID Coverage

(in the morning when my brain is fresh my writing is greg gutfeldy but late at night when my brain is tired my writing is chris cuomoey. chris cuomo is actually smart. he figured he can make lots of money by turning himself into a maga punching bag. or maybe it was PBD's idea. only PBD can come up with such brilliant ideas).

at first i thought it was unfair for the magas to demonize FAUCI. i thought fauci was just a scientist who made honest mistakes. i even forgive him for trying to cover up the funding for the gain of function research in wuhan and his lies about social distancing and the corona virus not coming from the lab. i even forgive him for thinking we are too stupid to believe that the virus came from a bat that just happened to be near a lab that was experimenting coronaviruses on bats. even anti-maga jon stewart had to come on the anti-maga stephen colbert show to expose the obvious lies: Jon Stewart On Vaccine Science And The Wuhan Lab Theory. i forgive fauci because i would have done all that if i were in his shoes.

fauci's unforgivable sin was he allowed himself and his position to be used as a POLITICAL WEAPON by the evil warmongers. he demonized those that questioned him and called them RACISTS even if he knew he was the one lying. he should have argued in a more respectful way considering half the country were trump supporters. he knew damn well that the that only reason he became a star celebrity is because he was criticizing trump. he should have told the country to stop using him and his position as a political weapon, especially that those who were using him were evil warmongers. he should have respectfully declined invitations that tried to place him on a pedestal in an effort to antagonize half of he country. an example was when he threw the first pitch in a baseball game. anti-trump leftist and highly respected intellectual eric weinstein says it best in the following video clip:

i think fauci thought he could get away with all his unethical behavior as long as he continued to hurt trump politically. he thought the powerful evil warmongers can protect him. this is why i think fauci should go to PRISON to set an example that people should think twice before helping the evil warmongers who are destroying america and the world. it sends a message that people should not assume they can get away with any crime just because they are on the same team as the powerful evil warmongers. sam bankman-fried thought he could get away with defrauding investors because he donated $40 million to the democrats but now he is serving a 25 year prison sentence.

people need to know the only real POWER the evil warmongers have is money to buy politicians and grifters in the media. they do have puppets in the CIA and FBI (deep state). but the cia and fbi also have lots of good people who would love to be a whistleblower. whistleblowers exposed the conspiracy between the fbi and the media to blatantly lie to the public that hunter's laptop was just russian misinformation. 

the hunter laptop could have swayed the election. this means although there is no evidence that the election cheating by the democrats affected the outcome of the elections, there is clear and concrete evidence the elections are RIGGED against trump. johnny harris is an anti-maga journalist who i trust. i believe all the facts that johnny harris says. in his youtube video "the problem with elon musk" (, johnny confirms that there was a conspiracy between the CIA and twitter to hide the truth about the hunter biden laptop. although in the video, johnny harris is still doing a little bit of propaganda because he failed to give weight on the facts. equating elon's actions against free speech with that of the the old twitter is like equating a person who committed 10 shoplifting crimes to a person who committed 9 shoplifting crimes and 1 murder.

johnny harris is like jon stewart. they do thousands of things that are anti-establishment just so they can show people they are against the evil warmongers. but where it MATTERS the MOST, they do something that is very beneficial to the evil warmongers. jon stewart and johnny harris are perfect trojan horses for the evil and corrupt establishment. it's like they are just pinching the evil monster hundreds of times to show people they are against the evil monster. but when the opportunity comes when they can deliver a serious blow, they hold back. unlike former anti trumpers rfk, tulsi gabbard, matt taibi, elon musk, glen greenwald, etc ... 

it is a verifiable fact that the debate questions were leaked in advance to hillary during the 2016 presidential debate so hillary can better prepare. that in itself is already mind blowing. there is now solid evidence that the democrats were spying on trump's campaign and the white house. mark zuckerberg and big tech now admits they were working against trump. i know many filipinos who were enraged at election fraud and media control by the marcos dictatorship but are now tolerating the election frauds and media control by the evil warmongers.

but not everyone can be bought. many in the MILITARY will side with the magas instead of the evil warmongers. especially that the anti-magas and puppets of the evil warmongers in the mainstream media go out of their way to smear the police and military. example is their hoax about a border patrol whipping a migrant. the anti-magas insulted the police force by advocating to defund the police. even if the evil warmongers have the fighter jets, they still need fuel, tools, mechanics, drivers to deliver spare parts, etc... an entire airbase can be paralyzed by simply preventing food supplies from coming in. 

but the deep state does exist. the hunter biden laptop cover up proves this. the cia's false report that trump was allowing the russians to pay iraqi operatives to assassinate US troops proves it. these had huge impact on the 2020 elections. it was WATERGATE scandal in STEROIDS except nobody was held accountable. this is why it is so stupid for the anti-magas to scare americans that trump will refuse to leave the white house. it is an insult to the military because you are implying there is nothing the military can do about it. obviously elements of the deep state will be very happy to put TRUMP in HANDCUFFS and escort him out of the white house. trump has no avenger superpowers. 

although the deep state and evil warmongers are more corrupt than ever, they are actually much less powerful compared to the past. i think it's because the cold war is over so the talents are now in the private sector and it's just the hacks who work for the deep state. gone are the days when they can get away with assassinating JFK. the deep state isn't really that powerful because it took just 1 girl to take down jeffrey epstein. according to eric weinstein, jeffrey epstein was probably an ASSET of the evil warmongers. nobody really knew where epstein's money came from or how he was able to afford the private island and private jet. his investment firm was just a front. there are no records of his firm making that much money. allegedly, the evil warmongers were able to get enough votes in the senate to invade iraq because they blackmailed the senators who had sex with epstein's underaged girls. 

i will end where i started. magas want LOWER TAXES because it gives them the freedom to choose what they do with their hard earned money. however, anti-magas want to pay 50% taxes so that the government will have more money to help the poor. this is what's going on in canada and successful scandinavian countries like denmark, norway, and sweden. but if you don't want to give 50% of your hard earned money to the poor, you are maga. magas are not necessarily greedy people. they simply believe their taxes will only be wasted on government corruption instead of helping the poor.

however, scandinavians are not necessarily anti-maga. as i said, maga is a synonym for common sense. common sense dictates that policies should be a CASE BY CASE basis. in some countries, it may make sense to have 50% tax. in some countries, 50% tax may help the poor short term but causes everyone to suffer poverty long term. this is what happened in greece. scandinavian countries have budget surplus. where it matters the most, scandinavians have achieved the ultimate MAGA DREAM. anti-magas also want to balance the government budget. the difference is anti-magas want to balance the budget by RAISING TAXES on the rich while pro-magas want to balance the budget by DRAINING the SWAMP and ending costly and unnecessary wars.

anti-magas are constantly destroying their narrative because they keep shouting AMERICA is an EVIL and corrupt country. so anti-magas are basically saying they want their hard earned money to be managed by corrupt and evil people. isn't that crazy? if you are anti-maga, just ask yourself why you are not calling to cut wasteful government spending and ending the costly and unnecessary wars?

i frequently meet scandinavians when i go backpacking. they tell me they are happy to pay 50% of their income to THEIR government. but when i asked them if they would still want to pay 50% of their income to the government if they live and work in AMERICA, their answer is always a resounding NO. they believe americans are too corrupt to be trusted with their hard earned money. this means scandinavians are also maga. i wrote 2 dissertations about this:,

(for more of my knowledge bombs, click the "ian's knowledge bombs" banner at the top of this article and choose any article in the table of contents that piques your interest)