Monday, August 26, 2024

table of contents

 i hope everything i'm writing here is just garbage because one of the things that make me sad is when something VALUABLE gets WASTED. so if what i'm writing here is not valuable, it can't be wasted therefore there is nothing for me to worry about.

top articles (photos and videos)

health and safety

investing and finance






US politics



philosophy and religion

home and auto




i enjoy writing for my imaginary readers. also it allows my consciousness or a virtual part of me to exist and float in cyberspace long after i'm gone. anyone can read my blog and it's like they are talking to me. it's just a 1 way conversation but my blog attempts to anticipate the responses and addresses them. whether my blog is good or bad, useful or useless, life has taught me these things don't really matter. i won't trade it for the world.

but the biggest reason why i write is:

just in case it might help someone

when someone reads my blog, IT DOES NOT BENEFIT ME. my mom told me to shorten my writings so that people will read it. i told her if i shorten my writings, it will be incomplete and useless. she said but at least people will read it. i told her the reason why i write is: just in case it might help someone. if i have a charismatic personality or i have a high status in society and i'm admired by lots of people, then i can help people by writing a few words of inspiration and cliches. i can even just post in facebook, "i'm sleepy, goodnight everyone" and it will lift up the spirits of hundreds of friends and family who are going through difficulties. it will get hundreds of likes and spark long pleasant conversations. 

solutions to problems are just as important as words of comfort and motivation. i'm just a moron but i think maybe complicated problems require solutions that require lots and lots of words to describe. an uneducated vegetable vendor in the slums will need to say lots of words to albert einstein warning him of the dangers if he uses the toilet in the dangerous slum. and maybe give directions to a restroom in a safer area. the uneducated vegetable vendor may need to describe various options such as having a cop or tanod accompany him for a small tip. or if einstein just wants to urinate, maybe he can just pee behind the trees. 

when my friends tell me they will only read my writings if i shorten it, that would be like einstein telling the vegetable vendor "i will only listen to you if you use only a few words". i know i'm a bad writer. i have poor grammar and spelling. but not reading what i write COULD be like einstein refusing to listen to the vegetable vendor because the vegetable vendor has poor grammar. it's not the vegetable vendor who will get mugged or stabbed if einstein does not listen. not all important information in this world are written in books and scientific journals. maost china was governed by a council of experts, each with multiple phd's, who were dedicated to helping their country. yet their decisions lead to millions dying in famine. but when they dispersed the decision making to the uneducated farmers, productivity improved and there was no more famine.

i understand human nature precludes us from listening or following people who don't have likeable personalities regardless of the merits of their message. 4 years before the covid-19 pandemic, bill gates was going around warning the world that a very deadly pandemic has a very high probability of happening and we only need to spend less than $100 million to build the infrastructure around the world that can immediately stop the virus in it's tracks (you can search his speeches in youtube). bill gates is not likeable maybe because of his dorky look. if bill gates had a likeable personality like clinton or obama, enough people would have listened to him and covid-19 would not have been able to spread. but then again, it was not bill gates who died or suffered the loss of a love one due to covid. but maybe all the sufferings from covid was still less painful compared to the pain of having to listen or follow an unlikeable person like bill gates. 

if you say my writings are too long, a taxi driver would say the same thing about college - 4 years is too long. well sure you could shorten an engineering degree to a 2 year vocational but it won't make you an engineer. my writings are actually too short relative to it's POTENTIAL value in people's lives. example, with my political writings, you spend 1 hour reading but save thousands of hours that would have been wasted watching CNN and fox news that only deteriorates your spirit and makes your soul dark and angry. of course my writings are not for everyone, just like college is not for everyone.

i'm not saying my writings are great. what i'm saying is, it's not the length or even the writing skills that matter. it's the value of the message. there is no such thing as a free lunch. great rewards can only come with great sacrifices. a college degree requires 4 years. if you want to become a better person in terms of political views and expression, you need to spend some time and effort reading my blog. we don't learn by facts alone. we need to feel it and the only way to feel something is to know the context or background which can take long for me to illustrate with words. humans don't act according to facts and knowledge alone. humans act according to feelings or emotions. serial killers know murder is wrong but they can't help it. our political views mostly comes from emotions yet we pretend our political views are based on our knowledge and logic.

i regularly update the articles as time goes by. so for example, i might mention an event that happened in 2020 in a 2014 article.

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